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What does Jow Forums think of feminist writer Andrea Dworkin?
Angel Phillips
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Carson Russell
built for bbc
Hunter Anderson
I'll allow it.
Jason Cruz
*schlop schlop schlop*
Brayden Jackson
He looks like a hard working man with many years spent out on the farm.
Blake Johnson
Fattest ugliest dinosaur of a feminist cunt.
At least go with Paglia if you want palatable feminism.
Eli Carter
Asher Jones
Not human.
Fat, stinking, rat faced, abomination.
It probably consumes 50kg of grease a day.
Robert Brooks
Is there a name for this particular kike phenotype? She’s like a slightly more grotesque Jerry Nadler. I’m thinking they must be the highest power jews.
Dominic Edwards
Christopher Price
Female version of an incel.
Also, she was not raped.
Oliver Adams
I have a feeling she bangs the blacks.
Justin Morales
I heard she said something like that in a book or something? What did she say exactly? Also I heard she prostituted once.
Chase Harris
She basically claimed she was raped for ass pats with no evidence of anything. I can't imagine the amount of booze required for this would be below the lethal limit.
Needless to say very few people(even feminists) believed it.
Asher Long
A cute TERF I knew read her stuff. Then I found out the TERF did this and lost interest.
Jaxon Martinez
Bitch was cray but I've got nostalgia for her kind of cray. We're on like 89th Wave Feminism now and it's fucking unintelligible.
Jack Fisher
she dead.
Connor Harris
Lincoln Ortiz
A very small amount of any of the waves of feminism is intellible. Most of it is not thought through all the way.
Hudson Wood
looks like a feminist
Carson Moore
I've seen this before, has anyone identified the fat wheelchair lady eating a block of cheese?
Luke James
Ops mom. For making a slide thread.
Elijah Sullivan
My bad. Not a slide thread. I'm retarded.
Ethan Martinez
I attended a talk by her in around 1986.
I asked her a question and she answered it.
Brayden Gutierrez
My bad, it must have been March 18, 1985.
Mason Roberts
Michael Moore looked better with a beard desu
Evan Sanchez
Second Wave was pretty legit. Basically equivalent to Christina Sommers's "equity feminism" although she identifies more with First Wave.
>there are two genders
>there are natural male and female roles but everyone can do whatever they want
Colton Adams
she rallied against porn, which by Jewish feminist standards is pretty admirable
Sebastian Sullivan
Fuck you're old.
Caleb Thompson
Jews came from the old patriarchal world.
Elite east coast American women signaled to resourceful energetic Jewish women that feminist activism was a noble and worthy enterprise.
Dominic Gray
Connor Long
does miss piggy count as a feminist?
Cameron Phillips
John Cruz
I was sad when that dinosaur popped out and sprayed venom in her face.
Gabriel Roberts
Common variety fat jew bull dyke.
Andrew Myers
the word creature comes to mind.
Benjamin Stewart
“Right-wing women have surveyed the world: they find it a dangerous place. They see that work subjects them to more danger from more men; it increases the risk of sexual exploitation. They see that creativity and originality in their kind are ridiculed; they see women thrown out of the circle of male civilization for having ideas, plans, visions, ambitions. They see that traditional marriage means selling to one man, not hundreds: the better deal. They see that the streets are cold, and that the women on them are tired, sick, and bruised. They see that the money they can earn will not make them independent of men and that they will still have to play the sex games of their kind: at home and at work too. They see no way to make their bodies authentically their own and to survive in the world of men. They know too that the Left has nothing better to offer: leftist men also want wives and whores; leftist men value whores too much and wives too little. Right-wing women are not wrong. They fear that the Left, in stressing impersonal sex and promiscuity as values, will make them more vulnerable to male sexual aggression, and that they will be despised for not liking it. They are not wrong. Right-wing women see that within the system in which they live they cannot make their bodies their own, but they can agree to privatized male ownership: keep it one-on-one, as it were. They know that they are valued for their sex— their sex organs and their reproductive capacity—and so they try to up their value: through cooperation, manipulation, conformity; through displays of affection or attempts at friendship; through submission and obedience; and especially through the use of euphemism—“femininity, ” “total woman, ” “good, ” “maternal instinct, ” “motherly love. ”
Angel Howard
Their desperation is quiet; they hide their bruises of body and heart; they dress carefully and have good manners; they suffer, they love God, they follow the rules. They see that intelligence displayed in a woman is a flaw, that intelligence realized in a woman is a crime. They see the world they live in and they are not wrong. They use sex and babies to stay valuable because they need a home, food, clothing. They use the traditional intelligence of the female—animal, not human: they do what they have to to survive.”
― Andrea Dworkin, Right Wing Women
Jayden Sanchez
I think she got the supersize and the saver menu nuggets for way too long
Camden Parker
Noah Martinez
I wanna see Dworkin twerkin
Gavin Cook
I don't. NEXT!
Alexander Evans
>At least go with Paglia if you want palatable feminism.
She seems based and I have respect for her but she's hard to listen to.
Josiah Myers
Valerie Solanis was way funnier.
Lucas Evans
Jesus, fuck! Dear God that has broken my funny bone. If you roll up (get it?) and see that you know you’re on the wrong team
Hunter Flores
Kill yourself yid.
Oliver Hill
Hi back to your country gen X Canuck
Lincoln Brown
what a stupid spoiled child. holy shit
Carson Jenkins
>ook ook
Fuck off nigger.
Josiah Morales
Give her to the blacks as reparations.
Charles Richardson
>wearing lipstick
Wyatt Taylor
is she dworking on a big mac?
Brandon Fisher
"pssh, google Andrea Dworkin on an empty stomach one day"
Evan Fisher
>Fattest ugliest dinosaur of a feminist cunt.
she made claims to have been raped, twice
Nicholas Thompson
Wouldn't that be too cruel user? Will they rape her or eat her?
Carter Murphy
Uhhhhh wtf is this?
Easton Thompson
That Andrea is a male name. Literally means men, manly.
Leo Myers
You don’t fool the based potato nigger you secretly Canadian interloper
Cameron Smith
a thigh
Carter Diaz
Andrew Stewart
Just another mentally ill feminist.
Evan Cook
>go with Paglia if you want palatable feminism
Jeremiah Clark
that's some insightful writing, thanks
i've not read much feminist theory, and when i've skimmed i found it pretty painful
Joshua Phillips
She had a quote that I agree with, even though it's out of context:
>"We have rights because we INSIST that we have rights."
She was applying this to women's rights or whatever, but I use it when talking about 2A and 1A. Our rights are just a piece of paper unless we constantly fight for them and insist upon them.
Gabriel Powell
Joseph Johnson
Her name is unknown, however this photo was taken in Riverfront Park in Spokane, WA, next to where the Looff Carousel used to be.
Ryan Kelly
Paglia doesn't actually seem to hate men. Unusual for a radical feminist.
James Rodriguez
Paglia is based, you should read some of her stuff. She's an old school feminist (which Jow Forums might disagree with) in the sense that she wanted equal rights, as in voting and suing for marital rape, etc. But she will be the first to tell you that her old school feminist goals have already been achieved, and now she's trying to save men from feminazis.
Angel Peterson
Zachary Davis
I wonder what goes some woman’s head when she sees that picture. Dworkin looks so sick, unhappy, disgusting etc. and she’s the proud feminist. You truly have to lie to yourself.