The amazon forest is burning. we are being annihilated by the Boomer generation. we are the most weak. domesticated...

the amazon forest is burning. we are being annihilated by the Boomer generation. we are the most weak. domesticated, pathetic, apathetic, docile type of Human/Generation that as ever walked the earth. on any other planet, in any other generation this would spark lynch mobs descending down on Brazilian embassies about the glob. but what do we do? nothing. we're just watching it on social media. we're watching our own upcoming death. we watch the technological-economical class snuff the life out of our world. we are nothing. where are all the Ted-pilled kids? where are everybody?

"the world ends/ Not with a bang but a whimper"

Attached: _108465249_brazil_active_fires_map_976-nc.png (976x705, 290K)

How can rainforest burn for so long

Lol I'll be dead when it's gone. When I die I want to take a redwood forest with me since it will never grow back.

this is what economic development looks like! You want Brazilians to remain impoverished forever? If you don't, if you want Brazilians to improve economically, this is what it looks like


I like this idea!

I thought we were supposed to let wildfires burn.

Attached: BurnHero.jpg (768x432, 93K)

the only thing unusual going on concerning fires in the amazon rainforest is the media's current reporting on it.

you are a tool to propaganda

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show flag

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Virtual signalling about a forest you will never see and catches fire every year is both fake and gay.
Get a fucking grip instead of bitching online and go put it out your damn self if you care so fucking much.

Alot of wood.

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it will grow back retard

aren't those countries a couple of the largest contributors to pollution?

>put it out yourself
these forests are being burned by people to make room for cows so fat westerners can eat burgers every day

Wait until the recession for the doomer uprising. When we can't even afford the internet it will be the last straw. As for now we have to slave away an existence and are rewarded through the coddling of digital media as our only solace.


Yes plants need CO2 to grow. They still teach that in school right?

there is a reason why the americas was a desolated continent with very specific points for civilization

we may have lived in an age of general wellness when in truth the majority of the continent was unhospitable and we may slowly be returning to that state

california was a desert and the missisipi was always struggling with megafloods, we may see that return

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Nobody wants to buy their disgusting mosanto cows anyway, i dont know why they bother.

Shill memeflaggot thread.

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its true fren you can research this

for example another one: once the mayas went almost extint because there was a century long drough in yucatan as recent as 1200 current age

just imagine that

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It's dry season like every year, fires always shoot up during august and september.

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there are better ways to insult fren

for example: leaf

>lungs of the world
that was debunked a long time ago, most of it comes from algae

fooling oneself is more american then baseball


being a fag is more memeflag than mossad

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*than, you illiterate chimp feltcher
show flag

yeah. mossad light those fires.. q user predicted this. say some more words parrot its so cute

Plant some trees in your own shit country. Leave Brazil alone!

It's going to be interesting when it gets warmer because people are going to realize that Northern Canada stayed unpopulated for a reason. I still think we'll come out on top tho

>It went slightly above the max in march

fuck that huehue forest, bitch nigga

let it all burn

go down there and get fucked by brazilians if you give that much of a fuck, anarchomong

>since it will never grow back
how did it come into existence in the first place?

True, but even if it weren't:
Only way to reduce O2 levels in the atmosphere is by increasing CO2 levels by the same amount.
And there is 500 times more O2 than CO2, so by the time we'd have to worry about O2 we're long dead from CO2 poisoning.

Brazil government starting the fires to clear it out for farmland?

I'm over 6000 miles away.
I'm also a millenial, so I'm incredibly poor.
I would love nothing more than to be rich enough to go globe-trotting with my rich American militia bros, but that sorta thing just does not exist outside of Hollywood.
The ones with balls are poor.
The ones with pussies are too sheltered with money to care.

>you are a tool to propaganda
technically, OP is not a "tool", he's an "employee"
of the public opinion companies who push this narrative

it's just to enable the rothschilds to create some bogus NGO whose purpose is to rob brasil of its sovereignty over the amazonian bassin and pillage its ressources by striking deals with lots of new natives micro-nations with zero experience in negociating with (((lawyers)))

Attached: rothschilds control the amazon forest.jpg (897x913, 468K)


have $0.02 on me

omg stap with this horseshit already. forests have fires every year in order to clear dead trees and undergrowth. it rejuvenates the land and clears the way for younger trees to thrive. Christ Almighty fucking do you research faggot.
If so international conspiracy was trying to take down brazil or some other lame ass shit then they would use a false flag or economic leverage. calm the fuck down nigger.