Meaningless sex

Reminder that sex with random whores is literally the stupidest thing you can do. I live in a college town and all the young people are brainless fucks who get drunk and fornicate wildly. When you impregnate one of these roasties, she will either kill your baby or you will have to deal with her for the rest of your life. You shatter your soul, and your child grows up knowing they were an accident and they never really get to know or love either one of their parents, making the cycle continue.

The only environment to raise kids successfully is a married man and wife

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There's no way that literal who is not Jewish.

>The only environment to raise kids successfully is a married man and wife

Thank you, good leaf. It's a shame so many people have forgotten this.

Beware of girls in America, the ones that look like the purist ones of all are like this.

You will be sharing whatever antibiotic resistant bacteria, antifungal resistant fungi, antiviral resistant virii, and antielemental resistent elemental, with 150 other men.

Which boils down to your dick and asshole is going to itch for the rest of your life.

Fucking Stacy. Learn from my mistake.

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that's some goon shit you just posted user

why does this clown planet keep revolving

>When you impregnate one of these roasties
>pull and pray
>Quick BJ
>Dirt Road
will not result in pregnancy

Damn. Looks like a screen shot from a horror movie

Still degeneracy

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muh degeneracy

>t. aids dick

It still results in you being a degenerate.

Oy that’s racist


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Imagine being such a soulless husk that sex is nothing more than an act of instant gratification. Like a monkey jacking off in the zoo.

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pull and pray is spooky as fuck desu

Why is this nigga trying to make it sound like some fucking public service announcement?

Tells us more wise incel.

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What other benefit do strong empowered womyn bring to a relationship now? Absolutely nothing. I'd rather have a hookup with a tinder slut or hooker when i'm feeling the need then spend my time and resources focusing on myself.

>bip bop
>bop bip
>bip bop
>go to work
>bop bip

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The destruction of the nuclear family has had devastating consequences on our society. Historically, men pursued fertility and women pursued resources. The abundance of homes with absent fathers has led to girls viewing male attention itself as a resource. It has led to boys being never being taught the discipline of self control. It's a double edged sword, the broken home has left our children more vulnerable to the never ending propaganda from the media which promotes hedonistic behavior.

These are the people who call you an incel and say women don't owe you sex while promoting prostitution basically.

Its funny how they brag about fucking whores. Like going to a strip club and bragging that you got a lap dance. Oh you're so amazing.

What they mean to say is women don't owe you marriage. They're all for diseased orgies. Free love hippy shit.

Morality is a divine and highly advanced tool humans have attained.

They are trying to separate any meaning from the act of sex, and destroy any physical manifestation of love.

Useful for sterilization

You are literally hating because you can't get pussy that way. I believe that fucking roasties is fun and fulfilling, in some primal way. I've never fucked anyone outside of relationship so I wouldn't know

doing heroin 24/7 until you die is also subjectively fun and fulfilling in a primal way.

Yes, but having sex with some slutty girls in your youth won't kill you or fuck up your perception of reality. Men has that urge to be alpha, and long term gfs become boring after some time

This. One of my mates the other day said he’d be willing to fuck a negress or asian ‘if she were hot enough’. At my visible repulsion he said ‘what? It’s not like I’d have kids with her, is just masturbating with a partner. It only matters if you have white kids.’

I want off this planet.

Please god, let the boogaloo start soon.

Fat love is love. Pic related.

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Masturbating to pornography ruined me. How will i know if i do love someone and not use them?

Her name was VEAL for a reason I say...

>Marrying some thot will be different
Getting married takes 5-10years, I can barely stand a woman for 3-6 months.

Did that one bitch hang herself right before her friends wedding? What a selfish fucking whore.

There are consequences that you cannot begin to imagine for indulging in this behavior. You are smashing apart your chances of lasting happiness every time you do it, even if it feels great at the time. This is especially true for women. If just one random semi-normal marriage potential femanon reads this, I will be happy. Please trust your insticts, don't accept drinks you didn't open yourself at parties, and always leave if you are even the slightest bit sketched out. Actually, don't even go. You know you aren't going to like it, so why do it? Your future husband, the perfect one you've always wanted, disappears bit by bit just like in Back To Future every time you don't act pure. Just look at the happy marriage stats for women with 'only' eight partners before marriage. You are killing your chance at true happiness because jews told you it was cool.


>I believe
>but I haven't done it
confirmed low IQ shithole

Casual sex leads to depression.

Try listening to such nigger behaviour from men for another 50 years. Fucking christ. Men were a mistake. Women have no idea of the chimping that goes on.