Why do deep blue states have such a homeless crisis?

Why do deep blue states have such a homeless crisis?

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Fun fact: most democrat voters aren’t white

Orange man

Are they saying that one in four people in Cali are homeless? Can you clarify OP?

I still dont get how fucking Washington has a homeless problem. NY has had institutions to care for the fucks for decades, even shit like Home Alone 2 prominently features homeless in NYC living relatively confortable lives. And at the very least, FL and Texas are warm. But what the fuck does Washington of all places have to offer?

Other way around, 1 in 4 homeless Americans are in cali.

California makes up 13% of the U.S. population and has about a quarter of the country's homeless population.

Limitless handouts from retarded local governments


Legal weed and tons of gibs. I just moved away from Seattle to get away from it. My last week in town I had to pull a gun on a Mexican gang banger and saw a black lady lift up her skirt downtown on the sidewalk and take a shit. Packed my family and left as soon as I found a job to the east.

>deep blue

Thanks. Terrifying statistic nonetheless but not quite as bad as what I thought at first.

>why do large cities have more homeless people
Because mediocre people think they can make it there.

Homeless gibs are decided at the county and city level. All the homeless reside in the liberal parts.

The reason California has such a homelessness crisis is because Reagan when he was governor kicked the insane people out of the mental institutions on the street and they couldn't find jobs so they have been homeless ever since.

Sadly the commie is correct this time.

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Reagan hasn't been governor of California for more than four decades. Eventually the statute of limitations to blame him for California's problems in the current year has to expire.

Reagan has not been governor in literally decades. Granted, he did do that but are the mentally ill he kicked to the curb immortal? There are many homeless ylung people who are addicts. Also, there are people who like the lack of responsibility inherent in the lifestyle.

Niggers of all varieties (taco niggers, regular niggers, etc)

It's where all the good jobs are, leading to high housing prices and more people being unable to afford rent

>It's where all the good jobs are, leading to high housing prices and more people being unable to afford rent

This is a good joke. Learn from this man.

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Flies are drawn to shit

That's not 100% you fucking retard

>listed in descending order
Presumably it's the top 5.

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free shit. I mean that in every way possible.

Because those states are run by Dems and Dems are too stupid to find out the problem and solve it or they pretend there is no such thing. Bastards.

>Why do deep blue states have such a homeless crisis?

Because they actively feed the problem with gimme dats.

>Charge the most for homes
>More people lack homes

>why do the states with all the people also have all the homeless people
The right can't logic

>nicest places to live in the country
>tons of rich people so there's free shit everywhere
>great weather all year so still nice even if you live in a tent

Hmmm, yes, why would people ever decide to be homeless in those places? Hmm

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Hmm, because they are blue states?

Reagan ended his governorship in 1975.
By now, all the bums he put in the street are dead, you retarded.

>nicest places to live in the country

Yeah, like Los Angeles here in the video.

>great weather all year

In rainy Washington? In cold-ass New York?

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Homeless people and poor people come from all around the country to come to california. Not all the homeless people there were born there, they come from all over.
Also, California, especially southern cali, just has nice weather. You are far less likely to freeze to death in the streets no matter the season over here.
And most people are nice so they constantly give homeless people money.
Stop sending your homeless here.

Homes are for shitty places like Canada where the weather is bad and you need to stay inside. California has the best weather on the planet, so there's no need to have a home in the first place.

LA is the worst part of California, and even the worst parts of LA are better than fucking Missouri , Florida, Texas, or any of those fag-ass New England states.

>complaining about the weather on the West Coast

Literally the best in the country nigger. Prove me wrong.

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it has to do with getting everything free use all cash for drugs

>can live out doors all year round
since the worst thing is just rain which is easy to deal with. yeah some spots on the PNW gets snow, but its usually light and for a week or two out of the year. plenty of places the homeless can go for shelter during that time. most of it, its just rain. a simple tarp can protect you from that. only a month typically here where i'm at where at night it drops below 32 to maybe, 29, but extra blankets deal with it just fine. we rarely have our heater on in my home. we just toss on more blankets and clothing.
>cool weather
i live here and there's a lot of "non-profits" that give them free shit. it isn't just the government doing it either. i work at freddies and we have this one, not joking, jewish man, that comes in once every month to two months and spends thousands on buying clothing to handout to the homeless. he writes it off on his taxes and makes not only his money back, plus extra.
>dude, weed, lmao

Cali, Florida, Texas and Washington are full of homeless because it's warm enough that you don't have to worry about freezing to death in winter

There is a political movement in Seattle to accept all types of drug use, including all hard drugs. So, the police look the other way and let druggies shoot up in broad daylight. Alot of drug addicts are homeless, so it attracts a ton of homeless people.

Washington is not the case. Washington gets pretty cold however its the generous welfare befits and actual socialist city councils that run the state that attract homeless people.

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>Washington State
Literally Olympia, Tacoma and Seattle dragging us into a homeless haven
t. rural mountainfag

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Its something that legitimately has to stop and people of Washington have to do it themselves. If not you will end up like New York who has NYC make all the decisions for the rest of the state.

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It gets cold af in the winter.

Olympia is the capitol and Seattle already makes all the decisions. We've past the ability to salvage the government in the PNW.

God there is so much homeless in the Seattle area and here I thought San Diego was bad.

Seattle is like a Chinese city now, there are signs and pamphlets telling people not to shit in the streets.

Create the environment where it thrives. The biggest reason is government enablement.

Want to solve it? Do these four things:
1. Construct adult male only shelters.
2. Establish a workforce hiring program for public and private entities to daily employee individuals
3. Involve 3rd party local entities to help screen and run programs.
4. Enforce all laws such as vagrancy, panhandling, drug use, and loitering to the fullest extent.

Do these four things and you drive the useless bastards out of the city. Provide those who need shelter and work opportunities. Then using individuals vested in its success to screen out trouble makers and serial system abusers.

because they priced everyone to the verge of homelessness, democrats only celebrate the overconsumption of luxury goods. what used to be 1st world amenities has now been made luxuroes by these autocratic tyrants that hate seeing regular people live comfortable lives with high standards of living. they're narcissists that only wish to suppress innovation and the human spirit with feudalism. they are everything our founding father's warned us about

yeah, bc sure does. but not here in lakewood.

i live in wa. yes it gets cold, but not freezing death cold. as i mentioned in a post i wrote, during the winter i don't even have the heater on during the winter. yes other parts of WA get freezing death cold, but here in the tacoma area it doesn't. it doesn't snow often and when it does it isn't snow for three months straight. its like maybe two weeks at most out of the year. during the day we get highs in the 40's during the coldest months and drops down to maybe 29-30. all i see is homeless outside bunkered up in blankets and sleeping bags. its not like they're living in boise idaho or milwaukee, wi.

But in terms of poverty rate, there are still a notable amount of republican states as well

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You feed the stray cats and they'll return in packs

the old south was a feudal system with jesus

democrats are descendents of the old slave owning class of the old feudal south. but instead of using jesus like their predecessors, they're using luxury and "equality" as long as you have your prada or beats or whatever then you won't notice me living in my ivory tower

and those that don't, they're defective mentally, everyone ridicule them! they aren't human and don't deserve your empathy! here look! the new galaxy note is here! don't think about it, or you might be mentally ill like those homeless

republican states poor don't go insane and shit on the streets. they at least stay in doors and shit on their floor while OD on vicodin. a massive difference in quality.

The cost of living is so high from taxes and over-regulation it's that much easier to end up on the street after what would ordinarily would be a short-term job loss.

no its saying that of all homeless 24% live in commiefornia and 17% live in jew york. To have an average level of homeless you would have 2% for 50 states. Now adjusting for population bigger states should have no more then 4-6% of the homeless population. So Texas and Florida are fine. Washington is pushing it though.

State funded mental health facilities should be reinstated. As Nazi loving as pol is the Germans had a rudimentary view on mental illness. Should these people breed? No. Should they be executed due to their issues? No.

obvious, LIBERALS *IGNORE* the law and *ONLY* base governance on *FEEL* and therefore it's a SUBJECTIVE STANDARD like some kind of TIN-HORN DICTATORSHIP would be...

In a society ruled by *LAW* the *LAW* is equally applied.

For LIB-TARDS like in Cali-Fuck-You, it's *FEEL* and *POLITICAL CORRECTNESS* and *SOCIAL JUSTICE* and *FUCKING BULLSHIT* running the show.

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Other cities buy their homeless people one way bus tickets to Seattle, partially in hopes that theyll find employment, but mostly to get rid of them.

Because they promise free shit so all the bums go there.

San Francisco has never been great bit I’ve seen anything like what’s happening since this new mayor. hobos freebasing on lawn chairs in front of Safeway, their shit scattered everywhere.


Did you live in Seattle proper or a suburb. My wife wants to move there because the trees

We decided it was nicer to decriminalize vagrancy and let drug addicts and crazy people wander the streets than violate their human rights by forcing them to get help. White people with guns will get locked up though.

you’d be surprised

How's the internet? I'm looking to move to small town where I can still get broadband and chill out on my own property.


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Because all the politicians are claiming to give out free stuff like Medicare and jobs and shit like that and all these homeless people swarm there to get all this stuff to only realize that it was all a sham. I live in Washington, I’ve been to Seattle and Spokane, I know how bad it’s getting. Praise KEK

They coddle the worthless

>not 100%

why must you add pain to my existence?

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