Just from browsing this site I've noticed a huge correlation between racism and incest fetishes and it probably means exactly what you think: nativism and xenophobia lead to wanting to breed with your closest relatives.
Just from browsing this site I've noticed a huge correlation between racism and incest fetishes and it probably means...
t. jew projecting
That's good, isn't it? Royal families did that a lot
>nativism and xenophobia
you misspelled islam.
better to breed with someone that you know and it is similar to you than some random dude with foreign origins
Filthy harlot
Bollocks. The only correlation you'll find here is that white nationalism and a desire to preserve our race coincides with fetishes for Asian and black women.
You're a lying sack of shit. There is no correlation, ANTIFA tranny piece of shit.
>has a decent looking body
>covers it in ugly tattoos
>cuts her hair to unfeminine lengths
Correlation =/= causation.
living around beaners and blacks leads to not leaving the house
>a huge correlation between racism and incest fetishes
no you havent. faggot.
Its very good.
One of the final red pills is learning that incest is actually the highest forms of breeding and produces the healthiest, most intelligent offspring. The inbred hillbilly propaganda is a psyop. They want to diminish the white man by convincing him not to mate with his sisters and cousins.
How sad are you?
She looks awful. Why do white women do this?
Shouldn't browsing this site make you notice that there are a lot of racist dudes who would bang trannies? The LGBT community is responsible for the resurgence of national socialism tbqh imo
Pretty sad, but not yet sunk to the level of posting appalling threads from behind meme flags
damn never thought i'd see an asian girl who i didn't wanna smash
I thought we could do gene splicing low key already
that pic would be worth saving if not for her tats.
Io is a cute you're probably just a faggot.
Meh, I like a bit of meat on the bones.
Just another basic gook bitch.
Based joshi chad
>meme flag
Vade retro satana, nunquam suade mihi vana
Sunt mala quae libas, ipse venena bibas.
Bit racist that m8
Quite antiscientific and anecdotal.
Are you perchance, a faggot?
first time on this site, bonger?
She looks like Bobby Lee with boobs and I think you need to start being honest with yourself.
Just arrived from ebaumsworld m8. Is this how things work round here? It's not on - where are the moderators?
incest is only a problem after several generations of inbreeding, fucking your sister is in fact quite hot, and it honors your father and mother by ensuring that she doesn't get taken by some gigachad that doesn't care a fuck about her
It's not the bongs fault. pic related is a 10/10 bong woman.
A Chinaman making crass statements against a Japanese person. Quelle surprise
Nice teeth on her
Deal with it.
I bet you voted for that rotten Drumpf chap
I'd have voted for your mum but she wouldn't get off my knob.
Racism is in virtually every thread.
Incest is rare and might be in one Shareblue Approved© thread per day.
>2¢ has been removed from your account.
you already tried posting this you low iq nigger
how long is it gonna take for you to realize that posting counterpoints from an ideological memeflag doesnt fucking work?
I've noticed the same correlation in Jews. Didnt Dunham molest her own sister?
>Greta thunberg used as pawn
>silence from Jews
That face...
wow do bongers even know what a pretty woman looks like?
OK she has a nice ass but that face is a 4 at best.
just from reading this post i can tell your a shill
Also middle eastern girls.
Any man who doesn't want to fuck his daughters is a closeted faggot. Daughter are made for daddy to fuck. It is a biological fact that daughters exist as a sexual replacement for their mothers.
Oh my. Those thighs...
Correlation is not causation and you'll have to show your methodology and data.
just use reverse image search you retarded mutt
Step 1: Go to the rope store
Step 2: Go to the stool store
Step 3: You know what to do next meme flaggot
>probably means exactly what you think: nativism and xenophobia lead to wanting to breed with your closest relatives.
There could be some truth in this. I had a huge crush upon a grill who literally looked like me but made female with faceapp.
Everything on this site is satire. Stop trying to apply science to it.
>high consanguinity rates
>white people
pick one and not 2 faglord
Fuck off, newfag.
>a grill who literally looked like me but made female with faceapp
Was she your sister?
The fuck
hahahaha, just like presidenté Trump
You haven't seen Shattered Allegiance? Well, it's nota good film but it has Lia so her scenes are good. Is back before she became a gross ugly old bitch.
Braaap hog Asians are best Asians.
I like you
I tried and no luck fellow retarded mutt
what's this cow's name?
There's a pic of her and she's all tatted up.
This lady's name is Io Shirai
So you admit the board is owned by israel btw jews run Jow Forums and literal mossad operates it
seek help, faggot
Kys, memeflag
>Low quality b8
My only fetish is for big fat asses like the one in the OP.
~20 degree leg crook. didn't know it was humanly possible unless downie. Also her legs are about the same as her torso in size. creatura desu