Give it to me straight Jow Forums What's the deal with CBD oil. I see them pushing it as an antidepressant. Does it work? I really wanna stay away from the medicine pill Jew but exercises and eating healthy aren't working.
Give it to me straight Jow Forums What's the deal with CBD oil. I see them pushing it as an antidepressant...
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It's a super mild muscle relaxer that retards think is like a light version of weed.
eating healthy and excerises arent working because you fapping to much. do nofap
Just be happy, user.
Have fun, be stupid, yell at the top of your lungs, hit shit, listen to death grips...
Just. Be. Happy.
Buying it legal from the government puts you in a database that, while allegedly secure, can be used to deny your entry into most countries worldwide.
Buying it illegal off a gray-market store is just, well, illegal.
Choose your path.
Nah jacking it fights off prostate Cancer
.don't be a retard
Nobody puts you on a list for buying CBD oil here in the USA.
i dont give a shit. i just want to smoke weed on weekends without losing my job or going to prison
CBD is fucking bullshit.
That chick would be hot without the hardware in her nose and tattoos
fuck being a prissy foo foo faggot and just smoke a joint like God intended
>Buying it legal from the government puts you in a database that, while allegedly secure, can be used to deny your entry into most countries worldwide.
lmfao what.
ya it works and sativa thc oil with cbd is fucking bliss.
so fucking stupid. not even gonna argue.
It's a completely useless byproduct.
It's smart people who know abusing dumb people, and dumb people believing the hype abusing dumb people.
Don't smoke hydrocarbons you morons.
Most of the government stores, particularly the online onet, Canada-wide, are required to collect your ID and information (drivers license, address, etc.). What happens with that information is supposedly completely harmless, but it does make a list of everyone in Canada who has purchased weed or contributed to the marijuana industry, often considered illegal in other countries.
But seriously, just lie at customs. They're used to it.
CBD is a meme. It will help with minor muscle aches and is most-likely a placebo for treating minor anxiety.
Oh, in Canada. Not in USA. that sucks man
It’s kinda of like my dick in your girlfriends ass (pic related) hard at first, but slowly becomes sleek and soft like a brand new pillow or a comforter that’s just got out the dryer.
seriously though, just buy and find out...
CBD is only effective when used with THC, IIRC the amount of THC can be a small amount but otherwise CBD oil is pure placebo.
if you want a non-pharmaceutical substance that is a powerful antidepressant check pic related.
Americans who buy weed legally in the US are barred from owning guns.
>Those asterisks
Alright, what's the catch?
Be careful, I am subjected to random drug testing and we had a bunch of guys pissed hot when using this shit. If drug tests are a non-issue, it's mild from what I understand.
Means it's not (((FDA approved))) and is not intended to cure, diagnose, any disease etc etc.
NAC is used for acetaminophen overdose in hospitals. It has a whole host of other uses and it's pretty well studied.
It helped my:
Joint pain
Is a great hangover cure
Felt really rejuvenated daily
>600mg 3x a day in a dropper.
I take Glycine by the same company
Can confirm. A very valuable amino acid.
Cbd oil does nothing. It has no physiological effect whatsoever
>I take Glycine by the same company
what does it do for you?
>Can confirm. A very valuable amino acid.
It seems to be a miracle supplement. I've tried a lot of supplements and this is the only one that actually does anything.
exercise is guaranteed to work at least for a few hours. are you working hard, hard enough to not even be capable of being wrapped up in your own shit?
Define eating healthy. Vegan?
I just started taking full spectrum hemp oil which is supposed to be mostly CBD. I'm trying it for insomnia and its not working...
over here the dude is a guy i knew from college. they just check your id if ur above 18. wtf is going on in your country lmao
>30 replies
>no one points out OPs pic is a Jewess
for fucking shame pol
Eat. Sht. Jerk off.
Simple recipe for happiness
its a goyim pacification serum aimed at disrupting thoughtwaves in the hyperactive specimen
to your own fellow leaf too
Fuck off back to plebbit, kike.
>Does it work?
Not really. But if you can't live without weed it can at least act as a placebo
serious? that is building block of glutathione and will upregulate detox which may give people symptoms
Shes not tho
That's what the deal is if you go to a non-government store here, most of which are running without licenses. Not saying they're dangerous, Vancouver had them for over a decade, but they are still technically illegal.
Leafs need to inform leafs of leaf protocol. We manage our own mulch piles.
pure CBD should not make you fail drug test. THC will. Some CBD products have a small amount of THC
yeah cause it promotes glutathione production which upregulates detox
>a fucking mutt
Imagine my shock.
Its the best sleep you will ever get. NuLeaf is good but very strong.
You will pop on a drug test though.
are you talking about how if you have heavy metals in your system or lyme disease NAC can accelerate it? i've heard about that before but i'd imagine doesn't apply to most people.
cbd is shlomobiz, there's no quality control on the product and the whole thing is built on hype. Take saint John's wart faggot, and exercise for real this time
>muh pills for muh feels
shake my shekels f.a.m
you won't show the plates this dude lifted with ease though
shit does not work for me at all to sleep. very mild effect
A good company does quality control and posts the testing on their website. Buy US and read the reviews.
I had to take a horse tranquiller to sleep before because of a medical condition.
You can buy THC free but it won't help with anxiety and sleep.
Masturbation isn't inherently bad, but porn is
Yeah, sometimes the TCH is too high. I am in aviation and they take it very seriously. It's a banned substance for us.
umm yes. We all have toxicity to some extent. Some people with issues may actually be toxic with heavy metals. How much you take?
He's right though.
i had such a fucking crush on Lights in like 2008
You may have taken a shitty brand
Nuleaf will get you high if you take more than 30 drops. Its expsensive though
I take 500 mg once per day and am hoping to up the dose slowly as high as 3000
might be placebo, might not be, more research it needed.
Works for me, and its reasonably cheap
I have hard core insomnia :(
what are the chances of this having some future permanent complications like that synthetic shit weed they sold in the UK? I am paranoid h..heh
thank you
health complications
you should be vigilant about what you put in your body...
I am thats why i am asking now please respond
Have your magnesium levels checked and start taking inositol
should be ok. Mild effect. Doesn't really do anything for me but I have high tolerance to everything
it's proven to be bullshit. there is no psychoactive effect, so ask yourself how the fuck it can effect your mental state if it is not psychoactive.
don't you think the feds would have their mitts all over it if it was real?
>what does it do for you?
I'm almost sure it doesn't work as anti-depressant, though. Ketamine and other party drugs under very low dosages with moderate frequency would work better than anti-depressants, I think. There was a successful trial about it.
And no, cocaine and crack wouldn't work.
Cannabis has kept humanity going for 8000+ years. It's one of our oldest cultivars. You just have to decide if it's good for you.
You are an extra dumb leaf, shut up faggot you know nothing.
Jewish corporations are pushing for mainstream weed + CBD usage, and legalization. They invested heavily into these spheres, and are in place to make a lot of money.
The legalization movement is a classic case of astroturf by alternative pharmaceutical companies, and probably big pharma too in some measure
Out of desperation I am trying 30,000 iu vit d3, a bunch of magnesium, B3, gaba, cbd, unisom - and still my sleep is shit. Yet my brain works better and I can tolerate the lack of sleep better. WTF is wrong with me.
Take it to the supreme.
how will they kill the "black" market after decriminalization? The state usually sells it for more than your guy
No fap is for porn addicts who cant go a day without jacking it to some slut
rice powder?
Trust me.
I think you're wrong. Most big pharma companies want to drain your miserable body of every penny until it gives out. Most generic drugs are made in facilities that are not regulated for safety.
We are taught that we are inadequate and we can't fix our health with food and the right supplements.
Our livers are the size of soccer balls and our thyroids are shit.
who do you think sells the drugs to the nigger street pushers?
thank you user - am looking into it
You sound like you have a cortisol or thyroid problem. Saliva 24 hour test and full thyroid panel. If you are taking any prescription drugs that interfere with your glands......also
i had such a big crush on that girl
shes the only decent thing to come out of canada. her music sucks ass tho
It absolutely helped with my anxiety. It is not a cure by any means, but after 2 or 3 days you will feel better. The changes aren’t noticeable until you run out and then you’ll realize that it really does take the edge off.
I've hybridized Strawberry Cough with CBD White Shark. Came out as 7% THC, 18% CBD, my friends loved it so much they've given me money for plants that are 6 weeks away from harvest.
I did cortisol test. It very very low in the morning and then went high in normal range but upper part and then fell off in the normal range. I made appointment with GP to get blood work done. I want the most comprehensive blood work possible.
No prescription drugs
Man dont take that much vitamin D, get your levels checked first then ask the doc how much you should take. That much vitamin d will be toxic to you. Vitamin D is fat soluble, which means excess will be stored in your fat and can build up to toxic levels when you take too much. You wont piss the excess out like with other vitamins
weed is still bad for you, dont give a shit what any pothead says. it can and will slow your brain down over time
If you mix CBD oil with iodine supplement, and ingest about 5 drops, you'll feel really good but not high at all. Clear focused and able bodied.
This. Porn/sex culture is the biggest psy-op
trust me I know. I said I was desperate.
They say so long as you take K2 to move the calcium out of your blood and into your bones its ok. Even at that super high does it will take time to get toxic. After 2 weeks of shit sleep I tried 20,000 the day before yesterday and 30,000 last night since it wasn't working
stimulating effect? something meant for during the day right, not before bed
I've been taking it nightly/daily for about a week and I do feel better in some ways. Also taking it to increase appetite.
Good CBD is expensive tho
you are under valuing positive things
you are over valuing negative things
you are not appreciating what you already have
stop being stupid, and you will be happier
stop thinking things are important because someone else said they are