nuff said
nuff said
Other urls found in this thread:
>doesn't think we are an alien experiment
Do leftards realize that if they continue pushing diversity and replacing whites, there will be genetic terrorist attacks?
>watches one episode of designated survivor
>>doesn't think we are an alien experiment
Fermi paradox thread is elsewhere
muh leftard
I wrote to a university about Fermi's paradox. They didn't get back to me,
respond bitch
implement it. holy bio war now.
>I don't understand how this technology works
nuff said
CRISPR/cas9 allows you to insert genetic material into specific parts of human genome. Now pray tell why couldn't one use a virus to spread a genetic snippet that will be detrimental to life or reproduction of specific minority as identified by genes exclusive to them?
We'll finally make anime real
It’s only a matter of time before China makes it happen. It’s a well known fact that the Chinese as a whole despise niggers, may be on par with Jow Forums. We know they don’t have many restrictions compared to USA or Europe in regards to ‘morality’ of experiments they do. Then there’s the fact that the Chinese government want to colonize Africa. It’s been publicly stated they want 300million Chinese living in Africa. They won’t genocide the Africans. But if some new mystery disease started wiping them out en masse? Oh well. China’s continent now.
I do wonder how the West would react to this, if we knew they did it. Go to war with them? Doesn’t seem like any good can come from that. Sanctions? Ha. At that point they’ll be by far #1 economy in the world. Chinese century. Many dead by CRISPR.
Where is the aussie user that is going to be doing this to himself. I enjoyed the last thread he had and want to know more details.
Because CRISPR/cas9 is a complicated bacterial enzyme complex that isn't even particularly reliable in vitro and would need to reduce off-target splicing almost completely to be an effective selective weapon, and perhaps even more implausible, you would need to be able to successfully deliver this bacterial enzyme complex to a significant amount of in vivo target tissue by a remote method.
Can anyone answer for real if it's possible to actually make something that will wipe out niggers and Arabs?
Gene drives nigga. Just have to fuck with one or two proteins to make fertile males which spread it and sterile females which would collapse the population.
Targets the invasive populations and any who mix with them.
We could conceivably do this for under 500k