Leaves up threads about blacks

>leaves up threads about blacks
>leaves threads up for days about popeye chicken
>celebrity threads as long as its pro nigger
>delets any thread about anything that isnt about niggers
>gets ass destroyed by asian women threads
Why so obvious mod? you dumb glowing nigger.

Attached: IMG_1637.jpg (720x960, 93K)

he's a big guy

for you

Attached: 1549820092504.png (331x10000, 160K)

Beat me to it.

Jannies and mods have been comped for a while. Makes you think they might be niggers?

one of them is a nigger for sure

Mods love nigger jizz. Whether the nigger jizz is in their asshole, mouth, mom, or sister's holes, or even their dad's holes, mods want more nigger jizz. Simple as that.

Guess we can only keep making threads calling these nigger faggots out

The fuck is this anyway. The jannies leave all the threads that should be pruned and prune so many that are actually interesting conversations. I’m guessing we have at least one tranny janny too.
Reminder to every single tranny that comes here: you will never be the opposite sex. Everyone knows you have serious problems and thinks are uncomfortable around you. You’re fake vagina is just an open wound where your dick should be and that fake penis is just your thigh rolled up like a hot dog. You are a freak and everyone knows it.