Mr. Finkelstein puts Jow Forums on notice

Hear that Jow Forums?

They're going to silence you :)

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Other urls found in this thread:

Does this motherfucker have the slightest clue how many fake jews on twitter daily every single day?

Hint: all of them.

you can't silence truth

Gonna have to shut down the internet. The truth will out. Buiggest mistake the Jew has made in modern times is to poke white people after we have done so much for them. Get ready Jew, we are awake now.

You too niggers.

Why do these faggots care if dipshits deny the Holocaust? They weren't in it

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How do you silence something if it lives on a BlockChain? There needs to be a youtube style implementation of BlockChan.

>Why BlockChan?
-Hosted on Ripple Ledger (XRPL) and can't be taken down
-Redundant backup hosted on IPFS, future Blockchains coming
-Post are immutable and can never be deleted or tampered with
-No Mods/No Jannies
-Only needs an internet connection and works even if DNS is down.
-Supports VPN/TOR
-Completely open source
-Posts can be tipped with ETH
-The only way to stop it is to take down XRP/L which is backed by a $15 Billion Marketcap
-You don't have to be a node operator or host content like on Zeronet
-Ability to Encrypt Post
-Images must be manually downloaded to prevent accidental viewing of unwanted images

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Oh no! I'm sorry Mr. Finkelstein! How many shekels will it take to make this all go away?


maybe I'm being optimistic, but I really feel like the genie is out of the bottle. I'm not saying its smooth sailing ahead - quite the opposite - but I think the jews are going to get theirs in the end. hopefully we'll all be around to see it.

>white supremacy

ugh, not this tinfoil hat conspiracy theory again... take your meds schizo

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I remember a day when I used to believe this kind of bull shit...

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I will check this out. Is it more than a market place?

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what an entitled kike.

Jews circa 2020

jews have never been more powerful than they are right now and nothing seems to suggest that this trend is about to be broken anytime soon.

Please JEWS, please, BAN US. This place is a containment zone and if didn’t exist we would organize in our communities. This place prevents anyone from actually doing anything meaningful because we can shit post all day, but imagine if we started organizing in our communities.



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It's an app. Everything works on crypto. I'm sure jews will figure out a way to jew it over.

>spend most of your time insulting jews
>be surprised when powerful jews silence you

OY VEY jews are not powerful, that's an anti-semitic canard!

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>imagine if we started organizing in our communities
Kek, roughly how many autists here you think are being hampered from doing that by this place's existence, and not by their own inherent laziness & love of comfort & convenience?
I'd heavily bet the vast majority would turn to venting by Europa Universalis mods rather than going outside & talking to vast numbers of other people IRL.

they can't

********SHUT IT DOWN******

how often have they declared war on this shit site only to go down themselves ?

Jesus, silencing a bunch of Computer nerds has caused more deaths then the hunt for Osama by this point

>pathologizing healthy members of the out-group while depathologizing their deviants in order for your in-group to thrive in their midst.


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Dont these motherfuckers know what the Striesand effect is

Oy vey

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>Daniel Finklestein uses his platform to demand that whites don't have one in their own country
Why can't normies ever see it? How long can you fight the JQ? How dumb do you have to be to have no pattern recognition? How are they able to tie their shoes and drive to work if they're that stupid? How can they operate an automobile at 75 mph but not see that it's always jews writing this?

oy vey, stop these hateful bigots

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They have taken advantage of our kindness and good nature. This much is obvious...

He can smell the coming shoah.

>jews hate white people
like pottery


the holocaust was white genocide

People telling the truth do not fear inquiry. People protecting a narrative that has led to 1.2 trillion dollars in reparations so far (while the former soviet union's victims haven't received a dime) might fear inquiry enough to try to silence people asking inconvenient questions.

this piece of shit kike had to bribe the publisher to publish this shit. He's taking a shjt. shit turd kike that is!

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Could you imagine having a last name like this? This pure shame and embarrassment every time someone tries to address you .

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finklestein more like fecal stain haha lmao lol

Same with climate shit "the science is settled stop asking questions". But to this day they try and disprove the theory of relativity and the only reason we still keep it around is because it holds up to the scrutiny. These people don't understand how science or truth works. They are anti science anti truth and are poisoning our world.
Einstein may have stolen all of his ideas but at least they were good white ideas that worked. This string theory bs and dark matter bs hasn't panned out in 50+ years it's all just kike pipe dreams.

USA is fucking utterly poisoned with victimhood worship. Everyone wants to be more oppressed than everyone else. It’s so fucked. America is a very fucked up place culturally. This is what multiculturalism is, a fucking nightmare. Maybe one day something beautiful can come from it, but it will take a long time and it will get worse before better.

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The normies are getting there, be patient.

you look at any youtube comment section for the most part and it seems that the majority of commenters are redpilled

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Good it's about time some cracked down on this endless abyss of shitposting

sounds the kikes are terrified of the truth getting out

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>silencing social media racists

just punch the air that will defeat it

>the left wants the bibble to dictate national law
Just this once :^)

Thinking they can clamp down on the internet and import endless foreigners to replace us, we will see how this plays out for them.

>-Post are immutable

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This. I just tell them I'm an atheist (is true) and I still don't see the benefit in importing unskilled, unvetted people by the millions. The key is to remain unmoved by their goalpost shifting and altruistic mind games.

>Hosted on Ripple

You can’t be fucking serious

You're so scared. It's glorious.
Good riddance, yid.

>When you tell a white man he’s not allowed to say shit, prepare to get hit by a thousand Breiviks

Keep poking the bear, see what happens.

Also, “If thoughts can’t be expressed online they cease to exist”

Sunlight is the best disinfectant and truth doesn’t fear investigation.

>You can’t be fucking serious
What other network only has a few second latency and can store something other than 32 character hashes? I'll wait

I will shitpost on postcards or smoke signals if I have to.

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Wow zoomer’s release the times is zog porn.

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You must not know who controls xrp, Jow Forums sure does

always a fucking kike jew. or is it jew kike? heeb

>pol makes fake juden accounts on twitter to wreak havoc and pull the same effect as "It's okay to be white"
>it works
honk indeed gentlemen

It won't be long now until /pol fully realizes its Power Level, far reaching Influence, and total control of this new realm of Wizardry.
Meme wisely, lads.
It's so fucking on!

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>You must not know who controls xrp, Jow Forums sure does
I'm well aware but at this point, all crypto is controlled by them or the chinese with a small offshoot of russian influence

The only problem with Ripple is that the payment validations aren't decentralized, however the transaction ledger is and thus BlockChan running on top of it is decentralized for all intents and purposes.

How am I wrong and what other blockchain/ledger would be better? In all of the complaints about using ripple for IndImm and BlockChan, not once has anyone suggested a single thing that would work better?

Furthermore, it is redundant on ETH and IPFS, however they are too slow to be the main entry point. What more can one do?

You seem pretty bright, more knowledgeable than myself about it. I just know XRP has been compromised from the start. So I guess I’d recommend almost any other one. Then again, like you said, I’ve heard that many are compromised as well. But either way I love the idea, and I hope it works.

>XRP has been compromised
This is true from a payment processing standpoint as well as any coin technically if you only believe in the Proof of Work model. From an actual block chain and ledger point of view, it's not compromised at all. But even most people in the crypto scene know so little about the blockchain and ledgers compared to the payment validation that they incorrectly conflate the two.

Any other coin wont work as I doubt people are willing to use a forum that takes 4 to 15 minutes or even hour to submit a post. And he ones that are quick, can only store pointers to offchain data which then makes it able to be censored.

This is censorship proof, mod proof and janny proof and I hate that it constantly gets shit on by people because they don't understand ripple or how the blockchain/ledger of it and other chains operate

any coin that is not proof of work*

Appreciate the explanation

Who here can end this fucker's job ?

Are you serious, Christ's hand are mine, and another 250.000 peoples'es

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Time you took 2 extra western jews in each of your houses , cumstain

Fuck off frankenstein free speech is free speech no exceptions! The truth is the truth not on anyone else’s terms or expectations. Fuck off .

Work harder white man... millions of welfare mutts and cunts demand you money.

someone call him one of those fake kike trolls cuz no one denies the Holocaust

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