How goes the political situation in Canada? Will Trudeau be leaving anytime soon?
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Pretty sure they're still faggots in the Great Bathhouse to the North.
It's looking like a minority government. So 50% Trudeau gets in with the support of the NDP / Greens and 50% Andrew Scheer the Dairy Queen Conservative gets in. They're rigging the debates to block Maxime Bernier from getting in and redpilling the masses.
If Trudeau doesn't win we are fucked.
In what way?
Damn right, Mohammed
I like Max, but him not being in the debates isn't a massive conspiracy. He's a very new candidate, hell even the Greens aren't always invited to the debates.
No. We are absolutely fucked. The only one that has promise is Maxime Bernier, but his party started only recently, and the media here treats him 10 times worse than the media i the US treated Pres. Trump. , if they even talk about Bernier at all. Andrew Scheer is literally trudeau light, even though he is "conservative", he is exactly the same as trudeau. Trudeau will get a second minority term, only because he promised big spending in quebec. Canada is a failed UN experiment.
Like that's going to solve anything. They made sure the political system is rigged good this time and Canadians don't get a semblance of a chance at electing a Trump-like figure.
Because Canada serves the so called Crown aka Reptilian Queen of England.
Collapse is the only way out.
So sure nationalist countries don't take Canada seriously. Cuckservatives are fooling themselves if they think Scheer isn't going to be hated even more.
At least the Europeans like Trudeau right now. Scheer will blow Trump AND Xi.
I hope not. Sheer is an incompetent buffoon and Jagmeet is an apologetic communist.
Until this land ceases to be represented by the flag of Canada, until people reclaim their Natural (God given) rights as free people living on this Earth and not STRAWMAN/STOCK PROPERTY OF THE UK/THE "CROWN" there won't be any long term solutions. Too late for majority of people as they will be going down with the sinking ship: the flag they love and worship.
When did the fall of Canada start?
Bernier is pretty based, but
1. is a frog so no one out west will vote for him
2. Named his shit People's Party so everyone assumes it's some commie shit
All in all, shit's goin downhill fast. Eat those bugs, goyim
You fucking idiots want to continue running around in endless circles playing politics? Be my guest. If your existence is defined by Canadian nationality you're not a living person truth be told. Do your research on sovereign rights if you want to truly fix anything.
1968, massive immigration and abortion reform under Trudeau 1.0
Sleery Andrew scheer and his minority government will lull the populous back to sleep with inaction and the same old conservative back pedaling we have always had.
There were a few pivotal years but I would say from the very start.
>Event: The year, 1982. To prevent people from discovering the illusion, Prime Minister Pierre Elliot Trudeau and his Cabinet created the 'Canada Act', delivering directly to the self-styled 'Monarch of Canada', Britain's Queen Elizabeth, for her delivery of it to the British Parliament to thereby pass it as the "Constitution Act", 1982.
Trudeau would "patriate" the 'Charter of Rights and Freedoms' along with the now defunct BNA Act, to Canada - thereby relinquishing jurisdiction over Canada to a foreign power, the British Monarch and the British Parliament.
Upon returning, Trudeau convinced all provinces to ratify the deception of the new 'Constitution'. Except Quebec.
The outcome of this adventure saw Trudeau retiring from politics, leaving his mess behind to be sorted out by future politicians.
To ensure the deception was laid to rest, the "Government of Canada" knew they needed to amend 'The Constitution Act, 1982' without provincial interference. There was the Meech Lake Accord of 1987, followed five years later by the Charlottetown Accord. These accords failed and the "Government of Canada" did not get what it wanted: amending the "Constitution Act" without asking permission from the provinces.
As both Accords failed to become ratified, the federal authority in 1995 let sleeping dogs lie, pretending everything was as it should be. After all, the people of Canada had yet to figure it out.
Both parties are the exact same.
build 2 walls ameri-bro.
Canada is a cancer, this place is the advertisement for the N.W.O.
If we’re stuck with 4 more years of Trudeau I’m going to the states
>One score and two years later the Interpretations Act, 1889, was passed, stating that Canada is a Colony.
This gives the lie to the story of Confederation and brands it as a reductio ad absurdum. Another recent absurdity is that a House and Senate of British Subjects debating the adoption of a Flag and Anthem.
You say you have never heard of this before!
You are not alone in this.
Since 1931, Canadian citizens are not subject to laws enacted by the British Government and are not recognized by Great Britain as British subjects.
To sum up: Canada lost everything gained politically in the previous hundred years and reverted back to the Constitution granted in 1763 to Governor James Murray by the Board of Trade (Sessional Papers 18). Lord Monck came back to Canada as a 'Corporation Sole' and his first act upon opening Parliament was to announce that John A. Macdonald had been granted a title of 'Sir'.
John A MacDonald did very well for himself; he obtained a titled Lady as a bride, an annual stipend as a member of the Imperial Privy Council, and was now the Right Honourable Sir John A. Macdonald.
PCC needs more public support the people need to know.
waiting for american 4th reich to come up and save us
>For 80 years between 1787 and 1867, the British placed many Governors General into the Corporation Sole. Issuing Letters Patent, the British Monarchy thereby proclaimed that Governor Generals held the 'power' to create and control the government of Canada, as a British Colony.
Event: Delegates from Canada had no part in drafting the British North America Act, March 29, 1867, and no certified copy of this act was brought to Canada.
The Act was drafted by Lord Thring, Parliamentary Secretary to the Treasury.
It is not a Constitution for it constitutes nothing.
It simply emphasizes the power of the Governor-General to appoint and remove a Privy Council to 'aid and advise' him and to state that the Governor-General has the power to pass an 'order-in-council' by himself individually as the case requires. ( An 'order-in-council' is equal to an Act of Parliament.)
Hey don't blame us for your peoplekind degeneracy and chinise landowners
Also you say peepee when you use the initials
higher chance of US collapsing and balkanizing.
Trudope was only voted in to legalize weed. (As degenerate as it is.) Now we're kicking his ass to the curb. My local conservative is a qt, so she'll get all the votes (people) in my pocket.
lol, Justin Castro, is a piece of shit
buying the election now
promised to change the voting system
is a fake feminist
sends billions of canadians money to other countries not for the benefit of Canada but for his own father (Castro) ideology
Not the Brits mate. The blame is on the Crown/British government and absolutely the government of Canada. All these nations are suffering.
In reality, I blame the devil.
Does she offer free bjs for the voters?
Maybe, but it doesn't matter even if he does. Scheer is a classic cuckservative that's left of even civnats. He has no principles or values beyond not being Trudeau. He's still a mass immigration shill and 1/4 Jewish.
The rules for the brand new Debates Commission were literally written just after the formation of the PPC.
Nope. I have no hope that fucker is gonna lose. Collapse is the way to go desu
Maxime Bernier wants free trade with China. Fuck that.
should I vote CPC then?
Check his website.
I urge people living in this country to check this out
My dad works for Parks Canada, so I'm voting Trudeau. Family comes first.
The Charter of Rights and Freedoms is the cause of most of our woes today. It was trick by Pierre Trudeau under the mask of giving Canadians a constitutional Bill of Rights that effectively handed power to the judiciary controlled by the leftist multiculturalism cult.
No party will win a majority, all of the party leaders are too weak
70s & 80s
OP this thread will attract a bunch of Canadians FYI
The only one who could win would be the conservatives and yea they picked a shit leader nobody likes so fuck them they deserve to lose.
No, it's a meme that will only split the vote.
vote trudeau.
Going to vote in Canada must be such a soul sucking experience. I'd rather sit in the DMV waiting for a nigger to call my number or enroll in a community college on a rainy day
No it's pretty easy.
Lel it's not the "easy" part I'm talking about. It's the being a leaf but not really bc you're a Brit-adoption. And you have the worst "french" fags as well. Etc
Voting is blue pilled in Canada.
The country has been lost way too long that nothing short of annexation from the US will save us. But only for us in QC the rest of you can get lost and kiss the Queen's ring
>enroll in a community college on a rainy day
Made me chuckle. Bleak af!
If anything it will be the other way around
ya well elizabeth may was debating in the debates before she even had a seat
Sure Ahmed, it will be the other way around
Its happening my maple bitches
This is a leaf thread, not a ladyboy thread
I love retarded threads like this. You fucking retards realise you're on the wrong side of history right? Get over it losers
Oh, its a ladyboy thread alright.
We've had no history worth noting for at least 2 generations
I get those flags confused I apologise my not Thai friend
Site cant be reached faggot
Ill kill you
He's gonna make his coming out prior to October's election. 100%
not voting anymore, All the parties are total shit this country is fucked. just call me when ever one has had enough of this rigged shit show and wants to revolt and il join in. If you think voting PC will help your new to politics here, it is the same shit. might just move far far up north and by a gun, seems like a good plan.
Hang together, or hang apart.
Works fine here. ((((They)))) don't want you on it.
Trudeau will give money to muhammads and queers and will get reelected.
lol you have no fucking idea what you are talking about the gays do not get shit. Muhammad on the other hand . . . . they are just using the gays to take your free speech away, trust me they will throw them under the bus the first chance they get. If only the right was smart enough to weaponize the lgbt community to stop immigration.
Yep this country is fucked. Honestly I’d rather just keep electing liberals both federal and provincial so we can speed up the inevitable collapse. The sooner it crumbles the sooner we can rebuild
Jean, your province is the California of Canada. What do you have to offer America?
I don't know about that mate. The migrants in the US and Europe are disorganized. The Chinese are buying up all our land in a very calculating and planned out manner. In any sort of collapse they would swoop in on us.
>Because Canada serves the so called Crown aka Reptilian Queen of England.
So does the Jew-Knighted Estates of America. Virginia Company, 1913 bankruptcy/Federal Reserve Act and all that.
I'm voting for Trudeau this time around to punish those that voted for him last time.
One Frenchman for another fuck that noise
no, in past, Elizabeth didn't got invite to debate for same reason
well... we could save ourselves the embarrassment and go to war with China I suppose. Perhaps the collapse of a global nuclear holocaust is just the reset switch we need.
hi this user again, can someone please reply to show i am not shadowbanned
canaanites posing as jews or israel flags need not apply
ur fine
It'll be a minority government - probably Liberal propped up by NDP/Green.
For the first time I'll be voting Conservative, which I never thought I'd ever do. Trudeau has to get the fuck out and we need to swing a bit more to the centre/right. I know I'll regret voting Conservative but I can stomach their fuckery more than Trudeau's.
Nah that’s what we have the US for. Chinks couldn’t do shit here without the US going totally ape shit.
>h-he's a frenchie
shit-tier shilling
>Chinks couldn’t do shit here without the US going totally ape shit.
They've already destroyed the housing industry in several major cities (and now the east coast is beginning). We are literally locked out of buying homes where the jobs are, primarily because of chinks and boomers.
This is an outrage but complacent Canadians won't vocalize this of course.
Scheer is possibly an even bigger faggot than justin if thats possible somehow
thanks csis
He's just a very bland Catholic family man. I'm not voting for a personality like retards did for Trudeau and Trump, I'm voting for the direction of the country for the next four years.
Anything? Like gradually migrate their top 1% to Canada? My hometown is over 80% Chinese. Many cannot speak English. I haven't heard a peep out of the US.
Since the beginning, just like South Africa and Belgium. Multiculturalism is never a good foundation for a nation, and the conscious multiculturalism for Canada has lead to a really retarded culture.
It would've been better to have a uniform bilingual society in which everyone can speak both languages.