Have you expanded your thinking?
Q is who has read what the world will soon know
Other urls found in this thread:
Yeah how he could know that a an old sick man would die.
Okay then, you go ahead and post a picture of RBG exactly 30 days to the minute before she dies. Show us how easy it is. In fact, do it for Biden and Sanders and other old politicians. Shouldn't be hard, right?
And before any shills claim time zones don't line up...
To the day and the minute. A month in advance? I'm not a big follower of q, but it is 100% clear he knows things and is connected/supporting trump.
Q is a Kusher psy op pushed to pacify the anti-establishment political dissidents.
Trust the plan! Stay inactive!
>Stay inactive!
Tell us what we're supposed to be doing that Q is somehow stopping us from doing.
>protip: you're either going to dodge the question, or coyly imply we should engage in violent activity
inb4 you claim that boomers would actually be marching on DC with rifles were it not for Q. you faggots always push that narrative, and it gets funnier every time.
>Q is who has read what the world will soon know
What the fuck? Are you trying to sound retarded?
I actually like the typo. Kosher, Kushner, Kusher, Koshner.
I am The Clockmaker.
Ask me anything.
Was Kushner flying in Air Force 1 over Vietnam on November 9th, 2017?
I didn't think so Sweetie~
What's the weather like in Iran?
Heating up.
Violence is a last resort and we're not there yet. And even if we ever will be, taking the first shot isn't an option. It has to be in self-defence. So no, I would never encourage anyone to engage in violent activity.
It's all about information. That's where the real fight is right now. The Q project or larp, whatever you wanna call it, will have a psychological effect on a lot of people by way of making them still have faith in the system by the usual channels, as in, we voted in our guy, he's gonna do his best. So we can sit and watch, be pretty inactive, and just talk about what he's doing, what is going on and trust the plan. So it simultaneously makes people have faith in the system for an elongated period oncemore, and it also encourages people to cease in their sharing of "redpilled" information to turn the tide by way of educating the people on who the enemy is, how they're subverting the west and why.
Simply put:
Trust the plan has a subtle psychological demotivating effect on people because when repeated over and over and over again it implants the notion in people's heads that things will turn out ok in the end somehow, and that they can chillax, not take things too seriously, just observe and wait it out.
Q sounds like a conversation between Americas Military Intellegence and You, the People they protect. Not some cryptic germatica, there's no post time to post number gymnastics or other deliberately critical misapplications involved.
A conversation that tiptoes around their National Security Laws enough to lead you into narrative shattering insights.
Read that again.
You all see how fake the news is, how insideous they've become at suppressing the Truth.
You didn't think we need a Guiding Light?
They saw the horror that struck down JFK.
You may have underestimated how deep the control had become..
Read what your Military needs you to know.
Read what Trump wants you to know.
Q is who has read what the world will soon know.
The Rod and the Ring will Strike~
I'm not saying he is Q, I'm saying that the whole LARP is essentially headed by him. he will have a team working on the project alongside him but will be the one primarily controlling what information is shared and what sentiments are spread to those who are watching. he's just the boss and its his employees doing all the work. simple as.
>will have a psychological effect on a lot of people by way of making them still have faith in the system by the usual channels
you mean the same LARP that has confirmed that institutions like the FBI, CIA, and FVEY are corrupt? the same LARP that also says elections are rigged?
>nowhere in the post do you indicate what action we should take that Q is somehow preventing us from taking
As I said:
>protip: you're either going to dodge the question
You want to try again? I don't want to call you a shill, but when I've seen this dance done a hundred times before, it won't take much longer to recognize the minute waltz.
>subtle psychological demotivating effect on people
Your forte of knowledge I see.
The C_AIDS of this board.
I'm not saying Q is a larp, but just as we know on here about jidf saying "MODS DELET THIS THRID NOW MY EMPLOYERS BLAH BLAH BLAH", wouldn't his trip be perma banned if they wanted him to stop talking?
All i;'m saying is Q is "allowed" to speak, if it was any other informant, the sites would get scrubbed like they did yesterday and Wednesday.
Allowed to speak?
That right is protected by Might.
Not given like a slave.
He posts on infinity which has been completely scrubbed from exhistance.
>wouldn't his trip be perma banned if they wanted him to stop talking?
He writes as if 8 wasn't down. wow
confirmed something that has already been comfirmed very publicly by countless independent researchers over the last few decades? you ironically just added another layer to the Q larp. they're hijacking the "truther" movement. taking something grassroots, slowing it down and incorporating it into government policy covertly.
how did I dodge the question? It's obvious what we should be doing. We should be talking and sharing information more than ever and taking the fight to government more than ever, exposing then independently on all levels, publicly an openly, as opposed to "trusting the plan" and waiting for new Q updates on the daily or wahtever else.
If someone says a person or a group is employing tactics to stop another group from doing something, then obviously that someone is saying that the latter should be doing exactly what the former is trying to stop them from doing. So yeah, I answered your question.
are you gay
>how did I dodge the question? It's obvious what we should be doing. We should be talking and sharing information more than ever and taking the fight to government more than ever, exposing then independently on all levels, publicly an openly, as opposed to "trusting the plan" and waiting for new Q updates on the daily or wahtever else.
Please stop using "ironic" until you understand it.
As to your sentence quoted, wtf do you think we've been doing? You ever see a /pol larp showing up nation wide at political rallies? How can you be this stupid?
Why don't you paint that bench instead of making silly clocks?
If a LARP why the 24/7 attacks by media and clowns?
In your mind.
THIS!! Stupid nazis are afraid of the implications that they've been betting on the wrong horse all along
>how did I dodge the question?
by not telling us what action we should be taking that Q is somehow preventing us from taking.
>It's obvious what we should be doing. We should be talking and sharing information more than ever and taking the fight to government more than ever, exposing then independently on all levels, publicly an openly
bullshit answer. That's exactly what people have continued to do here and on infchan(till it was taken down).
>So yeah, I answered your question.
No, you fucking didn't. Q isn't preventing anyone from talking and sharing information, and in fact has encouraged it repeatedly. Pic related. You've had two opportunities to give a decent answer, and failed.
is nothing but another shit narrative by anti-Q faggots who want to dissuade others from looking into Q. Shill confirmed.
Look Into this poor bastards eyes and use logic to expand your thinking. Q is real and the storm is definitely upon us! May God be with us all. o7
you've not been doing it enough until the nationwide sentiment is that foreign nations are subverting the west from within and using one's own government to do so. that you cannot have faith in a government that is completely and utterly compromised.
they know this, and they know this sentiment has been brewing for decades. so on the one hand they co-opted it by having loonie lefties lash out at everything but the real issues and rebel against everything the estab wants to ruin, and on the other hand they've re-established faith in the system by providing a supposed deeply ingrained anti-establishment element within the government and intelligence agencies themselves, and given you a supposedly anti-establishment president, which all collectively essentially castrates the movement because everybody is divided, focusing on dissolving the wrong things and simultaneously believing the things that created the issues in the first place can solve the issues.
Doing God's work.
>you've not been doing it enough
go fuck yourself.
>you must satisfy my
He predicted McCain would die 30 days to the minute, while saying "every dog has it's day", and the first full day of news coverage dedicated to McCain's death was National Dog Day.
Because thats how fucking controlled op functions. Attacks on a controlled group give the fools that fall for it a sense of vindication "see the msm attacks x how could the same people who control the msm also control x?!?!"
The sad fact of this world is that most people are hopelessly stupid
>that punisher logo
holy fucking boomer
More like cunning C_rAnians.
C_A = Central ____________ Agency
Iran = C_A stronghold since the regime change.
>You attack those who threaten you the most
The anti-Israel narrative has C_rAnian roots, it serves to remove the threat to their geopolitical power by pitting allies against each other.
[Source obscuration is cyber 101]
(((Mask yourself as the enemy you seek to destroy)))
So they're using useful idiots to get rid of their fear; The pinnacle of their military might is PROJECTION.
You really thought they'd let everyone keep knowing who they are?
Sunlight's a great disinfectant, when you don't know who the C_rAn(i)an Deep Sweeties are~
>that memeflag
holy fucking kike
nope, any political force pushing this retarded shit would make it at least less retarded and more credible. this is 100% schizo boomers horoscope
I want boomer newfag LARPers to leave
I've never seen a horoscope post about taking data from an online service, moments before the service mysteriously goes offline.
I want demoralization shill kikes to leave. Guess what? Neither of us are getting our wish.
i honestly don't pay attention to infinitychan, that place is an fbi honeypot.
>Q is who has read what the world will soon know
>and on the other hand they've re-established faith in the system
Don't project that garbage at me. I have NO faith in gov't. I want them in PAIN.
I'm not sure where you get your information, nor do you provide any objectives (it's not enough, you trust muh establishment, muh boomer muh muh, muh MUH muh). It's unbelievable how far a group of rejects on /qr reached. And you bitch unnoticed on half/pol. Any normie looking at the Catalog here would close the page and take a shower it's so full of shit. But MUH Q doesn't do enough!
The state of arguments here.
I did tell you. and I've told you twice now. I'm sorry that I've not given you the response you desire in the format you require to understand it.
yes, people have been doing this, but not to the degree to which is necessary. too many people are focusing on the Q larp and Trump rather than working on redpilling the people to what's going on behind the scenes. it's all theories about Q, theories about Trump's true allegiances, theories about BS that doesn't matter. nobody is tackling the fundamental issue which is dependency on the state and why people are so dependent on the state, both left and right. everyone is still looking to the state to solve problems that the existence of the state as it is currently has created.
reactions like yours prove my point to a degree because only someone who has been demoralised to a degree will react in such a volatile manner when met with someone with opposing views. the fact that you're so emotionally invested in the whole Q thing tells me that a part of you needs to believe in it. which means absolutely everything you say has to be disregarded. because you're not likely to be seeing things as they are, but how you'd like them to be.
which adds another layer to the Q larp. it's false hope, people put their faith in Q to the point where they are emotionally dependent on it which is massively destructive in multiple ways.
You people are mentally retarded and should be euthanized on site. Q was exposed by Purple user. I bet you are one of the subhuman grifters that makes money off that retarded shit.
Anyone pushing Q shit deserves the rope either because they are mentally deficient or a traitorous fraud.
>psssh I don't pay attention to sites where famous/infamous informants post
You've been MISSED greatly
>Because thats how fucking controlled op functions.
Wow, that's convincing. Did you read that on the back of a sugar packet? Tell me, just exactly what are you doing to forward your grand vision on one of the most comp'd boards there is?
Fuck off tranny
>muh numerology
You faggots are worse than evangelicals.
Why do trumpanzees slap that gay skull on everything
>plerrbit bracing
you have to go back
>implying the intelligence agencies see the overall population as being intellectual powerhouses who require more than schizo boomer horoscope to be deceived.
demoralised people are easily predictable and controllable if you have the resources. only a minority will see through the deception even if it's objectively completely retarded.
if the aug 26 post was done on jul 25, i would have no doubt
but just because he nailed something coincidental doesn't mean anything
and the fact that he keeps drilling in his followers heads "[30]" "[30]" "[30]" lets me know that he's just capitalizing that one of his stray bullets hit a target
he's "predicted" nothing else
get this cult shit off my board
(((Q+))) is all you need to know.
>yes, people have been doing this, but not to the degree to which is necessary.
So Q hasn't been preventing people from doing this, is what you're saying. You're just saying "not enough", which is an arbitrary measure that you completely made up. That's a shitty answer. I'm sorry you're either too stupid to realize this, or too much of a shill to acknowledge it. Either way, your answer is shit.
>reactions like yours prove my point to a degree
>I win because I say so
gtfo my Jow Forums, shillkike.
Mom said to stop posting and do your algebra homework
UK Brexit.
Ireland leave the EU.
Free trade deal with UK.
European super hub for trade and low taxes.
>Iran is the CIA goyim
>tttttttttttrrrrrrusssssssssssttttttt the plan invade Iran
Kushner really is not sending his best.
>I have no faith in government
if you have no faith in government then why do you have so much faith in Q who has proven time and time again that whoever it is, whether it's a group or an individual, is working at high levels within government, and has allies within government that people call the "patriots?"
this is literal schizo posting. on the one hand you're defending Q claiming it's not a larp but on the other hand saying you're anti-government. you're utterly demoralised, you don't even know what you believe. all you know is that Q is a comfort blanket, it makes you feel good, it gives you hope. you have proven my point. you have been demoralised by this LARP and you know it, and you're attacking me because I'm making you see it.
Q is AI but with a quantum computer instead.
John Bolton is /ourguy/
Change my mind~
Because it cloaks their submissive impotence.
>yes, people have been doing this, but not to the degree to which is necessary. too many people are focusing on the Q larp and Trump rather than working on redpilling the people to what's going on behind the scenes. it's all theories about Q, theories about Trump's true allegiances, theories about BS that doesn't matter. nobody is tackling the fundamental issue which is dependency on the state and why people are so dependent on the state, both left and right. everyone is still looking to the state to solve problems that the existence of the state as it is currently has created.
You're an ignorant little idiot. You're talking in circles and ignore the fact that we are doing what you claim needs doing. You state we ignore your circular, counterfactual arguments, while you completely ignore what we obviously acheived. Sad. Go find some tranny thread to go fap on. That'll change things.
>claims a statement of fact is numerology
>nobody is tackling the fundamental issue which is dependency on the state and why people are so dependent on the state, both left and right.
I didn't bother to read this bit, and I should have, because holy shit does it confirm what a clueless dipshit you are. This is Jow Forums, faggot. This is precisely the place where people debate the merits of social programs, state-imposed ideology, and individualism vs collectivism. You are either a complete newfag, or you have literally ignored the threads where these concepts are debated at length, with great variance in the opinions expressed. Maybe you ignore them because you don't know how to filter the shit threads. Maybe you ignore them because you're not arguing in good faith. Either way, I reiterate: you are either too stupid to understand that these concepts are debated on a daily basis on this very sub, or you're a shill pretending these things don't exist in order to keep pushing arbitrary demands on how much people(other than you) should be doing. Whatever the case, nothing you have said here helps or aids anyone, much less demonstrates anything that the Q "LARP" prevents anyone from doing.
"Trust your government patriots."
People actually obey that.
>John Bolton is /ourguy/
Have you been lobotomized or are you just jewish because then indeed John Bolton is your guy juden.
>Because it cloaks their submissive impotence.
Says the little tranny before whipping the vasoline and cum off his hands and lips.
I never said Q has been preventing anyone from doing anything. that's not how psy ops work. psy ops give people the incentive to change their behaviours to whatever the desired behaviour is by whoever is initiating the psy op.
the Q larp / psy op is intended to remove energy from a genuine redpilling of the masses and redirect that energy into a controlled sequence of events, to have people divest from the former and invest in the latter. to restrict the food the movement requires to keep moving and to keep feeding the beast instead.
everytime someone posts about Q on here, they're taking time and energy away from redpilling people on philosophy, spirituality, history, current day issues like the subversion of western nations by foreign nationals. that's my point. that's what the Q larp is for.
>"Trust your government patriots."
>People actually obey that.
>thinking this applies to Jow Forums
The newfaggotry in this thread would be overwhelming, except after two years, this shit has become standard for any Q-related thread.
>demoralised by this LARP
read the room faggot Q fags are ecstatic right fucking now!
IG report out in weeks, this leads into declass. sooon.
you don't need to "believe Q"
Go watch Hannity! he is directly connected to Trump and Echoes exactly what Q says will happen. IT'S MAINSTREAM but you're too arrogant to have a look see. Typical brit cuck:)
Strange that Trump would put a date on his poster that matches the date of when Q posted parody movie posters.
>Q says Stay inactive!
>I never said Q has been preventing anyone from doing anything.
You really need to kill yourself, shill. You also need to learn to shill with brevity if you want it to be effective.
>what we obviously acheived
Qfags have achieved less than nothing you have placated the boomercons in a modified limited hangout/merch farm where you greedy grasping grifters can fleece them all the way until 2024. Q is a psyop run overseen by Jared Kushner. Trump is a traitor who puts Israel first. Obama was objectively a better president than Trump based on immigration figures alone. You are a shill; fuckoff kindly now.
He’s right
>why do you have so much faith in Q
You're projecting hard, shill.
>if you have no faith in government then why do you have so much faith in Q
I have no faith in Q. Why do you think I have faith in a group of spooks? I have faith in fellow anons and the digs we do. I see people rally around that. That's real. You can sit there doing nothing and influencing no one if you like, but all your hemming and hawing doesn't diminish the 100,000s.
You bore me.
A statement of fact would have been "John McCain will die on August 25, 2018, in Cornville, AZ". What you are attempting to push as a "statement of fact" is in point of fact faggoty numerology meant to confound and confuse boomercons. You people deserve the rope. Purple user is gonna give it to you.
I don't think so. I think Trump is a figure head for powerful interests like most presidents. However this time he is representing military intelligence and a group of patriots within the government who legitimately want to fix a broken system before its too late. This is a populist coup. You can see the hands of milintel all over the Trump campaign and the information he has. This is part of that effort.
>Not some cryptic germatica, there's no post time to post number gymnastics or other deliberately critical misapplications involved.
tfw alchemy/Hermetics/the Kabalah etc are only crazy complicated cuz the dudes were so bored
When is my birthday
Nobody is claiming there was a statement of fact, shill. People are noting that Q demonstrated foreknowledge of when the media would announce the "death" of John McCain, whether it actually happened or not. You're muddying the waters by attempting to minimize the significance of the precise time interval.
Struck a nerve did I? Did you learn those dirty words all by yourself boomer or did your wife's black boyfriend personally instruct you?
Where are you, dream woman?
It wasn't only 30 days 0 hours and 0 minutes that was significant, it was also the fact that Q said in reference to McCain that "every dog has its day" and the first full day of media coverage was National Dog Day.
>Did you learn those dirty words all by yourself
>complaining about profanity on Jow Forums
The newfaggotry continues.
Can't wait for the hammer to drop
I know from the simple fact that you're insulting me that you actually agree with what I'm saying. you just don't like it because this whole Q thing, and your beliefs on it are a comfort blanket for you.
obviously Jow Forums discusses these things at great length over time. but this is Jow Forums and Jow Forums doesn't reflect the real world, it's a tiny pool of a tiny amount of people. we are a minority here, and that's my point. even normies on facebook, twitter, tumblr and all other social mediums are talking about the Q larp. they're all waiting for something big to happen, something good. they all think that everything will be ok because good guys in government are going to solve our problems for us. that's my point. who cares if a few neets on Jow Forums discuss politics now and then, the benefits and drawbacks of different ideologies. that's little more than a drop in a an ocean of information. what I'm talking about is that in the grand scheme of things nobody is talking about anything because left right and center the movement is being hijacked by co-opted groups, organisations and what not. Q being one of the cleverest as it directly interfaces with the sentiment of people wanting massive change before TSHTF. basically. pretty much everything most people follow is literally created to castrate them politically and keep them "following" rather than leading. I want everyone leading. I want everyone educating everyone on everything they can, actual communities being built of people who want change and creating that change from the bottom up in smaller communities firstly by being redpilled. that's the only way things will ever change. the Q larp and other co-optings of these things does nothing but ruin the momentum of these things.
Well you keep spewing that to your stupid little friends in home room. It's stupid, has ZERO evidence except your mindless regurgitation, and will get you nowhere. What a tragedy that you believe that these little screeds of yours are arguments.
Nah. Not Kushner. Kushner's a guy from Manhattan who has never had his hands dirty. The Q people are a little more rough around the edges, whether it is from a stint in the military or a general personality type. I'm not saying that I think that whoever was doing the Q thing is or is not a LARP, but it's hard for me to imagine Kushner writing about legal maneuvering to get half of DC carted down to Guantanamo to stand trial before a military tribunal.
>there's no difference between actively stopping someone from doing something and telling someone to stop doing something subtly
She works at walmart. Thats a hell of a nightmare if you ask me. Have you ever seen a single attractive person working at walmart?