25 year old Scandinavian girl's Tinder stats

>not being in the top 1 % of males

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This was her

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not even joking, 4/10. would not fuck.

Besides having apparently all the Time in the world to fucking play with her phone, all I'm seeing here is a woman being appropriately picky. If anything this is unusual because she's not fucking every swinging dick in town.

She probably fucked all 4 of her dates

Imagine a 50% match rate

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she aint scandi my nigga she some type of forehead bitch or sumfin

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she isnt even white.



it is over

women are done

she is the most basic as fuck bitch in the fucking world, and she is rejecting 99% of men

how the fuck is that even possible

what the fuck

i just came across some girl on Tinder, super hot, who had an obnoxious profile saying she was only looking for drugs. i noticed she went to my university, so i perused the student directory until i could find her. i then printed out the screenshots of her profile and sent them to our student misconduct office, and also to her father, who is an attorney in a nearby city. did i do good?

Maybe she's just a shit person, and you should be happy her chances of mating are lower then average?

This isn't just her. The average woman finds the vast majority of men to absolutely be genetic trash

Attached: averagewomanontinder.png (899x635, 63K)

come on, leafbro

let's not jerk each other off with maple syrup and pretend that this ho isn't doing what every other basic bitch is doing: being uber picky in the era of disposable men and pedestal pussies

i would bet you a seven-dollar organic cucumber that if we surveyed basic tinder bitches about their swiping habits, most of them would admit to swiping right no more than 5% of the time

kek, my reaction as well.
wtf man.

She's not even good looking wtf is wrong with western women? I can't wait until I have enough money to travel to eastern Europe.

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There is no hope...


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>wtf is wrong with western women?

Read Sex and Character by Otto Weininger

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If this is not a LARP, then good on you based thot patrolmen

whoops meant to put this pic

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bitch needs to drop the bar or be miserable all her life

do we blame women or men?

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And she lives in Sweden, when lots of men are tall, blue-eyed, blonde.

Imagine what she would say to a man who's short or out of shape and is not particularly beautiful.

good thing it does not matter what women think then

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I had sex 2 hours ago with someone 5 years younger and 5 times as pretty.

Nobody worth their balls uses tinder here anyway, shits only for when you are out of town and cant figure out the local bar scene.

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This is a good thing, a properly behaving woman and a shining example to all her kind. The fuck you whining about?

time for incels and average men to rise up

this cannot stand

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both desu

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Now that's the prettiest 3/10 I have ever seen. I'll bet she has an a-cup, maybe almost a b-cup and wants to be a journalist!

Do you really think the vast majority of men not being able to make family due to the insane standards of modern women is a good thing for society?

>Longer convos

this is just being obsessive, wtf. this cannot be healthy for the psyche

>top 1%
>1% that suit her tastes on her local tinder
What's the problem here?
Should she have instead swiped right for everyone that didn't make her puke?
Taken the first offer instead of spending a few minutes being a little picky?
She got a 50% match rate - doesn't seem to have been swinging out of her league.

Don't be upset, this is how almost every species operates. Females birth right? Survival depends on being able to out reproduce death. But selection is also important as a mechanism to ensure fitness. Birthing takes time, and resources, insemination does not.
So by virtue of this mechanic, females are better off reproducing to maintain population than not.
This means that pressure on fitness is more allocated to male populations. If one male with really good genes passes them on the most, then this outweighs the shitty genes a female might possess. Ergo, females have no concept of their own worth mattering in comparison to mates, because in most species males don't even care about the fitness of the female.
Now humans are a bit different, through circumstance of our dimorphic nature men DO have preferences in women and women naturally are aware of this, hence the fixation on beauty and trying to maintain as much male attention as possible.
But this is a newer behavior, a newer instinct, the primordial idea of females "not mattering" in selection is still there, the concept of "deserving the best of the best" is still there. It doesn't matter how plain they are, they will always reach for the top and be unsatisfied with settling.

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What the fuck is that?! A hapaccino?!

The inceletariat only grows stronger every day



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You don't get it, that's not the issue here. This chick doesn't sleep around and fuck a new dude every week like most bitches these days. She ended up on 4 dates and 1 relationship. That's pure as fuck. If every woman was that fucking pure, more men would be in relationships with these bitches instead of this clown world shit where every chick fucks the same guys and no one is committed to anyone. It'd be like how shit was back in the 50s, and more of you would actually have girlfriends because girls wouldn't have such insane standards. Look at the bigger picture here.

""Scandinavian woman""

hello, is this real? i need to know before posting it somewhere.

anyone with a valid link?

society is buggered

Why do you post some shy girl with reduced teeth height in left side and misaligned hence lowered left eyebrow. Ok topical analysis over. Why do you use tinder? And how is this relevant.

>just be yourself, user

It isn't, In fact society was made as a control mechanism to allow more men to mate under the agreement that men with wealth or beauty wouldn't horde females.

How this will effect human evolution, who knows, but obviously Women by their sexual nature are inherently anti-civilization, their nature more or less supports a classic tribalism.
>Modern women
It's not something new to women, it's just that in older days marriage was heavily controlled. If laws support action against adultery, people get married and the risk of cheating is often too high to pull off. This created more single women who needed husbands (Because women were barred from self support) basically forcing them to settle down.

It still obviously didn't stop cheating, but at the very least more men had the option to not die as virgins.

kitty play nice

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You know what i give her credit for that
100% of tinder users should be executed with no questions asked. So i love that this unpretty Girl triggers you

ohnonono look at the top of her head

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if dudes are willing to lower their standards that much just to mate, then it obviously isn't their fault that fertility rates are still declining.

Just to play devils advocate, what do you think the average attractiveness level of men who use Tinder is in reality. As in, who are the kinds of men who'd join Tinder? It might be a disparity between Chads who use it because it's effective to desperate virgins, with the in between "average man" simply avoiding it because they find women the old way?

Retarded leaf is not not retarded. All good. You don't fucking know what she does outside of her tinder stats post, the same way nobody would believe you fuck multiple models on the daily. You just can't know. I'm not even going to try to go any further into this, but if an average woman only settles for one in every 12k males, how is your purness still important if 11.999 don't mate, you worthless dog fucking knotted brain.

>ulterior motive like joining a church group
lol now thats so demoralized even yuri would say wtf

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So that bean-headed bitch only swiped right how many times again? She should be happy that guys at least still want to use her droopy holes.


I understand what you're saying but it wouldn't kill women to find more men attractive instead of pure trash while still committing to monogamy.


Rape does not count Muhammad.

Nothing in this universe I heavier than the mass of pussy

>Mongoloid mix features
>substantial forehead acne
>nasty looking mole near mouth
>emotionless stare
>posts swipe % on social media

i hate women lmao

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So whose writting those posts?


i just realized she said most of the men were "very handsome" but she had little in common with them

that's not so bad

Whatever makes you feel better

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The literal rage of some unpretty girl NOT wanting constant fuckdates on tinder. The death sentence adultery platform. There is no possible Way for me NOT to be annoyed by your very existance and wishing the extermination of your entire family tree.

thank you. drew a shrubbery for you.

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>not even a Stacy
Hypergamy is truely the most incredible mental illness in human history.

i think OP is faking this. this bitch has been posting on /b/ and /soc/ for attention whoring every day for the last 4 months

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which one of you tweeted this

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lmao thanks user

Do you think this sort of statistic is posted on purpose to make people like us lose any hope they might have left?

Thirsy guys right swipe every single girl. Any non-whale is going to have a 50%+ match rate when she swipes right. Women HAVE to be extremely selective or else they get flooded with creeps. You hate this because you're a creep :)



Looks like a latin american mestiso.

Wait so... You fucking retarded incels are mad that a girl has standards? But if she would have went on 20+ dates she would have been considered a roastie whore. Where is the middle ground?

>match 66
>no match 51

For fuck sakes, men will fuck anything, yet she’s at like only 55% matches

they only accept the BBC

How about finding more men to be attractive while not being a slut?

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white knight harder, cuck

>Positive swipe on very handsome men
>Not important, interesting bio helps.
Like every other dumb entitled bitch on this planet she wants the rich and handsome.

Women shouldn't be treated like people if they are going to act this way.

holy shit my sides

Her genes will die with her.

How is it even possible that there are more single men than women?

Women are either knowingly or unknowingly sharing the same guy

>Like every other dumb entitled bitch on this planet she wants the rich and handsome

Are you this retarded that you don't understand that's what literally everyone wants? It's a biological process. Wealth = security, attractiveness = healthy children
Are you a tranny or do you not believe in evolution???

Quit raging and make it happen
Oh wait, you're the typical ineffectual
white-knight beta faggot

Your pointless vitriol just makes me laugh

Everyone wanting that doesn't mean it's good to act on those wants.
Obviously everyone wants to have a rich and good looking husband but the fact is that none of these women have a chance at that and if they waste their fertile years chasing a pipe dream they waste the only thing their lives are good for.

And that's a bad thing?

I don't mind, were accelerating this baby and coming clean trough on the other side.

Blame dude's.

Although men willing to settle with less is a major issue to inflation of ego's - it is merely a byproduct to the major problem nobody wants to see:

Image based dating apps are the issue.

For all we know she only swipes right on guys in her league

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She is swinging out of her league. Those matches aren't for real relationships. She's going to be used as a cock sleeve and thrown away.

I believe in evolution, but what I don't believe are vapid cunts with nothing to offer but said cunt. Which will ware out faster than her 3/10 looks. What I mean to express is these women are retarded thinking the are entitled to the best.

I hope sex bots become a thing and put all these bitches on suicide watch.

This is a social experiment that will correct itself in a generation or two.
In our rush to turn everything into a product and commodotise it, nothing has value.

Women become buyers of sex rather than sellers of a home maker. Then one day their purchasing power evaporates and they have nothing left to sell.

I'm 42ho married, wealthy and have two children. Single women openly flirt non stop.
If guys stopped chasing girls and focused on money and power the tables would turn quicker.

Robbie is fucking based. Steals some literal retard's girl, who is *also* retarded. That's a Chad if I've ever seen one.

I wonder why I have never seen a sex robot or love doll or anime waifu look like her.

Lmao, it's funny because Beverly dated a ghost in that one episode.