"hurr durr we shouldn't deplatform people even if we don't agree with them" why would let your enemy get away with...

"hurr durr we shouldn't deplatform people even if we don't agree with them" why would let your enemy get away with things that would get you fired? What absolute cuckery is this shit about defending piker?

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spam him with this shit

Dan Crenshaw would never speak out about anyone on the altright and has called for ourguys to be deplatformed, he is a neocon fucking faggot shill and I hope he loses his other eye

Hasan of all people should know that saying stupid things like this will have an impact on some people, he did it to himself.

This, fuck Piker but Crenshaw is even worse.

Always kill a traitor before an enemy

agreed, far too many people think appeasing these leftist faggots will miraculously cause them to suddenly support free speech for all.

Who is the guy on the left?

Cenk's nephew is a fucking faggot Crenshaw is far better than that sub human trash

Wrong, Hasan was spitting facts. Crenshaw is gay and deserved to lose his eye.

Two faggots

It would still suck, but if the left got equal treatment when it came to shit like that, then this censorship crap wouldn't be as bad

Here’s a fact: you literally cannot get the cocks out of your mouth

Maybe you and piker can swap gargling tips you sword swallowing shithead

ya, I was watching revenge of the cis and these two homos were purity spiraling out of control calling people fake for laughing that these retards get a taste of their own medicine. I support free speech wholeheartedly, but I'm going to laugh my ass off when some commie who believes in hate speech and celebrates others being de-platformed gets de-platformed, too. the fact that this roach only got a week is absolutely astonishing.

OP is right, eye for eye, tooth for tooth

Imagine spending all your time raiding Jow Forums threads to defend some communist larper who makes money off retards like you. Eceleb orbiters are the absolute worst people

I feel emotions when i hear him scream. Damn, poor guy

>No don't use this opportunity to take down an enemy!
Shut the fuck up shill.

This. McCain 2.0

How the fuck does this "kill" Crenshaw you dumb nigger? Crenshaw doesn't give a solitary fuck about any of this.

>America deserved 9/11
I don't know this sounds pretty based

this. even if it is from a memeflag faggot. Show flag.