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Any autistic INTJ chess masters throughout political history?
Dominic Diaz
Camden Hill
ISTJ master personality, all others should be culled.
Noah Barnes
Cameron Price
>being anything but an NT
Kys faggot
Connor Peterson
Only to the extent that they can wield their autism effectively. Most get stuck as spergs, schizoids, and eccentrics
Levi Ortiz
INTJ is an INTP that has become so intelligent he has become enlightened by his own intelligence, not by any phoney gods (id remember the rest of the pasta)
basically INTJs just brute force everything through their thinking, no emotions? no matter, you can think so fast you can simulate any sort of thought pattern or personality and emulate the emotions perfectly
plus we have a shit ton of introspections, meaning we actually CAN identify if when and how were being retarded, and actually fix it
Evan Davis
>tfw entj
Charles Foster
Like when you pick a powerful class in a video game but it warns you at the character creation screen that it's for experienced players only
Ian Hall
ENTJ is just an INTJ who is intelligent enough to manipulate social systems in addition to mathematical and traditional systems.
Julian Allen
Charles Turner
Michael Lewis
Took this yesterday for first time and got INFJ, should I end it all?
Joshua Kelly
Lenin was one, if you're into that. Love him or hate him he did some chess master-y things
Mason Morris
>Killing yourself because of a label given by an online quiz
Go outside mate, live life.
Charles Jones
I know an ENTJ who is obsessed with sports. Sure he can talk to retards about sports forever but it's such a massive waste of time.
Brody Davis
Like invoking endless terror upon millions of whites? Yeah.
Daniel Perry
INTP here and think personality quizzes are for tweens and retards.
Justin Davis
Jason Cooper
Maybe some ancient emperor somewhere, if you believe in this astrology for autistic males.
> meaning we actually CAN identify if when and how were being retarded, and actually fix it
LOL, no.
Liam Diaz
>astrology for psych majors
I took the MBTI when I was in college, and it said I'm an INTJ. Fortunately, I'm not a feeble cunt who needs an ego-stroke from some stupid test invented by a cunt and her daughter, so I just went on with my life instead of obsessing over it like some retarded roastie with her horoscope.
That said, how the fuck is this politics?
Ian Diaz
This guy I think.
Jaxson Richardson
Are you planning on running for office Magnus?
Oliver Lewis
Jow Forums attracts INTJs newfag, welcome you're here forever...unless some sperg shoots a bunch of Mexicans again
Colton Brooks
also Emperor Trajan, don't ask me how I know. I think I read a while ago the MBTI of romans.
Anthony Fisher
>Jow Forums attracts intj's, as well as capricorns and those born in the year of the dragon
Apparently it also attracts retards. Are you a woman?
Isaiah Hall
It attracts a lot of jews too, they are very feminine and retarded.
Luke Taylor
it is assuming youre white, as niggers (like you) lack any real ability to conduct critical thinking
Christopher Garcia
>jungian psychology is a horoscope
yes, there are definitely retards present itt
Luke Sanders
Nice try, third grader.
Jung repeated a lot of jewish bullshit and MBTI was derived from some archetype crap he wrote about.
James Howard
the MBTI works though, legit. You can understand much better how you think and how others think, at a glance even. There's a reason it keeps growing. It doesn't predict your future though so it's not astrology.
Jayden Clark
Just gonna leave this Shareblue slide here.