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What causes someone to become a tranny?
Cooper Perry
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Jacob Ross
Jewish influence.
Isaiah Johnson
I don't know but girls clothes do look super cute and comfy...
Xavier Murphy
Agents of Dionysus. Age of Aquinas -- new Ganymede vectors spawning.
Ian Richardson
1. the perception that you will never be a sexually successful male
2. the perception that it's actually possible to change your gender (they LITERALLY believe they're going to pass as female)
3. hormones in the water
source: personal experience of an autistic work friend. it's no coincidence that trannies tend to be autistic. their autism prevents them from becoming sexually successful. this work friend actually hit on my current girlfriend before i met her.
Thomas Johnson
Feminism. Single Mothers. Emasculation of men.
Nathan Mitchell
wanting to fuck guys but not wanting to be a faggot
Jacob Morris
also people who are at least mildly gay on the sexual orientation spectrum
Gavin Gray
Chemically insisted organic brain disease. This alters their ability to develop and identify a stable gender identity. They then experienced some type of trauma or neglect . Poor relationship with the person they are supposed to imprint on
John Hill
is that Cucksmo on the left
Levi Butler
All the answers below this are incorrect.
Alexander Edwards
Juan Harris
Based on a tranny I know, a weak father, an overbearing mother, homo tendencies, chronic drug use, introversion combined with narcissism, and above all, complete ego death from doing 20 hits of acid at once.
Evan Cook
Illusion of happiness
Chase Evans
Austin Scott
extreme psychological abuse.manipulation
Nicholas Martinez
Bullshit I'm a narcissist but I wouldn't ever want to become a tranny. I'm hitting a gym to try to sculpt ideal body.
Jonathan Perez
Lack of females in their life and watching too much porn and being too much horny makes you think dick is attractive
Leo Lopez
proper neglectance by their parents.
Wyatt Ramirez
I just wanted to be cute uwu
I stayed as a boy anyway I just take estrogen so I have nice skin, less body hair, better smell, no baldness, etc.
Jordan Garcia
You go pump iron Ivan, the pansy I know pops titty skittles.
Zachary James
Autistic frustration with the apparent illogic of human pair bonding.
You may not like it but this is what peak incel looks like.
Ryder Peterson
well, it's the same reason women in the 1800s wanted to wear pants. life for women today is easy mode, so lazy guys want to cheat their way through.
>be a guy, study hard, do unpaid internships or apprenticeship, finally land a job, work as hard as you can to keep it, barely make ends meet
>be a girl(guy), just stay thin, thirsty dudes will pay YOU to suck YOUR dick, make hundreds of dollars a day just getting rotissery fucked by closeted gay dudes, afford nice things by doing nothing, instant luxury lifestyle, be applauded by everyone about how brave and beautiful you are, can still date girls and fuck them normally.
not hard to see why there's a tranny explosion. there's a demand for it, and women have greased their track to success, men have realised society is biased against them and are just abandoning being men and becoming women to take advantage.
Ryan Richardson
Hollywood and television.
Kevin Flores
Thirsty faggots will pay to suck your dick without becoming a tranny. Almost all of them fetishize turning out straight men.
Leo Morales
The desire to be a cute girl.
Brandon Ortiz
Mental illness 101:
>I'll never have a gf.
>I can become my own gf.
The rest is seen all over the internet.
Joseph Morales
the big gay
Parker Turner
Frustrated liberal incels, ironically. They can't get laid so they try to be the girl they wanted. This is why they dye their hair like an anime girl and wear gamer girl shit. It's pretty pathetic.
Elijah Robinson
Mental illness
Robert Jones
Camden Morris
Consuming too much phytoestrogens combined with Jewish media is the main factor.
Also the recent demonization of bullying is contributing highly. "Bullying" is a natural and healthy process that helps cull weakness in the tribe and without it weakness simply gets encouraged.
>The Jews, a people “born for slavery”, “the chosen people among peoples,” as they themselves said and believed, achieved the amazing feat of inverting values, thanks to which life on earth for two millennia has possessed a new and dangerous appeal. Their prophets fused “rich,” “godless,” “evil,” “violent,” and “sensuous” into a unity. In this inversion of values (to which belongs the use of the word for “poor” as a synonym for “holy” and “friend”) lies the significance of the Jewish people: with them begins the slave rebellion in morality. [@BGE §195]
Austin Butler
Andrew Bailey
you ever have it up your ass? Im assuming not.
David Russell
This is pretty much spot on, 99% of trannies are males who had no prospect of getting a woman so they decided to 'become one'.
Nolan Campbell
Liking males and """""feeling""""" like a woman isn't enough answer?
Ian Nguyen
>After day 600, the social breakdown continued and the population declined toward extinction. During this period females ceased to reproduce. Their male counterparts withdrew completely, never engaging in courtship or fighting and only engaging in tasks that were essential to their health. They ate, drank, slept, and groomed themselves – all solitary pursuits. Sleek, healthy coats and an absence of scars characterized these males. They were dubbed "the beautiful ones." Breeding never resumed and behavior patterns were permanently changed.
Transexualism is a manifestation of the beautiful ones phenomenon of critically socially fratricidal culture in decline, imo. It is a sign of the dying west and soul crushing aimless vacuousness yet high anxiety of modern existence. They're trying to check out.
Nolan Miller
It's a way to get attention and praise if you're a loser
Jaxson Young
being gay is a good start
Bentley Morgan
Anime. It should be banned.
Jack Sanchez
this, usually in the form of childhood sexual abuse.
they are also compelled to pass on this abuse.
hence "fags reproduce by raping kids"
Zachary Wilson
>Breeding never resumed and behavior patterns were permanently changed.
Xavier Ross
tranny here, shockingly accurate post
Austin Powell
save us. we need communists to purge all the intellectuals and replace them with an honest working class. SAVE THE WORLD.
Ethan Bailey
>Nikki joly
>5 pets killed by tranny jewing his own hate crime
Animal cruelty
Jose Williams
Occasionally a mental illness known as gender dysphoria. But most of the time it is because they have a fetish known as autogynophilia or they're simply an attention whore.
Asher Rodriguez
Endocrine Disruptors in the vaccines.
Colton Walker
I have never met a tranny that wasn't an undiagnosed high-functioning autistic/Asperger's.
My theory is that they've always felt weird and different from everyone their whole life, and get the idea one day that it's their gender that's wrong. Whoops.
Gavin Price
i know a tranny just like this holy shit
Chase Evans
every trans or "they/them" faggot i know is autistic. regardless whether they're male or female
Sebastian Collins
Having a desperate lesbian fantasy but not being able to get one woman to agree to have sex with you let alone two.
Jacob Rodriguez
Nathan Sullivan
Jeremiah Gomez
I think trannies are gay men that think if they look like a woman they can have sex with straight men. Afterall the number 1 fetish for gay men is 'turning' a straight man gay. Which is impossible because a straight man is straight, period. If a straight man turned gay, he was gay or bisexual to begin with. Same goes for lesbians that turn male through surgery
William Gomez
Hope you get AIDS.
Nathaniel White
Cultural Marxism.
Should be fucking obvious.
Most of the people calming they have the disorder are lying.
Gabriel Bailey
a combination of elements.
1. sexual perversion brought on by too much porn, caused by using porn as a coping mechanism for the horrors of modern society which include target attacks, (idpol based targeted campaigns against males in general and compounded by other campaigns against various subsets of males as well), as well as worstening economic conditions across the western world leading to worse prospects and no hope for the majority of the population. This leads to homosexuality and/or fantasies including autogynophelia
2. idealist liberal education which teaches the idea is superior and subservient to the matter, allowing people to believe if they imagine they are a girl they will really be one
3. an active campaign to convince people that the ideas generated in point 1 above and the 'truth' of point 2 above mean that they really are girls and should transition
4. dishonest representation of what 3 above entails
5. the general social encouragement/praise caused by many other people suffering similar things or those suffering other things who are through their own mechanisms pushed into supporting this sort of thing because they are terrified of reality as well and must try to virtue signal the horror away.
tl;dr capitalism did it. Cuba has had its first sex change operation, shortly after adding private property to their constitution. Capitalism causes this, 100%.
Joseph Reyes
99% of people on Jow Forums have no prospects of getting a woman and hate trannies.
Brandon Harris
Getting touched by a gay as a child
Jose Ortiz
70% of Jow Forums will become trannies.
check 'em
Anthony Rogers
doesn't matter kill everyone with the contagion and be done.
Ryan Bennett
Nicholas Martinez
incels decided that if they cant get women, they'd become women instead and the hopfully they'd get some action.
Its mostly mental illness, desperation and Jewish corrosion of western civilization.
Logan Morris
For the likes and attention it gets. Kinda like a gang I suppose.
Brayden Lewis
1. you just pulled that number out of your ass
2. pol is not representative of the general population
3. there are tons of trannies on pol
Oliver Jackson
1. Chemicals in the water that you drink and foods that you eat.
2. Mass Media programming from young age.
3. Mental illness.
4. Conversion.
Angel Stewart
Incel autism
Most of the white trannies we see on the internet are literally autistic incel weebs.
In reality most trannies are black male prostitutes, this is where you get the news about anti-trannie violence. It is just niggers killing whores.
Ryder Reyes
-Too much sex education
-GMO foods
-Lack of faith in God
-Examples (TV)