Wtf is wrong with Americans

Wtf is wrong with Americans

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5 decades of lies and false studies paid for by sugar companies that vilified fat.
You see it is okay to drink that much sugar if you only eat one big mac.

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1,300ml of unsweet tea is still 0 calories. It’s not hard not to be fat.

Tea tastes bad without sugar

It is not hard to not be fat at all, you literally get not fat by eating less.
If you are fat it is because you over eat there is no if buts or maybes about it.
Unless you have fluid building up under your skin which i doubt you do then you have no fucking excuse.

The fuck is wrong with
>checks flag

Have sex


We have an unfortunate tendency to run around the world waving our cocks in everyone's faces and generally being awesome.
It's kind of rude.

This isn't even up to date anymore, Mccy D's shrank the shit out of their drinks, I actually think they're pretty close now.

But also, its less about how big the cup is and more about how much you drink. If you sit there and suck down a litre+ of sugary shite then you might get fat... Especially with a very sedentary lifestyle.

it's not Americans really although our sick culture is the best case study. anyways it's fucking consumerism in general, why only get a reasonable 6 oz's or so of soda when you can get 8, why get 8 when you can now get 12 why get 12 when you can now get 16, wait fuck 16 buy this 20oz. oh 20oz is outdated buy this fucking 32 oz monster guzzler. we have done this with literally everything and anything so that rich globalists can profit even more and companies can so never ending growth year after year without any real innovation.

a large US mcdonalds coke is $1 and holds 24 oz + ice

To be fair, they fill 2/3rds of the cup with ice if you don’t fill it yourself.

If you drink diet, the size doesn't matter.

Then either your tea is shit or your taste is shit.

Thank God, I was worried.

>Small is 700ml
Fucking sign me to it

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I like getting more for the same amount of money.

Our water is nice and we use a lot of ice.

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The cup is filled completely with ice.

Theres barely any fluid in there.

>$8 lunch

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That graphic is grossly incorrect. Perhaps it was correct many years ago, but not now.

US drink sizes:
Small - 150 Cal, 16 fl oz, ~473ml
Medium - 210 Cal, 21 fl oz, ~621ml
Large - 310 Cal, 32 fl oz, ~946ml

Aus drink sizes:
Small - 101 Cal, ~306ml
Medium - 148 Cal, ~ 411ml
Large - 224 Cal, ~589ml

Therefore the difference in sizes
Small - 55% more
Medium - 51% more
Large - 61% more

I must be retarded. Can someone explain this picture to me? 2 arbitrary cup sizes categorized by S M L? What is this proving? Is it now vs a decade ago? Is it accepted drink sizes? WTF?

We thirsty

Jews. We're all slaves to an out of control, profit-driven, consumerist hive-mind. And the 1% wag their fingers at us and lecture us on morality and spreading the wealth while they feed off the rest of us.

lol, u don't know how to deal

Drink it until you like it.

It's because fat is a steroid.
That's why all our food has phytoestrogens in it. They don't want you to have testosterone from fats. They want you to have estrogen.

A 55% difference is still a lot and still says a lot about your country.

You mean its a little bitter... like beer?

When was the last time you drank a non-alcoholic beer?

Stevia extract drops, my dude.

on accident. I bought a 6er without reading the label. tasted like beer, but after 4 i realized nothing had changed. Fucking non alcoholic....

Fuck, sorry to hear that friend.

We put ice in our drinks and it takes up the extra space. Fucking idiot.

it was a big sad.... thanks fren

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Our large is 500mln, the small is 200.

Apperantly Yankees like their sodas filled with ice so it might not be that big a difference.

Sugar addiction

ours too but they put ice in it aswell

we live in a country of disgusting gluttons
even our communists are fat pieces of shit

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we get thirsty while injecting our fluids up canadian poopers

The ones on the right aren’t McDonald’s cups btw. This pic makes no sense.

a lot of them, way too many, are niggers

What it doesn't say is that only a fucking retard drinks sugar water, regardless of the volume.


>American drinks
>gay euro measures
Try again op.

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No, you're just a pussy and probably steeping it for too long.

Fuck you. Anyone can make their own choices in America. If i want to drive a huge truck while drinking a gallon sized slurpee I SURE AS FUCK CAN! And, similarly, if i want to save gas $ and lower diabetes risk I SURE AS FUCK CAN! Making shit illegal is for worthless cunts without accountability and responsability. Losers. Its self reliant, not gov. Cuckdom.

I rarely ever drink soda, it's terrible for you.
but when I do, I need enough liquid to actually quench my thirst.

BBC demands bigger things in life

is that horchata? damn, id fuckin die if horchata was served at 7/11



this comment reminded me of the slav girl who was addicted to drinking cola

Europeans cannot afford ice. At least 70% of that volume is ice.

>Apperantly Yankees like their sodas filled with ice so it might not be that big a difference.
yeah, we use a lot of ice, good point

i hope that after many years of therapy you end up OK with the trauma and can live a normal life fren

>Wtf is wrong with Americans
Have you even gone to Cineplanet?
Basically the same size

Too bad.

Imagine being so cucked that you pay the same price for half the product.

Dats rite

Great I can date fat girls again. LOLz

Fuck off lolbert, these type of things should be taxed heavily.

Ice kills taste. I don't get the American obsession with it, other than its to hide the taste of shit products. Ice cold soda, ice cold beer, ice cold tea. Fuck off. Soft drinks should be had from the fridge, beer should be room temperature and tea should be hot.

Diet soda causes brain damage, only retards drink it.

Take your meds boomer

Soda is their bread and butter. They charge more for a cup of soda than you pay for a 2 liter at the store. It's mostly Ice too.

Also this. Good assessment, user

My local sugar tax adds 80 cents to a can of iced tea. At 2 cents per Oz of sugary beverage, why the would I not become an alcoholic instead? Not even kidding, I used to drink Ginger ale, the real kind, every morning. At 5 dollars a 4 pack, this was a feasible habit. Now the product is 8 dollars for a 4 pack, and I no longer buy healthy ginger ale.

if you drink it before the ice melts it makes the drink more refreshing, especially on a hot day.
beer temperature depends on the type of beer. a crisp, lager or pilsner style beer is way better when it's served cold.
your English bitter or whatever are apparently better at room temperature (afaik it's impossible to get beer in that style pretty much anywhere in the USA - but IPAs are ubiquitous now)

What do you want? Our government to tell us how much of something we can have? Sorry we're not faggots. There is demand for large quantities and therefore the stores sell them. Welcome to freedom bitch.

Add a little lemon until you are no longer a fucking pussy.

We are a nation of niggers and spics

You guys apparently can't afford ACs or Refrigerators either.

need to get rid of insurance pools too. fuck that anti-american bullshit.

What the fuck does that word even mean? Literally corporate newspeak. A drink either hydrates you or it doesn't.

being that fat and destitute yet still smiling

Hey, its great to have a big ass cup for water and refill all you like, keeps you hydrated. But I agree, most Americans end up drinking sugar water.

>If you are fat it is because you over eat
Self control is important, but there is more to it user. Our food in the US is literally poison. It has been bleached of nutrition which has been replaced by addictive chemicals and highly processed substances. As a result, people eat high calorie food that has no nutrition in it. Our bodies tell us that we are not getting any nutrition and so we feel the need to eat more. We then eat more high calorie food loaded with poison. These "foods" did not exist a few generations ago. Americans trust their government to protect them from things like this, but the government does not work work us. Eating less would help, but would still lead to malnutrition. We were taught from birth to eat garbage and this is reinforced by advertising. My grandparents never had this problem and when I ate with them, I never had to eat much to feel full and get all the nutrition that I needed.

>What the fuck does that word even mean?
the fact that you have to ask is sad, you must have never had a refreshing beverage in your life.
if after a good sip you let out a satisfied "ah" sound, your beverage is refreshing.

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>no ice please
Literally no extra charge
Just put the soda and your own fucking ice into a small glass and save the rest of the soda for tomorrow

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where should we fucking start?

We fill ours with ice first.

You’re a faggot

You're supposed to drink hot drinks on a hot day you retard

this, you can taste the brain damage

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Stay thirsty in your mud hut


they probably don't have those coca cola commercials in their movie theaters to let them know what it looks and sounds like

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I don't drink a lot of pop, but after this thread I want to drink like 3 gallons of it if only to piss off foreigners.

Our resturaunt keeps making the cups bigger that's what's wrong with us.

but that's retarded

No you are

No it's not you tard.

>listening to the same professionals that say everything causes cancer and autism
Its fucking flavored water.

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7 eleven big gulps and costco pizza/chicken is the best for it's price. It's no wonder 3rd worlders hate us