False Flag Strikes again Philly Cop-Shooter Was Federal Informant

False Flag Strikes again Philly Cop-Shooter Was Federal Informant.

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Bet they gave him the guns.

More like the cops who stalk and harass the homeless in order to obtain proof of job functionality are making an ex-convict (aka most federal informants) out to be a snitch so he will suffer in jail.

Nothing is as it appears

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Police Officers Spray Fake Blood on themselves during Philadelphia Shooting 8/14/2019

Or like most niggers he's a rat knocking out his competition.

Did anyone see a cop leave in an ambulance? 6 injured and I think almost all left in cars. The blood want dry and they were pushing gun control


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Who told you that?

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They are all over shooting down the fake blood conspiracy.. Again did any of you see a cop leave in even one ambulance? The ones I saw left in cars why no ambulance they has 8 or 10 within a block walk

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What does this even mean




Mass shootings are narrative change distractions orchestrated by Mossad

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I'm convinced they arm, encourage, or honeypot at least 50% of these random shootings. And that's if they aren't 100% driving it with intent
god damn glow niggers up to it again. I wonder if local law enforcement was in on it?

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this is the picture of the injured officers note i said the picture no follow interviews at the hospital, no ambulance pictures and Jason the CIA nigger. What am I missing?

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There’s a Freemason lodge in every town.
Cops are freemason shobbos goy pigs who do the physical enforcing of ZOG laws on free citizens.

Iodine? I'm no Dr. maybe it was something topical, but he didn't look injured. very fucked up if big

Yossi Cohen is going to watch his children die you mossad prick. You're fucking failures.

I never get what's the point of orchestrating those shootings? Especially this one, considering that the nigger did it so they can't use it as an excuse for a gun grab without making the poor niggers look bad and even if they wanted to use niggers as an excuse they could just use niggergang shootings as an excuse, without orchestrating anything.

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This is the only cop I can find.. this isn't even a good flask flag lose ends everywhere

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there's your answer

Attached: 2019-08-15-cnn-nd-phillyguncontrol.jpg (1280x720, 205K)

This was memory-holed
My first reaction was, well it's philly what do you expect but this isn't a typical nig. I would like to hear more about his history

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Federal Informant Shoots 6 cops none of which saw leave in an ambulance, video shows cops spraying fake blood on the one cop we have good video on and within seconds the Democrats are screeching for gun control! Nothing to see here this False Flag was 100% legit! Nothing to see here move along

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There are a lot of federal informants, all it means is they ratted on their buddies at least once.
Cops leaked it for easy revenge.
Instead of being a hero in jail, he's a villain.

>Democrats wouldn't whine about guns, if it weren't for the mass shootings.

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Shut up moarpheus you retard

sloppy job mossad

no link
no (you)s

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good point, I was going to say they usually come down very hard on anybody that targets officers. This makes sense

How is calling cops Freemasons make me a Israeli shill?
You’re so fucking retarded
Most cops ARE Freemasons.
Most cops are NOT Jewish.
Freemasonry is INTRINSICALLY Jewish at its core.
Cops serve ZOG.
What do you not understand you braindead Jew

Sloppy job mossad. The DOJ blamed the Philadelphia district attorney for the shooting because the DOJ knows that he's a kike working with Mossad. A KIKE. Sloppy job mossad.

The low IQ hire meme is real


>As for the liquid in the bottle, it is most likely a disinfecting solution such as Betadine (povidone-iodine, which can appear deep orange or red) or a treatment to hasten clotting pulled from what appears to be a belt trauma kit, hurriedly applied to an officer’s wounded arm while both men were standing behind a car door in order to protect themselves from bullets.
Cops don't carry Iodine

cop here, im holding some rn

proof or stfu glownigger


>can't do (((echoes))) properly.
>blames CIA
Hey Mossad you're all gonna die because you're weak powerless faggots who only know failure.

Was there any mason shenanigans spotted this time around? There's always masons involved in these shootings.

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Theres gotta be one that got no. 1488

oops i dropped it


because fuck an ambulance. cruiser is gonna get you there faster than that big boxy piece of shit

this user is a kike

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Yeah I'm a kike for pointing out facts...Kek. More like you're a Mossad shill who has 0 power and you feel weak and insignificant.

>cops who got butt fucked by this guy are aiming to get him butt fucked.
this is all you need to know about this headline.

the 'reports' said that 6 were struck, but nothing serious. Was the 'alleged' weapon ever disclosed and shown?

>why didn't they wait for an ambulance when they could just jump in a car right there and drive to the hospital?
are you trying to be retarded?

Yet another red herring for retarded conspiracy theorists to run with. Note: conspiracies are obviously real but they want you to focus on and push the full retard shit to lump legit questions in with low IQ schitzo ramblings. I.e. Poisoning the Well

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>retarded conspiracy theorists
Opinion disregarded. Israelis deserve long and painful torture.

When was this from? Anyone have a yt link

this was from the philly event

I call bullshit, he snitched on something new or he’s more than an informant