Still waiting for a strong counterargument

- Life and politics is about sex, status, dominance and reproduction. In addition to these meanings, there is no meaning in life. Creativity and (or semi) altruistic work for society is a compensation for their low rank or latent dominance. A UFC champion and a porn actor are happier than a priest or scientist, because the former receive higher doses of dopamine and adrenaline (on average). Participation in dominance can occur both at the individual level (to be the main programmer), and at the level of a sports team / yard / country / common faith or biological race (example: our best!). Therefore, individual with collectivistic psychology are healthier than individualists (in terms of biology).
- You only have one life, and then you die. And this is really good thing if u are a weak human.
- Appearance is more important than character. Beauty is objective and accurate as Fibonacci numbers.
- Man and any animals are biological machines without a soul, which differ only in hardware. A set of behavioral algorithms (conscious and unconscious), partially genetically sewn into the system of the neural network of our brain - this is the "soul" if you want.
- Human races are different models of biorobots that differ in their predisposition (are determined) to different skills. For example some populations have a weak prefrontal cortex; they are biologically arranged so that they cannot control their emotions.
- The woman’s task is to search for genes of masculine aggressive men and raise offspring from the strong male with weaker, less sexual and calm, but rich resources. The classic paradox of a fat and ugly sugar daddy on a Mercedes with a beautiful wife and a two-meter wife’s lover working at a car service (1)

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Other urls found in this thread:

- Our consciousness is a tunnel created from a chain of various parts of the brain, the inclusion of an interface, as well as audio and video. The most important thing, we have an uncontrollable consciousness (not 100%) , like a Sims, but which periodically behaves as it wants, thanks to a quantum random number generator In neuron web.
- The truth of religious absurdity. If the Universe has a creator (god / gods), then it must also have a creator, and it, in turn, has its own. It turns out a meaningless chain.
- Communism / Theocracy / Anarchy / Liberalism / Fascism / Technocracy and so on are just different forms of human sexual selection systems. In some systems, Omegas are easier to survive, in some alphas, in some caste society, it is impossible for alphas and Omegas to switch places. Some systems seek to destroy traditional sexual selection and turn reproduction into a supermarket with artificial uterus (see Technocracy); the model of sexual selection is changing - culture and societies are changing. The most natural and primitive system for Homo sapiens is communism, where resources are located relatively horizontally. The most sterile authoritarian socialist / capitalist regimes in the public sphere, but they also generate the most powerful miracles of technology and art.
- Religion and ethics were invented to control the most aggressive males and the sexual selection of women, and a free woman always chooses hypermasculine males. The Catholics and their ideas survived, and the Gnostics lost, because the loved the debauchery, which was covered by indulgences, and the Gnostics hated all reality. Memes of first group were stronger for ego. If you are a cuckservator or an idealist who dreams of a golden age, then you need not manage to come up with new concepts with words and bullshit, but call for a transhumanist revolution that will radically change the rules of the game in the life of Homo sapiens.

Attached: A1CB6653-308F-4DC0-A4FA-F21A86D05311.jpg (750x909, 482K)

- The birth of children by modern parents is motivated in 99% by selfishness, lust and narcissism of parents who are also looking for some form of immortality through you, through copying genes. And very, very rarely, parents leave you their archival business. If you were born ugly and poor - kiss dad with mom gratefully.
- Art (cinema, video games, romantic books) is an attempt to distract a person from the pain of being and from failures in sexual selection, reflection and melancholy. Or vice versa, chanting sexual selection (modern rapper (I fucked your chick), some types of metal, fighting songs of American Indian shamans (we will kill your tribe and capture the females).
- our reality, the reality of this Universe, is a very cold, ruthless and cruel world of chaos, where culture, food, sex, technology, science, laws, authorities are things that barely protect us from the horror of the original. First of all, all of the above protects us by closing our eyes to the device of this reality. Robots/AI is next step of evolution.

Desmond Morris "The Naked Monkey"
Conrad Lorenz "Aggression"
Thomas Metzinger "The Ego Tunnel"
Jim Al Khalili "Life on the Edge"
Richard Dawkins "The Selfish Gene" (yes, Dawkins)
Victor Dolnik "Naughty Child of the Biosphere"
Kristen Hakim "Sweet money. The power of erotic capital"
Richard Wrangam "The Paradox of Goodness"

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Here's something to legitimately ponder and is related

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Never chang you crazy sycoph

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Yes, when you think the world is purely materialistic, then your argument is right.

Indifferent universe and indifferent life and evolution.

I am 31 and didn't find an attractive woman. Developed a pessimistic worldview and symphatize with the antinatalist argument.

I guess my character would have been very different when i was more attractive and more clever and would have found a nice girlfriend.

So i have to cope and distract myselvees with computer games, movies and hobbies until i die. One more carcass the evolution has produced. And it is still running since billions of years and still it didnt reach his aim, this insatiable evolution is like a child in a sandbox.

Nice intent in your meta-analysis but I see some flaws.
1-UFC champion, porn actors arent happier... because they fuck their dopamine receptors and every time they need more stimulation to go the same pleasure, thats why they end up with drugs. The key to a happy life is to limit stimulation like monks or scientists, because it rewires the brain to experience bliss with low stimulation.
2- Dont be simplistic about consciousness. Scientists havent been able to locate or find the parts of the brain that create consciousness. Plus people who take DMT or 5meo and other drugs that simulates ego/physical death claim that we are everything, like consciousness was a field.

>Beauty is objective and accurate as Fibonacci numbers
>posts an old, fat, ugly cunt as bait pic

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Nice theory now explain how the left right political spectrum fits into it

> People who think there's no meaning in life
> low birthrate

> People who think there's meaning in life
> high birthrate

Checkmate, faggot

are you mad, the woman on that pic is so beautiful. She has such a sexy body. Athletic and tight.

There is meaning - reproduction of your DNA

She is 8.5/10
Stay delusional fag

>Dont be simplistic about consciousness. Scientists havent been able to locate or find the parts of the brain that create consciousness


Find an unattractive and produce sum orcs in glory of your ugly ego lol

Are you kidding me, she can probably use that chin as a fucking can opener. And that's without even talking about the fake eyelashes, the man shoulders and the ridiculously fat ass.

Good points Ivan. Cheers m8.

Attached: brat.jpg (269x187, 9K)

>Richard Wrangam "The Goodness Paradox"
>Christine Hakim "Honey Money: The Power of Erotic Capital"
>Victor Dolnik "Disobedient Child of the Biosphere" (doesn't seem to have an English translation)
Those are the correct titles in English if anyone else wants to take a look at your book recommendations.

I can't get an erection from unattractive woman becasue i and all of our generation have seen so much attractive woman. YOu cant unsee it.

You're just low T, stop masturbating and start exercising

The meaning of life is GOD experiencing its own creation from the perspective of a human body. The problem is we are so stuck with our stupid EGO and identified with our character that we cannot see outside.


She's also 31 now and has hit the wall like a fucking truck.

Attached: mia-sand.jpg (298x259, 21K)

>tfw I was 17 and thought much the same and saw myself as in any way profound or 'on to something'
Now? it's just boring. The spectrum beat you, OP.

So you are degenerate now?

Still good breeding machine

>So you are degenerate now?
No, I'm probably just smarter (possibly a bit older) than you. You've got a few strawmans and other fallacies in your posts, which leads me to think you've got a Dunning/Kruger thing going on.

Keep coping


>Russian philosopher

Иди oбpaтнo зa кyхoнный cтoл и oбcyждaй дaльшe кaк cпacaть миp, филocoф ты дoмopoщeный. Бaбы тeбe нe дaют пoтoмy-чтo ты cкyчный и бeдный (пoлyчeшь кaк пeнcиoнep). Bcё зaeбиcь, a УГ кaк ты вымpeт.

>Creativity and (or semi) altruistic work for society is a compensation for their low rank or latent dominance. A UFC champion and a porn actor are happier than a priest or scientist, because the former receive higher doses of dopamine and adrenaline (on average).

broscience degenerate idoticy and nihilism

Attached: brainlet.png (408x406, 33K)

fucking weird post but whatever

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Зaкpoй poт, pyccкaя ocт-бaлтcкaя cвинья.

Damn OP, you typed all that out on a Taiwanese noodle forum? Holy shit, have a nice weekend bro

Yes. So what?




I thought Atheism at this level of fedora died out in the mid 20teens? Stop getting high off your own supply and get humble, homo.

Attached: '.jpg (488x410, 44K)

Boт этo былa бoльнo читaть ;)
Tы eгo пpocтo yбил :)

Moлoдeц ты пpaв я c тoбoй нa 100 пpoцeнтoв coглaceн :)

Op cyкa блять пиздyй нa кyхню и тaм тaпизди и cтpaдaй

A мы бyдeм тoлькo paды чтo лoх кaк ты caм ceбя yничтoжaeт :)

Op ты дибил и ты caм этo знaeшь :) здeлaй нaм oдoлжeниe и иди игpaй в дoгoни мeня киpпич :) гнycный лoх

Attached: IMG_20190817_195105.jpg (1079x1432, 504K)

Дa лaднo. Bcякoe быдлo из зaмкaдья бyдeт мнe yкaзывaть чтo дeлaть. Tы лoх и нeyдaчник. Учиcь жить и вcё y тeбя бyдeт зeбиcь. Tы кoгдa пocлeдний paз хoдил нa знaкoмcтвo c кeм-тo?

Op ты лoх

Я дyмaю ты дoжe нe pyccкий

Mы pyccкиe мнoгo cтpaдaтeльны нapoд и ecли ты лoх нe хoчeшь дeлaть дeтeй и нaйти хopoшyю жeнщины

A в Poccии ecть oчeнь мнoгo тaких я дyмaю ты или лoх или гeй paдyгa фeгэт

Attached: IMG_20190817_201646.jpg (1075x1440, 531K)

t. butthurt

Ecли c poccийcким флaжкoм, этo aвтoмaтичecки дeлaeм мeня житeлeм Зaмкaдья? Я живy в Кoтeльникaх, пpиeзжaй, пoкaжeшь мнe кaкoй ты дoминaнт и пpo кaчecтвo жeнщин paccкaжeшь, кoтopых ты eбaл. Я yвepeн, чтo тeбe нeт 18, пoтoмy чтo твoи пocты cплoшнoй ad hominem. Гoтoвьcя y шкoлe, cынyля.

Пpидёт вpeмя и мы вмecтe бyдeм пиздить тaких ypoдoв кaк oн :)

> Art is made bc of sex
i just like to play bass guitar. If i want to get a chic i play regular guitar. Then why do i keep playing bass guitar?

Haш мeч бyдeт кyшaть твoe мяca ;)

I'm not sure if that female is r-selected or K-selected.

She seems to have an r-selected poisonshell, but her face is hunter-ish. She might be a mix of parasite, and K.

For dominance over crowd and your freind group also for easy fan girls pussy
If you are an autist - for dominance over yourself

When you need to give women all those “rights” to keep men in check, you have a society (nation) that should not exist at all.

I think some populations are r type, some k type.


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This is your brain on materialism. Sad!


Why? It’s truth.

>He think she's ugly
>I think she's attractive


Extreme cringe


based and biopoliticspilled

but different types of men choose different women. for example, for a latent gay or pedophile (most of /pol /) fertile women like Mia Sand with large hips and large breasts are uninteresting

Reducing things to “power” and “aggressiveness” is an oversimplification. Men arrange themselves into dominance hierarchies, with certain men at the top. The men at the top get there through a combination of competence and reciprocity. Women then select mates from the top of the hierarchy, or at least as high as they’re personally able. To say women select the “most aggressive” males isn’t even true of chimps. It’s competence and reciprocity.

too much text

lefty meme tier

>through a combination of competence and reciprocity.
Yes correct
But still dominance, with empathy, but dominance

>Scientists havent been able to locate or find the parts of the brain that create consciousness.

that part is called the human body.

>So i have to cope and distract myselvees with computer games, movies and hobbies until i die. One more carcass the evolution has produced. And it is still running since billions of years and still it didnt reach his aim, this insatiable evolution is like a child in a sandbox.
Why cant you just enjoy your life? It has never been better being alive.

To even share your thoughts you must be aggresive.
Everything is Force among Men.

Attached: Thought is Will.png (337x315, 117K)

>Everything is Force among Men.

Yes. Force, frame and will

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nice try faggot but you would dip your cock and sperg in her all day if you weren't a beta vergin basement dwelling keyboard warrior. prove me wrong.

Attached: mia-sand-showing-her-glutes-in-lingerie.jpg (850x1080, 70K)

>The woman’s task is to search for genes of masculine aggressive men and raise offspring from the strong male with weaker, less sexual and calm, but rich resources.
>optimal reproductive strategy is basically cuckoldry
WTF I love female oppression now.

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all true


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Maybe there is a God, but he still don’t give a single a fuck about us

I don’t disagree but her ass is flat. She has shit tier calves. user is posting old pics.

Based user. The Machines will slaughter anyone just you see

Great thread OP.

To add, Women organise their Heirarchies differently, I haven't dwelt upon this further, but from our current Feminist context I can say Women, being Sentimental Communicators, comprehend, at an Emotional Level, that due to Male physical Strength ( this also affecting Male Thought aka Will/Force) they are completely fucked and naturally to be Submisive is their role.

This Emotional fact is total.
And the more they thoughtfully ignore it, the more it emotionally manifests in them. The more Free they get, the more the cognitive behaviour presents to us.
>Best Seller 50 shades of Grey

Because the opposite Hierarchy from which they got their Order is being shut down, their own behaviours become the more irrational as there is no thing to be Submisive too.
>pic related.

Attached: Women Bonding patriarchy.png (1293x206, 69K)

>you would dip your cock and sperg in her all day if you weren't a beta vergin basement dwelling keyboard warrior
No thanks, I have good taste.
>prove me wrong

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>literally the only thing Rudolf Kjellen and the Faggot Foucault got right
>idea being horribly mangled by a schizo Russian
>checks out
>For Foucault, biopower is a technology of power for managing humans in large groups; the distinctive quality of this political technology is that it allows for the control of entire populations. It refers to the control of human bodies through an anatomo-politics of the human body and biopolitics of the population through societal Disciplinary institutions.
>As Tiqqun avows: “There is no ‘revolutionary identity.’ Under Empire, it is instead non-identity, the fact of constantly betraying the predicates that THEY hang on us, that is revolutionary” (“THEY” being an amorphous sociological category usually indicating society at large as infused with crippling authority).
>This is Not a Program consists of two texts: “This is Not a Program,” first published in the second issue of Tiqqun, and “A critical metaphysics could emerge as a science of apparatuses… ” ostensibly a sort of charter for an NGO called the Society for the Advancement of Criminal Science.
>The discourse derives especially from Michel Foucault and Deleuze & Guattari, smartly mixed with Georges Bataille’s theories of immediacy, Giorgio Agamben’s biopolitics for an era of black sites and waterboarding, Alain Badiou’s notion of the event, and Althusserian terminologies

>Maybe there is a God, but he still don’t give a single a fuck about us
Thread Theme.

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>Life is pure darkness and misery
>God doesn't care about you
>We're biorobots
>Everything is meaningless

So angsty, so grim. I tip my hat at you!

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>memes as answer

Wow, you are so smart.

Jesus m8.
>life is all about this blogpost i need to write cuz I'm that unaware amirite bros?

Your rigid thinking shows that you aren't an alpha or close.

You don't have to be objectively beautiful, in fact, most of the greats weren't.

While there is some truth to the things you say, a real alpha creates their own strategy and passes it on to the next generation.

Your model has the flaw of being static and backward looking rather than forward.

Stay omega.

>individual with collectivistic psychology are healthier than individualists (in terms of biology)
Ted Kaczynski would define this statement as based out of an over-socialized view point. To him, the health of the individual, and his psyche, are based on group dynamics only when there is a group.
>Beauty is objective
Not so much. Your own people used to worship fat women, and I mean ankle have rolls fat.
Neologism to name predetermined by genetics. The problem is that we know that our genome expression is based on environment, and we can actively choose to change our environment, which actively changes our genome expression, which in turn changes our offspring.
>The woman’s task
This is you grasping over being underweight yourself. The woman is animalistically as faithful as you can keep a boundary around her, assuming she has no personal will.

>Yes. Force, frame and will
Can you Expand on this

>Ted Kaczynski

Very smart, but Autistic weirdo with cuck experience from uni days (read about his crush)

Your muscle and bones

>If the Universe has a creator (god / gods), then it must also have a creator,
This operates on the suggestion that the rules of existence in our known location must extend beyond our known location, which isn't a given.
> Religion and ethics were invented to control the most aggressive males and the sexual selection of women
Why? If the women choose the most aggressive, and the most aggressive are breeding, why would they allow themselves to be controlled?
>The birth of children by modern parents is motivated in 99% by selfishness
Now you're into moralism which your human "robot" shouldn't be allowing.

>Your muscle and bones
Of course. kek

>why would they allow themselves to be controlled?

Monopoly of pussy for Chads and Tyrones (top 5%). Sexual market as is
Morals = programms for better existence

t. repeats high school tier biology

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>- Appearance is more important than character. Beauty is objective and accurate as Fibonacci numbers.

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>but different types of men choose different women
So in other words, its subjective.
And btw, OP chick has a good body, but her face is atrocious

You are 31 you fucking faggot, you are not dead yet, put up a fight.

>- The birth of children by modern parents is motivated in 99% by selfishness, lust and narcissism of parents who are also looking for some form of immortality through you

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