What do nationalists even believe?

What do nationalists even believe?
"Nations" constantly changes people die, culture shift lands are just dirt
There is nothing to love or be proud of

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Begone faggot rootless cosmopolitan consumerist kike

>It is not for ideas that we live!
>Not for theories!
>Not for fantastic party programs!
>We live and fight for the German people!
>For the preservation of its existence!

The Truth Shall Triumph

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>a fucking leaf
kill yourself retard.

>t. "it's all just relative, goyim" pilpul jew
College educated whites, including women, went Trump... something the media and shills try to bury.

"Muh suburban retards" is a shill myth. Urban areas went Hillary ONLY due to their black and hispanic populations. The college educated vote demographics Hillary won was ONLY from blacks and hispanics. See pic related.

Hillary also only got 37% of the overall white vote.


We are at a point now where it's white people vs everyone else (jews, immigrants, blacks, radicals etc.)

Just look at the demographics vs counties won.

It's time for any of that 37% out there to wake the fuck up as to what is really going on.

Time is short.




The country can easily be saved if we do just those 3 things.

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Based Canadian

>There is nothing to love or be proud of
Only third worlders say that.
Bottom scourge that feels nothing for abandoning their nations

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Cyprus belongs to Turkey

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Shut the fuck up bitch and show me your papers.

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D&C shill

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Go away, rabbi.

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>dude, just kill yourself, everyone dies eventually. There's no need for a self-preservation instinct.

I believe in masturbating 5 times a day, always in the same T-Shirt. The trick is never to wash that icky T-Shirt, and once a year you wear that shirt to a Gay pride Parade and have a some trannies eat the dry cum off it. Then rince, repeat.

This is my nationalism. White. Fucking. Power.

The nationalists agree that OP is a faggot.

Fuck you, Fed.

Why the meme flag? Fuck you hiding tranny? Show your drivers license bitch.

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Nice talking points

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Humanity would sink into eternal darkness, it would fall into a dull and primitive state, were the Jews to win this war.

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They are the incarnation of that destructive force that in these terrible years has guided the enemy war leadership in a fight against all that we see as noble, beautiful, and worth keeping.

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Posting your gay lover won't get me to show my flag you queer.

Goebbels' Last Anti-Semitic Essay

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Go Fuck yourself memeflaggot. The take dodger has a point.

>nation = country goyim
Nation is the people. Now fuck off VPN kike.

>What do nationalists even believe?
lurk moar

You better show that shit

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The land is as much a part of you as you are of it. Your people are your extended family. By hurting them, you not only hurt yourself, but everyone around you in the long run. By allowing members of other families to come into your home, steal your things to send to their families, rape your sisters and daughters, kill your sons and brothers, what does that say about you?

Some ideologies tell you what reality should be (i.e., how we should live our lives) but others tell you what reality is. An example of the former is modern day Christianity, and an example of the latter is the old Roman Catholic Church, which insisted that the sun revolved around the earth. The ideologists who tell us what reality is typically insist that it must be that way and become quite agitated when reality doesn’t behave the way it is supposed to, and angry at those who disturb their equanimity by pointing this out to them. Egalitarianism is such an ideology. It holds that all populations are genetically equal, but when reality refuses to cooperate, its adherents desperately insist that it must be so, that somehow a reality in which it is not so is not possible.

There is no doubt that whites, in their own homelands, could not be vanquished by other races, if they only believed in their own right to exist and had the will to resist. It is their own conscience, their own decency, that has brought them down. What better way is there to destroy an enemy with a conscience than to convince him that he is the cause of the misery of others and therefore should not survive? Whites have been convinced that they are evil – responsible for the poverty and suffering of others, the destruction of the environment, and the carnage of wars. Even the crimes that other races commit against whites are blamed on whites – those crimes are excused as justifiable reactions to the racism of whites. An unexpressed, but critical, thought in the mind of a white about a non-white is a thought crime – proof that whites oppress other races. Both mentally and physically, whites have been demonized, demoralized, and disarmed by the relentless self-serving anger of non-whites and their fifth column allies, white egalitarians. Since non-whites gain from the defeat of the whites, there is no one who can or will save whites but themselves.

Fuck you too mutt, there's nothing special about spamming threads.


Audit the Fed
Gas the jews

Trump is a kike puppet though

Are there populations living today that, unlike most whites, try to preserve themselves? Yes, there are. In fact, every other population on the planet believes in its own goodness and tries to preserve itself, but the population that has done so most effectively is, perhaps surprisingly, the European Jews. They strongly discourage marriage to non-Jews, nor do they proselytize to bring non-Jews into their genetic fold. They have strong in-group amity and out-group enmity, a dual morality that is supported and justified by their religious rules, the Talmud, and they support policies for white countries (multiculturalism, open immigration, miscegenation, civil rights) that weaken and divide their out-group, the non-Jews. They encourage their daughters to marry the most intelligent Jews and have many children, thereby raising their average IQ to the highest of any population. They have many cultural practices that increase group coherence, including their own religion, language, holidays, rituals, and even humor. They have their own clubs and organizations, even one for keeping Jewish criminals out of jail (the “Alternative Sentencing Proposals” of the ALEPH Institute). Were whites to emulate the European Jews, they would be unstoppable.

did this guy ever address why he's being so overt about this or...? this is sloppy even for kikes

Nations change if you let them.
Peoples die out if you let them.
Cultures shift if you let them.

Young Mana Shikimiya once had big dreams, but she set those dreams aside once she reached middle school in order to live a normal life. When Mana joins the Singing and Dancing Club of Homareboshi Academy to help save the group from being shut down, her dreams of stardom are rekindled. She’ll give it her all to win the Prism Stage competition and be named the top idol. With her friends beside her, there are no dreams too big!

>Blood & Honour - The Way Forward
>Blood & Honour Field Manual
this scares the fuck out of (((them)))

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>muh nihilism
just kys then if it doesnt matter

Is attack on titan based? why was all the MSM trashing it as alt right?

>"Nations" constantly changes

Literal retard spotted, somebody get the gas

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overt about what you stupid jew.

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then you wont mind if we take yours. I hear your beaches are nice. Please move out or get pillaged.
You are fine with this scenario