Is Mr. Obvious one of us?

He does try to red pill the Normalfags so that they can hopefully be less faggity than what's expected.

What's your say Jow Forums

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>meme flag
>reddit spacing
>one of us
I wonder if you kike shills will ever learn but you never do. Thanks for making this so easy. Gonna be awesome watching Israelis get slaughtered on livestream.

But that's merely the obvious.

Easy question. Does he name the JEW?

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The Jordan Peterson interview made me laugh a lot
I hope he is one of us

Nope he is a huge faggot that is constantly punching right, fuck him.

he redpilled me

We know it's you mr. obvious. No one downloads the logo of a youtuber just to start a topic. You would have better luck posting a screen cap

I like him, but he dosen't deserve to make a living off of it.

more like Mr. Cringe

He's pretty low I.Q.. Annoying voice as well. He can be funny at times. I used to use him for QRDs on events that I missed out on. I truly think he is an unabashed racist due to low intelligence but he could be much more than that if he read a few books and dropped the fashy goy buzzwords.

well that was (((Obvious)))

You're a tryhard attention whore
but i liked the skyking tribute

He’s a useful idiot for the left, if he knows it or not every “honkpill” he lists is simply a blackpill, the only difference between honkpills and blackpills is attitude, so he’s effectively dragging in the Jow Forums/youtube crowd and shovelling demoralisation onto them.
I known it’s all fucked and that I should just enjoy it, but you need to go from red to black to honk, otherwise you’ll just go from red to black and stay there.
Also he’s an authoritarian brainlet hypocrite.
Someone mocking white people who died, saying it’s okay because of the colour of their skin? How dare they!
Lol a bunch of people in a company who hires women burned to fucking death, serves them right!

It’s this sort of shit which makes me hate “conservatives”, everyone bangs on about fairness, freedom and ideals until something authoritarian happens that aligns with their views then they throw it all out the fucking window.
Obvious is no different here.

That's Captain Obvious.

He's based...Not the best, but not bad at all

That voice act puts me of every time, dude sounds like IHE in the worst possible way (as if there is a good way to sound like IHE). Then the material he actually talks about like a normal person tends to be alrightish and brief enough not to waste someone's time though, so I guess he's ok

He makes videos browsing pol threads, >hurrdurr is he on pol u guys? U guys think?


No, Mr.Obvious is not "one of us".

As previously stated ITT, he is a low intelligence loud speaker who insists on appealing to numb tards on Youtube with an irritating catch phrase and hyperbolic stories.

Honestly, if this is Mr. Obvious, KYS.

>Is Mr. Obvious one of us?

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He’s one of us, but he’s too diplomatic and roundabout about it. Probably a civic nationalist type. He’s already demonetized so he needs to up his game and toe up to the banhammer line. Damning quotes and statistics that normies are oblivious to would be good enough

i hate his low t beta weeaboo voice. he sounds like a jewish lanklet

He was naming the jew a year ago when he got banned from youtube the first time.

>meme flag
>e-celeb shilling
>reddit spacing
>1 post by this ID
You are a candy-ass roody-poo and should by all means be disregarded. Here's a (You), now fuck off and die.

He looks like he browses Jow Forums often and doesn't seem like a softie so maybe

He's no Bellagio Sampler

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1 post by this id.

What happens where you live?

yep, if memory is right he had about 30k subs then. i think he also tried to make new channels but got binned fast. it seems he disappeared and came back after 6 months and YT haven't noticed - YET
>he's basically a narration channel, with some basic pol hottakes inserted in every few narrated sentences
>how long until he gets purged again? i give him 8 months at best

Look at all the memeflags here, someone’s IP hopping

>literally who
Shill your shit elsewhere.

Guy is legit, one of the few channels worth watching

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comparing to tim pool, more interesting, less screaming, less uploads. i wish more people deleted youtube, left censorship, moved to bitchute, and quit sounding like cucks. but he might indeed be a civcuck. Just realize then, that shithole immigrants + democracy = shithole.

mr obvious
>videos consist of what's popular on Jow Forums
>trusts the plan
>cant form an original thought or opinion, constantly sides with what's popular
>makes 30 videos a week consisting of the same shit
Hes a throbbing ass tumor, IRL hes a trumpcuck with a soiface

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Another sargon of akkad in the making.

It feels like he gets his shit straight from Jow Forums. He can be hard to listen to unless I haven't been here for a few days.

>Thread pops up on Jow Forums about some happening
>Mr.obvious makes a video shortly after
>Faggot horn honking
He browses pol thats for sure, but is a bigger faggot than most leafs I see here.