I'm back for my junior year of college, AMA

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You live in Maryland, right?

it's the 23rd tho

1. Are you happy?
2. What degree?
3. dindu?
4. why so fat?

Fuck off mutt

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Fuck white bitches mashallah

Which branch did you serve in?

nice shoop
no really its pretty gud

Why are you paying pedophiles for stale knowledge?

Lose weight fatty

I hope you know you are now paying to be a slave.
How much are you paying your masters for the privilege of servitude?

Go be a nigger somewhere else!

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wow idc, but i love asian cuties

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I wish you good luck dude
I hope you’re taking your studies seriously, though honestly, no one really cares once you have that piece of paper in 2 years.
make sure to network, including keeping in touch with professors.

>posting a selfing on pol
better be a bad joke

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>Asking a nigger why he do

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1. no
2. how to collect welfare degree
3. yes
4. I eat big macs daily

Why are you doxxing yourself?


The meme is real.

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you are not OP, Juan

Did they bump your sat scores nigger?

fuck you nigger

im almost 30 and you look 10 years older than me, find a woman asap

While I applaud anyone trying to better themselves, it's unfortunate you fell for the college meme. You will learn nothing of value that 30 minute youtube video wouldn't have explained better and end up thousands in debt GG.




the sat scores didnt change
they added an additional secret(hidden) diversity score that only the college can see

Like you virgins would do anything about it

You're a big guy. Good luck in school, just wait till the job hunt.

Why do you Blacks often crucify cats?

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What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you NIGGER bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the university of Jow Forums, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret doxxing of niggers in shitcago, and I have over 300 confirmed race realism redpills.

I am trained in gorilla nigger hunting and I’m the top sniper in the entire Kekistan forces. You are nothing to me but just another NIGGER. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of hitler gassing jews, mark my fucking words.

You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of shitposters across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, NIGGER. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can hang you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands.

Not only am I extensively trained in meme magic combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of redpills in 4plebs archive, and I will use it to its full extent to btfo your miserable ass off the face of usa back to africa, you little welfare monkey. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking pants up.

But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn nigger. I will shit fury all over you like a mudslime indian, and you will drown in it.

You’re fucking dead, nigger.

You have a tiny head nigger

Jow Forumsacks maybe not, but an asston of normies have been in and out of here. The retarded kind that would be that petty.

I knew a few stupid niggers at university... it helped my transformation into being a racist.
Good luck nigger and enjoy the affirmative action.

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big macs are fine if you get it without the sauce and fries

Unless your attending a community college, have fun struggling to get by each month as your paying off your student loan debt.


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Petty of what? This guy is black and posted his face on the hate machine of the internet and on its most racist board. The normies will suck his toes for it.

worst AMA ever

you're ugly for a nigger, sorry mutt.

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Whats funny is they take of 50 points for asians but they do nothing for jews that have an average 115 iq

College is daycare

oy vey it's only a cohencidence


Alternatively he could be thought of as a race traitor for being here with a non-hostile tone to white supremacists. Also he is a lighter skin black so that doesn't help the case.

Enjoy your crushing debt and regret.
>t. black grad who fell for the snake oil salesmen who pass as profs these days

>you're ugly for a nigger
What did he mean by this?

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He looks like a worker in walmart

When did Peele get on steroids?

Damn, Jay Pharoah, why you get so fat after Saturday Night Live?


Not nearly ugly enough to be Jordan Peele. Why couldn't Key be the successful one?

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They didn't have toothpaste, toothbrushes, or toilet paper back then. Or antibiotic soap. One scrape of the tooth and that niggers dick is gonna get infected and guillotined. Every blow job is Russian roulette.

>INB4 'Imagine that smell'.

But seriously imagine that fucking smell. Time machines were a mistake.

where da wh*te women at?

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I fucked that up, didn't I?

You know which one I meant.

Um this is news to me. Sauce?

Nigga, he looks even less like Keegan-Michael Key. A lot less.

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