dirty british island monkeys, give us back our rightful land that you have stolen


Attached: malvinas.jpg (499x370, 17K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Don't mind him. Please keep the islands and don't ever let us control them.

>not understanding british politics
you'd better get back to spain then, nigger
you stole that land you are on RIGHT NOW


To whom? The penguins?

You may only post in this board if the rate from your currency to dollar is less than 40. You nigger

Lol. You had to have them first for them to be given back. Falklands are British. Everyone knows this.

it's ours

ask the 1,657 wounded and 11,313 captured argentinians from the war, they will tell you.
i would say ask the 649 dead, but yuno.....

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this world is an angocentric world. once you accept that pill it all makes sense. no countries except those the uk and those under the anglosphere matter at all.

sorry lad, school yard rules apply
>finders keepers, losers weepers
should have fought harder, pussy



back? shouldn't have attacked our fleet and then pussied out and fallen back into safe waters. utterly BTFO'd

Could someone post that cartoon video about the Falklands I saw on Jow Forums so long ago?

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the lads would like a quiet word

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Don't worry they will give them back in 10 years for racyss colonialism reparations

Falklands is rightful American clay for thousands of years.

Looks like the brits won them fair and square

Why do you want them? Its fucking horrible there as your troops found out.

This is the first post to make sense.

>beta argy
>"give them back"
>"we never had them, but they're kinda close to us and we need something to distract from the fact our control is an absolute dystopian shithole"
>more autistic screeching

Attached: mfwarg.jpg (204x172, 12K)

You should totally invade that island, do it you faggot

Based argie. Brazil is by your side, fuck the eurocucks that are defaming us.

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oy vey

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Take them .
Want to buy a zippo ?

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Looks like Argentina is going through a recession again.

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>Owning land

Attached: Ha.gif (255x255, 1.1M)

he's salty that we were out-numbered and still fucked them up

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Funny thing is that the Falklands were British before Argentina was even a country

>dirty british island monkeys
that's not how civilised people start a negotiation

>give them bck
Argentina never owned the islands you lobotomite Spain and France have more legitimate claims

>being this historically illiterate

Attached: 2017_01_20_20.37.54.png (444x141, 38K)

You're alright Paddy. Say, why not come rejoin the empire? For old time's sake?

Funny how your "education" is propaganda bullshit
Good riddance you are dying out

Argie bro... In order to get the malvinas we need to fix argentina first, we need to make san martin, belgrano and rosas proud of us

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Be careful with those ultra nationalist racist illegal jokes, if you don't have a loicense that's a 14 pounds and 88 stones fine and up to 17 years in jail.

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can someone with the falkland flag post here?

sure, here you go

What the actual fuck, not even Canada is even close to being that bad.

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Their population is tiny and their internet is probably shit too

It's like asking for someone from the tiny remote city of Kotzebue, Alaska to post here (yes I looked up a place in Alaska with a similar population to make this point)

Based and redpilled

Sorry about this but you ppl fuck hard your own country, with this crisis you country gona lose half of his territory, kikes going to buy patagonia and kick out all locals.
And all this is your fault.

>implying you don't get this shit in every other western nation in the modern age
Fuck off.

Guy working in the falklands sometimes posts in brit/pol/, military contractor. Place sounds comfy tbqh.

Attached: _83736181_britishtroops.jpg (660x371, 64K)

lone brit in charge of a horde of argie surrender monkeys

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"no pablo, no shitting on the street, falklands are british again, no more of your animal ways"

Attached: falklands-war-guarded-argentine-prisoners.jpg (640x457, 172K)

"that was easy"
"aye lad, was Miguel having a siesta?"

Attached: British-troops-during-the-Falklands-War-58efa48e3df78cd3fc83b5b9.jpg (768x512, 107K)

superior training and skill always trumps shitskin tactics

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>the royal navy will run in terror at our mighty navy

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>this is boring lad, why don't these argies fight? they just keep surrendering as soon as they see us. this lame, could be home playing vidya

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this one?

>thinks the west is even remotely close to the hell hole that is Britain
The west is cucked by nowhere near UKs level

>not cucked by a woman

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Last one. The money shot.

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First people in argentina were actually the French. I.e. fuck off

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>anglocentric world

Is thats why your soldiers dies for israel?

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>be me
>pic related
Why the fuck am i retarded i meant the Falklands

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Vmeste protiv Anglychaniye i Mutts.

Anglos used to rule a third of the world but today Anglos are ruled by the third world.

as if yours dont do the same, jewish oligarchs, jewish bolshevism killing off millions of sl*vs
sl*v subhuman, you speak when spoken to.

wow, this is awkward
>A 2017 Pew Research report documents Muslim population at 8.1% of the total population of Sweden of 10 million

>Muslims in the United Kingdom (5.02% of the population)

>hahah we are so good and strong, we murdered a bunch of kids

Wow, you brits are such beta cucks males if you're proud that you won. The SAS was top of the line infantry with modern equipment, a bunch of grown-ass man with training, and they fought against 19-year-olds with no proper training and still, got killed.
19-year-olds in Britan were sipping tea like faggots while in Argentina they were in a war. No wonder why brits are such pussies and got raped by Muslims

Attached: britsscared.jpg (1200x804, 206K)

Your capital literally has a muslim mayor.
We have 0 ZERO muslim leaders in any shape or form.
You are quite literally governed by your own pets.

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wow, the large argentinian invasion force managed to capture the tiny garrison when they sneaked in. big win there lad.

Happy Easter.

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absolute fucking cretin

>After four rapes in as many days, police in a small college town in Sweden are warning women to "think about how they behave."


Or how about when the inferior A-4's with no missile radar alert system, sunk your ass into the South Atlantic ocean.

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if the argentines want it so bad why don't they just take it?

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you mean the ones who were fitted with cutting-edge French tech? Exocet's were the best missle on the market. And we still beat them.

>Funny thing is

Attached: Vickie.jpg (500x704, 73K)

You mean the Exocet's that the Frenchies refused to give the codes to Argentina so they could be used?

And the A-4's weren't fitted with Exocet missiles. Only the Mirages and the Dassault and ground troops could fire the missiles.

>as if yours dont do the same

Yes, thats why Russia support and suplly Iran

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Thats right women shall not go outside without permission of their superior husband or father.

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Let me ask you this
Do you think the falkland island habitants want to be english or argentinians?
Why do you want to turn another place into a socialist shithole argentina?

>this world is an angocentric world. once you accept that pill it all makes sense
user, sorry to tell you this but its more accurate to say the world is roman centric, the roman empire never really died

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Also Bongs this is how you deal with idiots who refuse arrest, you just shoot them to submission, Superior firepower.

Should America buy it?

Why did you make me do this, Canuck?

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Britain won, so stay supremely mad faggot. Remind me what happened to the Belgrano again?

Attached: belgrano.jpg (1600x1046, 299K)

>implying iran isn't another jewish controlled opposition

please stop coping sven. your country is literally the worst off and took in the most muslims of the entire west.

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Oh yeah, that time you killed hundreds when you sunk a ship out of the exclusion zone.

Real manly move there. But desu what can you expect when fighting against the brits, they're just a bunch of dirty pirates who don't follow their own rules.

what do you expect to get out of those island?s

I love you

Lol you lost to cuck island. Kill yourself fag.

I've met Argentinians and you're a bunch of cunts. The islands aren't and were never yours and that's coming from an Irishman. Still brainwashed by your junta forty years on, hilarious!

>Muh most muslims
That award goes to France and i don't care if they are muslim or christian or whatever the fuck they are.
Poo skinned = Get out or die.
That is all that matters, second we are not a w*stern country we don't want to be assosciated with you faggots in any way shape or form.

Interesting war if you read into it
How the British managed to pull out with a victory while being out manned, out gunned, and under supplied is beyond me

keep it up user
I fucking hate anglo snobbyness. Falklands was just the bongs chimping out of their crumbling empire disintergrating, and they had to cope somehow, by fighting an inferior military, and still get bitten in the ass.

Fuck anglos, fuck the UK, and the falklands are Argentinian. The people on it, however not.

I would say offer to buy it, but we all know you have nothing to pay with.

>Buh muh geography
If Bugers buy Greenland, do they get Canada free? It's basically an enclave at that point.

you fucked up lol, stop acting like your country has any future (america fucked up too)

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