Billions of men will see out their entire lives without ever knowing the indescribable pleasures of a good prostate...

>Billions of men will see out their entire lives without ever knowing the indescribable pleasures of a good prostate orgasm.

Let that sink in.

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go stick something up your ass faggot

Get a wife. Make babies.

Childless non-virgins are unimaginable failures, objectively and biologically speaking.

Letting "it" sink in

Least im not a faggot thatll burn for eternity.

just shove a cucumber up your ass and whack your sack against a chair as you violently beat your cock

Are you experimenting or are you a Homo? I never put something up my ass. I do not know what would happen if I did. I heard you could get STDS though.

I suppose it's a matter of priorities...

I like to sniff my own farts.

If your that horny just get a prostate exam.

Hey faggot. Go fuck yourself.

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you'd orgasm like you never did before. plain and simple.

not surprised bong made this thread

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Yeah well anal fissures stop me from bothering to try, it is how it is.

You could also get STDs.


oy vey faggot

At health class I heard if you do not wear clean gloves and just put your finger up your ass or a random stick then you could get STDs.

He's either a Homosexual or is Experimenting Anal Sex.

That’s why I let my girlfriend peg me

don't try it man I know you want but don't do it

Nothing I'm proud, the opposite to be exact but I can tell you one thing:
Not worth it.

*proud of

what did you shoved up in there Hanz?

Multiple things. Nothing "organic" though i.e. it was always solo.

I waited til I was 33 to stick my wife's smallest dildo in my ass. Did it in the bathtub because I was afraid of poo. Took me a good 30 minutes of lubing and positioning before I really got into it. Felt strange as hell. I was literally being fucked. I ejaculated (a little) while flacid. Weird shit. Never had "the big one," but I might try again someday.

just why? and why did you stop?

>try assplay
>items always get covered in shit
>get turned off and stop

Every time. I just gave up.

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I don't know really. Had this weird anal fixation when I was in 2nd or 3rd grade? I stopped because the actual pleasure received didn't compensate with the amount of work involved and ultimately because of my progress in faith.

> I stopped because the actual pleasure received didn't compensate with the amount of work involved and ultimately because of my progress in faith.

good for you, OP is not that lucky I think

it's not gay if you're just practicing for when you kiss girls.

>Hundreds of millions of American men will see out their entire lives without ever knowing the indescribable pleasures their foreskin would've give them and willingly deprive their newborns with 90% of sexual pleasure in the future for their whole life. FOR NO REASON AT ALL.

Let THAT sink in.

read up on the device called aneros

>OP is not that lucky I think
Probably not. Quitting "it" is not really that hard because involves way too much work. Then again that might just prove that I'm not actually gay. I don't believe that you "just" are gay from birth. You get manipulated/brainwashed to believe so. Never really thought I was actually gay though. I always imaged a woman with a strapon or something like that. I could not get hard to guys. I'm currently on NoFap because the porn I watched was just way too much. Also just masturbation in general is not something one should do when he expects to receive grace from Christ.

This is a meme.

2nd or 3rd grade? what the fuck? you mean you were a little kid doing this?

When I first experimented. Yes.

This is a meme. The prostate isn't like a g spot.

you have to douche cause god doesnt want you doing that.

>items always get covered in shit
You were doing it wrong then.

Also this

I am not Christian but I agree with you 100% percent. Porn is fucking evil, the degeneracy that it creates in human's head after watching tons of it everyday is just too much.

Or the excruciating pain of having something rammed up your arse. What a loss.

>Porn is fucking evil, the degeneracy that it creates in human's head after watching tons of it everyday is just too much
Yeah, it's a shame how it got normalised so much. I mean guess I can "understand" the whole "vanilla" porn thing but I mean come on. Who actually just watches vanilla? You are bound to get into some weird shit especially with pornhub and what promoting this incest, blacked and other filth. I mean most "vanilla" porns nowadays consist of bjs, vaginal and anal. It's absolutely abhorring. The porn industry is evil and aims to make you addicted and broken.

>excruciating pain
That's a meme.

Same goes with drugs go fuck yourself sodomite

That's why I want to stop watching it, but it's harder than quitting smoking..

That explains a lot.