Is Homosexuality a Mental illness?

And should it be treated as such?

Attached: furfag wants paws.jpg (592x705, 101K)

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if not we will hit realms of degeneracy never thought possible.

Attached: future paws.jpg (607x1034, 155K)

This is the freedom that the CIA wants for Hong Kong. Remember when America passed the law about sanctioning any country that outlaws homosexuality? Death to the great Satan

I feel kinda bad for him. His personality isn't UNlikable, seems like a normal dude. I bet $50 he's killing himself in 5 years.

>Remember when America passed the law about sanctioning any country that outlaws homosexuality?

It must all start with being gay. Then society gets destroyed from within and nations crumble or are easily controlled.

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What happened to his arms?

what's going on here, did he have his arms surgically remolded to resemble a powerpuff girl?

Probally got his arms removed so he could fist people at the pride parade

He froze them off because he is an amputee fetishist and wants paws.

I hate faggots, but this guy seems a little bit more then just homo

sooner than that I'd imagine, this is not the face of someone ready to live with this decision.

Attached: time_to_suicide.png (830x888, 639K)


>This is the freedom that the CIA wants for Hong Kong
Which is why from the beginning I said that HK protesters are a bunch of degenerate hippies.

Hey chinabot, go suck a big 雞巴 of any 鬼佬 around. Free Hong Kong!

one of those furry faggots that wants paws. apparently he fucked up the blood flow going through his hands and it went necrotic. i dont think he has said how it happened tho


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Pic related for background info. He didn't post what happened, but I can only assume it's some sort of bondage accident. Fuck furries.

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No, but transsexuality is and should be.

I'd say it's more of a disorder than an illness


Attached: fist it up.webm (640x480, 2.09M)

Something about arthritis and he had his hands in ice or dry ice or something to ease pain and fell asleep, 6 hours woke up and rip hands.

t. actual bot
hong kong not being part of mainland china =/= being part of usa

If you are too bored with your life there are better ways of self-destruction which could allow you to participate in something great. But he chose to be a fucking furfag.

It's a life choice.

How does even he tweet? With his tongue?

Nobody ever said anything about it being part of the US, britcuck. You already missed the opportunity to keep it, get fucked.

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kek what a faggot

I'm gonna throw up

Holy fuck! That guy will have to amputate the anus!

>If you like the story, DM me.
How’s he supposed to respond with no fucking hands?!

Attached: 5531DE93-4778-4348-9FB0-E48F75EE7A35.jpg (400x300, 31K)

That's gonna be tough with no hands. Sad!

Reminder - LGBT endgame is and always was the acceptance and normalization of pedophilia.

In 1989 two Harvard faggots developed a blueprint to brainwash America into accepting homosexuality (and subsequently, all of the other RSTLNE sexual debauchery). This book is their blueprint.

This is taken from After The Ball - How America Will Conquer Its Fear & Hatred Of Gays In The 90s.

Attached: After The Ball - pg184 - NAMBLA.jpg (471x407, 126K)

Fuck off protie scum

Attached: After The Ball - pg366-367 - Greek Romance.png (1047x833, 1.27M)

Attached: After The Ball - pg153.png (850x901, 1.25M)

Howd he type any of this?

oh shit now he can get dog paw prosthetics for his suit. Truthishly he should cut off his legs to so ha can walk comfortably on all 4s.

Attached: After The Ball - principle 5.jpg (318x512, 147K)

speech to skynet you fucking newborn

>when you realize doorknobs will be your biggest enemies

Attached: After The Ball - Propaganda xxviii.png (519x347, 328K)

Yeah that’s what I wanna know!

Attached: FE04F7E6-46A4-4388-97B4-0C45800DDD95.jpg (448x252, 45K)

>lose hands in degenerate sexual activity
>seek attention

remember how much better life was before we got rid of shame

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That's pretty sad if that's what really happened.

Speech to text

How the fuck can someone fall asleep for 6 hours with freezing hands?

You wish I was a bot huh, glownigger?

oh i see that's literally why he did it in the first place.

He can't even hang himself without hands.

drugs perhaps?

But wouldn’t you need hands to at least set up something like that?

I thought he was trying to get a white woman to date him. Afterall, pic related.

Attached: whitegirlsfuckdogs.jpg (917x510, 69K)


what happened?
he lose his arms in an accident or something?

Attached: laff1.png (560x686, 304K)

Idk car mode my dude just plug it in and nub mash to switch modes
isnt that from this song?

By doing it intentionally as part of an amputation fetish.

How did he type that?

It's on the soundtrack of a movie I like to call "Life"

Attached: BARKED dot com.webm (600x450, 2.83M)

One video claimed something about """accidentally""" falling asleep after taking some painkillers and putting his hands in some ice... but that's a crock of shit. Taking painkillers and putting limbs into dry ice for several hours is a notorious method employed among people with body integrity dysphoria to compel surgeons to perform amputation surgery on the now necrotic appendages.

I think it’s a mental illness. And from what I understand there are studies out there that support such ideas.

my thoughtsd exactly... mustve been speech to text assisted by someone else.

What happened?

Does she fuck the dog?

What the fuck! His forearm just went in there with no effort.

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Yes and no, they should be shot on sight.

>Is Homosexuality a Mental illness?
Yes, it has always been a mental illness. Fags threatening the APA en masse until it was removed from the DSM doesn't change that. Faggots are the worst:
>Constantly dramatic
>Constantly going on about being gay
>Constantly dwell within a dynamic of sexual predation
>Constantly virtue signaling/claiming victimhood
>Emulating the worst behaviors of women/men to the point of hyperbole
>Constantly seeking attention
Look at this degenerate. He renders his hands physically useless, gets them amputated and decides he should chronicle the entire thing as his own "poor me" show.
No. fuck him, and fuck people like him. Extolling his insane choices in life is fucking disgusting.

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My first mate lost his arm in an accident. Wonder what he’d think of this dude.

>It must all start with being gay. Then society gets destroyed from within and nations crumble or are easily controlled.
Well let's just see what the Lord has to say about it.
>men abandoned the natural function of the woman and burned in their desire toward one another, men with men committing indecent acts and receiving in their own persons the due penalty of their error

The black guy seemed surprised.

>tfw when you met both people in this post.

yeah, i'm a furry but i'm not mentally fucked in the head.

Imagine the smell.

He injected a little bit too much Chemical X.

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I think is the other way around. Mental illness causes homosexuality.

I know what you mean bro! I take heroin all day long but I'm not like a METH head ya know? The greater degeneracy of others justifies mine.

I didn't get that, could you explain that in simple English?

he cant make money any other way.
if the government finds out he did it on purpose, he cant get any disability cheques.

>if you only knew how bad things really are.

If your happy and you kno-


Can someone put the Snap Dogface filter in this guy please.

Unironically this, you don't have to go back too far into his posting history to piece this together.

Fucking yikes! What if he did it because the arthritis was that painful?

Some very mentally ill people have a sexual fetish for losing limbs. Using dry ice is a common method for freezing the flesh of the limb you wish to lose to force the doctors to amputat it off.

he could slit his wris- er nevermind

>he cant make money any other way.
He actually could, the guy's a mechanic. Not anymore though :^)

Whatever man, just talk to the ha-

He could not keep from fapping during Nofapber, so he did this?
That is pure dedication, or retardation.
These people who purposely have limbs amputated should be barred from getting any disability payments, and gibs.

>Nigger stealing white mans shit

Attached: the niggers.png (750x537, 666K)

homo, bestiality and such can be cured

with a bullet in the back of the head

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>I see what you did there

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>he thought they were just going to remove his hands at the wrists and he was going to slide them into hooves
>they had to remove part of his actual arms
>looks retardedly awful
>now has to have pseudo leg pieces before the hooves to make it even

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my biology teacher in gymnasium (14 yo) told us that indeed it's a mental illness
some fag reported it to the principle and she was not allowed to talk about sexuality

This is called BIID - Body Integrity Identity Disorder. Its where people remove limbs and shit because they fetishize it, or replace the limb with dumb shit. If you go through his tweet history, you can see him comment about the idea of no hands, about removing hands, having hooves, etc.
He did it on purpose.

No explanation sounds reasonable, we have to get this faggots story first hand

> accident

I think you would need half a week of no circulation to get that bad.

His explanation is he took pain meds, put his hands in a bucket of ice, fell asleep and woke up with his hands totally destroyed.