TDS 484 discussion thread

Opinions, bantz, shit flinging and more if you got em post em here

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Other urls found in this thread:

paykagz please

TDS as in The Daily Stormer?

Ever wondered how many problems would disapear from your life if you just had sex

Well the Jews wont go away, so very little.

The Dick Show*

Less than if all kikes offed themselves.

>heebs unironically think that problems just disappear with sex
>proving heebs are themselves celibate

Gibbinzee deutch?

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You arent making it any easier, Goldburg.

one of my biggest problems in life is because i did

I had sex and it resulted in a pregnancy. Now I have the additional problem of having to keep people from trying to cut off his wiener after he pops out.
Please advise, Shlomo.

Trump Derangement Syndrome

-Disease that manifests within a Trump supporter's brain
-Known effects are belief in alternative realities and numerous conspiracy theories
-If confronted, or fact-checked, someone suffering from TDS will first attempt to deflect blame to someone else before melting down in a fit of rage

accurate picture

You were supposed to have sex with a women

Hey my children will need goyim to serve them too when they grow up so its your duty to reproduce to assure israel's future

i did, that's what started the problem

Paylords I call upon ye

why not have goy kids so they can do shit for themselves instead of lazy niggers that need help with every single thing?

A bump for a good goy.

Please post.

That grass isn't going to cut itself.


you know it's funny seeing lines like this
i literally got sick of seeing you retards shill it so i said "you know what, fuck it. i'll go see if they're right".
>download tinder
>match with a 7/10 qt
>pick her up, take her to nice restaurant
>eat yummy food
>late at night now, walk to the beach
>one thing leads to another we're fucking
>lose virginity.exe
>we're now FWB about once or twice a week

all things considered it was fun, yeah, but seriously it's overrated.
Why do you get such a thrill out of constantly saying that line? I doubt you've ever been laid yourself lmfao

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Rent for 3 years.

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What would a genderswapped TDS look like?
>Michelle Peinovna the thicc Nordic valkyrie with unusually dark features
>Jessie Svenzig the gracefully aging multi-talented goth girl
>Alexandra McNabb the athletic Scottish nurse with multiple body modifications

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First we need to remove (((them))) so our progeny never falls victim to their wickedness.
>110 FTW

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Bumpin'. Where you at, Dirlewanger?

Remove (((them))) from our Homelands and then have a family not just sex ,hedonism and decadence that only leads us to degenerate destruction of our self's and our European civilization.

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post the link PayNigs. I'm depressed and ready to hide in my room and listen to TRS

Can't believe McNabb called his wife a niggerbitch on air. What a mad lad

all you think about is sex and filth.

Attached: This+pepe+is+from+the+ultra+rare+series+.jpg (334x750, 43K)

I had sex recently and all it did was make me want more sex.

Payfriends! Please gib link, I need my fix!

>Not even 5 minutes in to show
>McNabb's Skype connection drops
>Returns and his baby cries in to microphone

A lot of my life's problems have resulted from having sex with the wrong women.

>fat catlady detected.

Why? He clearly has an extra chromosome.

Fat yenta catlady, can’t forget that important detail


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Bumping again. Cool pic OP, but you should have went with show template. I almost missed thread entirely.


Also bump for paychads to hook up the mixtape.

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Ever wondered how many lives would be saved if israel opened its borders

>he missed the episode where mcnabb started screaming about the ebola/aids ridden niggers in his area
>literally grabbed a full auto ak on stream said "listen up lock boyce im cleaning all the niggers out of ebola alley tonight, this is how emergency response and rescue should do thing in america you little punk bitch and i'll say it again at your next little faggy grandstand special"


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Hey kid...

Only one.

Nice. Now if I could just get this merged with a similar archive of Morrakiu's stuff.


plz gib jass jesse too payfren

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pls give the link PayCommrades

Found Alex. Nobody likes you or your faggy ears, dude. You don't have a face for radio, you've got a face for a closed casket funeral. You're ugly, your takes are ice-cold, you aren't funny at all, and you're obviously pussywhipped or you'd tell your bitch to watch that fucking brat during the ahow so he doesn't slobber all over the microphone. Admittedly, I'd rather listen to him than you, but in a perfect world you'd both just fuck off.

>face for radio

Icey Ways tho...

Can you please post so I don't have to read hasbara posts

pls gib paychads

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Paykings deliver the episode pls

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Paygoys pls, I need the link for research

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The literal Happy Merchant himself.

Also paykangz we need you.

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Paykings, I implore you, please help us to remain updated on the goings on of the world

Please paybros

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top kek

just post the link please

Praise be upon the PayLords

Post please. Do it for the rare flag.

Can we get a link up in this here thread thanks

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I kind of agree. More sex should mean more white children but people like you invented birth control and promote abortions for young, healthy women.

Paycuc...Paykings please post link.

Can a literal nigger get last nights Jazz and Jesse perchance? Bix Nood ooga Booga.

So much rage over some guy with a happy family, user. Who cares about how he looks, it's radio as you said. He is a minor character. You hate him, yet you still tune in.

Does anyone have all the white hot takes songs jazzhands did?

second this

is the bumper music in that list?

If someone finds me an archive of all the white hot takes songs, I'll post all the recent paywall stuff.

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Time to deliver

Paykamis gibsusdat, onegai shimasu~

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Gib J&J & TDS

Is there a right stuff app?

Dumb question pls no bully

checked and delivered. Can you do the last Mike and the Mad... Guy too?

I didn't think anyone would deliver. How do I upload episodes from mobile?

Which app is this?

That's just podcast addict and their RSS feed

Kikes use sexually degeneracy to lower you to an animal.

Working on throwing all the Sven, White Hot Takes & Morrakiu shit together into one big upload on too

You can upload it all to catbox
Here is a bunch of Alt Right songs and parodies.

Here is more parodies from Morrakiu

I have some White Hot Takes but Delivered all of them.

I'm trying but it's not working.

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frens, plz

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Can't you like download it and post the file somewhere? Mediafire?

Oh boy i can't wait to see what new product they will be reviewing this week

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download the file to your phone then upload it to catbox

You gotta go to on your paywall account and get the mp3's. Unless someone knows where podcast addict keeps it's downloads if they are even saved in mp3

anybody have an mp3-downloadable archive of moonman songs?