Riddle me this

How come you guys are against liberalism and degeneracy but when Hong niggers does it, you drop all the National Socialism ideals and support their "liberty"?

How many glow niggers are in here? Lemme count

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Because we hate Communism and Jewish tricks more.

And Hong nigger's liberty is not?

I'm not against liberalism. I'm a liberal. I'm against leftism, egotism, and the psychological abuse of the young and unwell.

anyone that supports the HK protestor is a glownigger.

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Because not all of them are LGBT libtards. Some just want basic human rights and China lives in a 1970s dystopian control zone.

Research the origin of liberalism and who your founding fathers really are

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Support hong monkeys? Fuck that i Support CHINA!

Most people here are larpers. They say they hate jews, but vote for king jew to give Israel billions. They say they hate niggers, but consume nigger media and pop culture. They say they hate fags, but call their favorite famous fags based.

>implying China wouldn't do worse to them

fuck chinks that’s why

China is nat soc. This is what you fags cry about daily and here is one in real life.

>I'm a liberal.
I think you're in the wrong place. /LGBT/ is that way ->

State Capitalism

Only honest and true post in the thread.

>thinks China is communist

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When the only definition of socialism you know is the one Hitler wrote in Mein Kampf

Liberalism was peak progressive cancer when was created. And years later people knew that never stops progressing. Theocratic autoritarian monarchy/dictatorship is the way to go.

I want the based chinks to crush them with tanks. FUCK anything even remotely liberal/western

State Cap Fascism, same fucking thing.


Fascism: Fasces is greek for "a bundle of sticks", one stick can be broken but a bundle cannot, nation works as one

State Capitalism: State sponsored usury, rule by usury

Nobody supports them or their gay bug degeneracy

Because there is nothing in this world worse than communism.
Fuck China they are the biggest enemy behind israel

Because fuck the Chinese government. Not because they are communist, which they are not, but because they are soulless and greedy bugmen crypto-kikes, literally the worst out of the three oriental races.

yes and israel is our greatest ally

>not supportting degeneracy in enemy nations so they degrade themselves over time

you don't even psyop and you're newfag, probably glowie ass has the nerve to call anyone else a glownigger? neck yourself faggot.

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u ok senpai?

I said f a m, not senpai, why does 4jannies change my word?

State capitalism my ass.
Every companies big enough in China is installed with communist party officials.

fuck dont make me support the CCP now i do hate commies but i also hate fags

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It's either the CCP or the Jews. Pick one.

Yep. I figure the average chicom cares about chinks, and that's fine. Even if the whites go extinct due to Shlomo I hope the chinks crush them and colonize the stars. Ching Chong ping pong. And fuck the kikes.

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fuck the cuck, only the strong should survive

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hnnng I wanna be hugged by the left guy uwu

As soon as I saw the Kongers waving American flags I knew something coupy was happening

why not nuke both?

the weak should fear the strong

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why should I care if the chinese are gay?