Does anybody actually believe Tim Pool when he talks about having to deal with racism growing up because he's half...

Does anybody actually believe Tim Pool when he talks about having to deal with racism growing up because he's half Korean? He barely even looks Asian and grew up in the south side of Chicago

Attached: Tim Pool.jpg (512x512, 35K)

He's a fucking gook.There now he can say he has been judged by his race. You're welcome Tim.

nah hes lying

hes as asian as keanu reeves

>Tim Pool
>Tem Pule

Guys I figured it out

I'm brown as fuck and lived in a very white, rural area all my life (36 years) and I've never encountered racism. It's why I always feel stories of racism are mostly bogus or embellished upon greatly. I'd say maybe 1 out of 100 accounts have truth behind them, and even then they're probably being exaggerated.

it happens, I experienced it and my minority parent was european.

The only way he could have faced racism is if everyone around him growing up was full Korean and got sick of him never shutting the fuck up about being a Korean octaroon. Can Tim even speak Korean?

pretty much

give us anecdote. I assume this is in Oz