Aus/pol - Late night edition



It was the JEWS who implemented the Race Discrimination Act of 1975 by means of subterfuge

It was the JEWS who lobbied the government to implement 18C and it was the JEWS who prevented it's repeal

It's the JEWS lobbying for an increased refugee intake and ultimately responsible for the Sudanese crime wave

It's the JEWS who are pushing a big Australia and even more unassimilable refugees

It's the JEWS making a bunch of money off property development while pushing mass immigration to drive it

It's the JEWS pushing left wing ideas in influential left wing periodicals

It was the JEWS who represented Eddie Mabo and gave away 10% of Australia to the Abos

It's the JEWS running the anti-white ABC

Malcolm Fraser exposing Jewish power in Australia and saying they deliberately bombed the USS Liberty

If you're an Australian Jow Forumsack, reading this is mandatory if you want to have any idea what's going on at all

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Other urls found in this thread:

Bumping because OP is a sick cunt legend

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First for education.

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Ayy good night niggers.

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You still got that stato?

>t stato

Your statesman.
The one with the light bar and the super duper charger.

Good reads OP, worth the bump.

Reminder that these threads are created by organized shills who are probably with Getup and local Jews.
These threads used to be made during election season.
They don't want us going off the reservation, which we have been and now 20% of people in Australia vote for minor parties.
They can't block the website without justification so they spam agitation until some vulnerable person like Mert Ney falls into this entrapment policy.
To put it simply, these people are literally willing to sacrifice their own children to protect their golden calf of communism. It is the deepest idolatry.

I've no clue what you are talking about

Wait is this Aus/pol/ or the kike thread?


This is latenight aus/pol how new are you?

Post the jewish school copypasta again so we can laugh at you

It's an Aus/pol/ kike awareness thread

Based thread

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Aus/pol/ is a general of piss. We dindu or wandu anything. We all good boys okay?


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Already have getup blocked.

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Made me smile.

You can spot the cunt after 3 posts.

I seem to have ruffled the Jimmies of a few agencies tonight

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Oh yeah? If you are all australian how come you aren't typing upside down

Is that nigger STILL fucking your wife.
Man, you must be bored by now.

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How do you know we are not

Found my new bulking food.

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Jow Forums automatically corrects it.

You can't have your yellow cake and eat it too.

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Sign this petition if you recognize the cash ban as the aggressive power play from the banks and government that it is. Don't willingly hand over the keys to the future to some dumbass pollies and their rich banker friends.

Here's the link to the proposal of the law that's likely going to get put to parliament when it recommences in September:

The internet is a sphere

>Don't willingly hand over the keys to the future to some dumbass pollies and their rich banker friends.
i didnt it was boomers
as if signing a petition is gonna do shit the media will barely mention it

did the blacked spammer fuck off already?

Nice try ASIO
AND I came from here.....

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Hey ASIO/AFP cunts, I hope you're not getting radicalised into sickcunt 1488ers. Better not let your superiors or colleagues think you're being influenced.

Quick! Dilate now and go use that fucking Muslim prayer room you public servant stooges all have.

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we should all marry niggers then the next generation we can have a based half nig nationalist party then all the leftists will side with us because we are half nig then we win

Yeah i showed him the way of gayness and he got mad

I needed eye bleach.

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are golden retrievers the purest of dogs?

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Op is the best cunt

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Died of AIDS in Melbourne.

Fun fact Saddam Husseins money Laundering company was named after Tony Montana’s Scarface


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It's better than doing nothing and it's fucking easy. Of course doing something like ringing up your local representative (doesn't matter which Labor already said they'd go with it) would be better but doing something is better than doing nothing at all.

Is that your name blacked out? Have you signed anything on the site before?


BREAKING NEWS: Police swarm Melbourne train station after passengers report seeing a man with a gun

i like them but they are kind of faggots they get scared of the thunder even when they get old and come up and annoy the fuck out of you


Most australians actually voted for gay marriage.i am not having kids in this fucked up estrogen filled microplastic world.

Police swarmed a Melbourne train station after passengers reported seeing a man with a gun.

Police responded to a report of a man observed with something wrapped in black fabric at Southern Cross Station just before 6pm.

No firearm has been found yet but after a search of the railway was conducted, trains were stopped on platforms 1-3 and passengers were removed from the area.

A male was initially spoken to by police and has been released.

The area will continue to be patrolled but there is no perceived danger to the public and train services will resume as normal shortly.

The station had been flooded by more than 52,000 people who had just Marvel Stadium following a match between the Austalian Boomers and the American basketball team.

More to come

>doing something is better than doing nothing at all.

>do something
>fail anyway
nah it's not


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i now turn this thread into a blacked thread

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>who had just Marvel Stadium following a match between the Austalian Boomers and the American basketball team.
wat, and also, is this real life?

Votes for (((gay marriage))) but no votes for immigration reform.

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Queensland decided the fate of this country last election
Its going to pass dude

this honestly sounds like my kind of dog. the thought of a golden retriever running into my room during a massive storm and sooking under the bed is maximum comfy

So literally fucking nothing.
Is this peak african performance?

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blacked posters

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yeah they are the coolest dogs i love them but they also shed a lot so your floor gets covered with their hair but apart from that they are great
they don't bark a lot for no reason either they are fairly smart


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you'll probably need to pay a thousand bucks to get one though

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I envy how much fun you are having Bbc poster

you are confused, I am posting gay niggers because it upsets the nigger poster


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the fact that you have that saved on your pc shows that you have a fetish for collecting black on black porn ;) meanwhile... an 8/10 model is with a chad black alpha male! how will white bois ever compete!!?

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>Is that your name blacked out?
Nar, it's my dogs name, I wouldn't use my name on ANYTHING on the interjew.

He's full of shit, he still has it

don't need to, can watch niggers fuck eachother and have a good old flog instead like a filthy shit stabber

We all know he still has it.
It probably doesn't run again.

Bbw ebony is objectively the best category of porn

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>your pic very related...
With getup and the other trash posting here, this is what aus/pol/ has literally become.

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quality thread :(

anyway, is there any interesting bills that they are trying to pass atm, apart from the 10k cash ban? seems a little quiet, when everyone is distracted by bullshit thats when the sus shit happens

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Gas it.

lol cunts fixing csgo matches

the world changes but stays the same...


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not today, goy

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>quality thread :(
Yeah dunno why I bothered keeping it open when I'm having to hide every other image posted.

At least it reminded me how to filter IDs

>At least it reminded me how to filter IDs
What plugin do you use?

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If you voted for them you are complicit in those bills being passed

just do it manually.

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Based and niggerpilled

the person i voted for isnt even in parliament anymore lmao

No, bro. Obviously it's pitbulls

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Jow Forums X my friend. The gift that keeps on giving.

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Yeah well half the country wants these cooperate dicksucking bills in so your a little outnumbered

>expecting me to nut in an average whore

k y s
f a m

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The images are an inoculation against bbc posters things would get worse had we not acted

This. I found out the other day i can hide kike flags. I know kikes use meme flags but now it makes even more sense as it gets around my filter.

Pretty much this.
Notice how he is gone now?

You lads swallowed the gympill yet?

Attached: gym_pill.jpg (2100x1500, 1.88M)

More like swallowed the big pharma pill.
Eat a steak you lanky smoothie drinking cunt.

Whenever I post the flag list, it ALWAYS includes the holohoax flag.