Listen up lads, we need a plan for when Jow Forums goes down. Now this will be super controversial, but here's what we ought to do. We ought to turn to Andrew Anglin. In b4 the Jews call Andrew a Jew or a fed or a manlet - we don't care. Say what you will about the man, but he's been dealing with blacklisting and censorship for a long-ass time. He knows the internet, and he knows the reactionary right. The day Jow Forums goes down, start following The Daily Stormer. Use a proxy if you have to. Use Tor if you have to. Because as soon as a viable Jow Forumsternative pops up, Anglin will know. And you can bet your ass that he'll promote it. Don't follow him like we followed Spencer; we don't need a "leader". We just need somebody who can tell us where the next big shitposting board is.
Now here's where it gets good. Suppose that we start meme'ing about how Saint Anglin will lead the Jow Forums-survivors into the promised land (minus the six million who perish in the Great Purge). Now I mean really, seriously meme'ing it. If this happens, the powers that be will hesitate before shutting down Jow Forums. Make it clear that we're happy to shitpost Honkler memes here, but the day that Jow Forums goes down, we're gonna turn the power of our collective autism to much more extremist, much less benign purposes. Make it clear that the alternative to Jow Forums will be millions of Daily Stormer viewers. Make the kikes in charge choose who gets our dedication - Hiroyuki or Anglin. Let them know that shoah'ing our containment board will just radicalize us.
this isnt a high school popularity contest, boy. it's exposing kikes.
why do you assume israel would give them a .il domain? wouldnt that be too obvious? if anglin didnt run his mouth no one would have known israel gave them that domain.
so you believe he's some nefarious israel undercover agent that just simply tells everybody straight up he's an israel undercover agent. boy you got some somali tier levels of retardation there.
Brody Reyes
I like the Daily Stormer. Anglin has woke up a lot of people and put out content relentlessly despite all of the legal and financial hurdles that jews have put in front of him.
Nigger please. There are other chans out there and I'd rather go back to forums than follow that divisive little shit anglin anywhere.
>Be Anglin >Go on Israeli State TV >Praise Bibi >Write articles about how great Yair is >Denounce National Socialism >Promote National Bolshevism >totally not a kike shill boy you got some somali tier levels of retardation there.
I hope you crackers return to where you came from. When you stormfags came through years ago, you completely changed this board for the worse. The soon you are gone, the better.
Anglin is pretty good, a nice fellow. I see that the nose tribe is in this thread and saying that Anglin is a Jew. Pathetic sure, but it does work on dumb people.
Luke Reyes
Moarpheus pls. I think anglin fake and gay but I'm not stupid enough to buy this.
then go to the dailystormer's BBS and ask them yourself. i'm not taking sides here but it comes off in a whiny tone from a former disgruntled TWS/TRS person looking to smear Anglin/Weev.
Dylan Hill
buy what? it's all documented.
>implying anglin and rabbi weev are the ones who made this thread they can respond right here in front of Jow Forums.
>start meme'ing about how Saint Anglin will lead the Jow Forums-survivors into the promised land The media would have a field day. They could call us nazis and actually have a point.
Angling is a supreme faggot, zero respect since He went gay for Yang
Daniel Russell
i don't care as long as Jow Forums goes down. This is a clickbait cesspool and the mods want it this way cause clicks make them money
so why do white girls like niggers?
Nathaniel Butler
How much do you earn to shill against the DS on Jow Forums? I want, if possible, to apply to this job. I'm dead serious because I am in a VERY difficult financial situation right now. Please answer. Thank you.