Business Democrat LARP

I have been having quite the time lately with this. But I think it works in general and is definitely has scaleable meme potential.

Main idea is to LARP as a business democrat who adamantly hates Trump. But you hate Trump because you need cheap cheap labor for the shit jobs and you need cheap cheap product produced by slave labor.

Example tweets...

*Trump's refusal to use Chinese and SA slave cheap labor is a major reason for the #trumprecession. We need cheap goods and we need our toilets clean.

*Screw American workers. I'm a business Democrat and Trump is ruining this economy. We need floods of low wage people do the jobs lazy Americans won't.

Basically, leverage the fact that they are against Trump on everything. But just weasel in what they are actually saying. Focus on the NEED for cheap garbage and slave labor to keep us going. Call American workers lazy, etc.

I have had a LOT of success with this. My more subtle ones get responses that resemble someone with their brain actually connecting neurons. The smarter libs get enraged at having to face the actual consequences of their "orange man bad" and love of China.

Attached: biden.jpg (2000x1333, 412K)

Not a bad idea, but your examples have an opening sentence that is a little too revealing.
Something more along the lines of:

>I've voted Republican my whole life, but I've refused to vote for this Orange Bafoon. My businesses have flourished without regulation in foreign countries, and he had the nerve to demand I hire Americans?! Once the Democrats impeach this menace, my pockets will be filled again! #resist #impeachthemotherfucker

based shills

The responses write themselves. Just use the #trumprecession tag and there are thousands or morons basically wishing we would get all our stuff from China. Or at least that is the obvious conclusion one would come to.

I don't want to give up my handle. But I've replied to many in that thread complaining about how I have been automating lately so that I can lay off more people, but I need the cheap stuff from China to flow or my whole business falls apart.

Shit forgot the tweet.

Attached: trumprecessiontakei.jpg (642x163, 113K)

Yes, very good. I am trying to be more subtle in the threads for sure. I just wanted to get my point and angle across here. Thanks.

Also, I'm not a meme master. But it seems like the whole idea of "business dem" is ripe at this point in time. I just can't think of the right angle to take.

shills gonna shill
sages gotta sage

True, but they'll REALLY get mad if you point out if you were Republican, but switched to Dems once they ended up favoring large corporations and donors.

Mention how much Obama helped "revive" the 1% from the financial disaster of Bush (which is when you switched parties), and see if you can work in large amounts of donations to your local Dem candidates as tax write-offs.

This for example.
*I'm torn, because this recession is clearly based on Trump's refusal to accept that cheap imported goods are replacing American made stuff, but US factories are MUCH cleaner than China's...

This person will then set themselves up for another for sure.

Attached: whichone.jpg (652x453, 209K)

How is this shilling? Also, you don't announce sage moron. It allows me, "the shill" to know I need to bump myself.
I like this, but I'll need another account because I've been running with the "business democrat" and many of these people check your account because they are looking for any reason to think I am a Russian bot.

Attached: surethinggoy.png (1288x759, 120K)

So the discord trannies have taken to using themselves as an attack against real posters? KEKEKEK!
I'm not shilling AOC. I'm shitposting against the left. No one else is going to by that I'm a tranny breh.
You are helping me regardless because the replies are still stacking up and that gives the thread attention.

Attached: onepercent.jpg (655x723, 252K)

Fair enough. If you want to stay the Business Dem roots, you can also mention how China accepts your industrial garbage, where the regulations are much less strict for disposal overseas
>I can't tell you how many times that their disposal of Lithium batteries has saved me over the past two decades!

Overall it's probably pretty easy to do it, but I don't have a Twitter, so you do you man.

Boom, you are nailing it.
I have been trying to tie in the climate change when I can.
I'll talk about how I'm torn because even though Trump is robbing us of our cheap goods, those goods are made in factories that aren't anywhere near our standards...
I will make another bread once anons are wakey wakey. I have some beauties, but I want to scratch out my handle first.

Can you retards be any less subtle?

No one in their right mind would openly advocate on Twitter for using SLAVE labour. Switch that word out in a way to keep the same meaning but is not so obvious.

So basically say you're a Dem with GOP policies.

I hope this was you, because that's a pretty good settup for people to ask WHY that was the case.
>Hint, it's both Republicans and Dems fault

I save the slave comment for once the people are in too deep with me lol. Point taken though. It depends on who I'm responding too.
No, I'm a democrat with democrat policies. That's what makes them REE so much.
I'm a fuckin' business DEMOCRAT. Obama had it DEAD RIGHT. We need cheap labor and cheap goods and my CEO salary depends on it.

That was not me. This just how ripe the #trumprecession crowd is. It's golden.

>We need our toilets clean
That would be perfect if it were a Brit advocating for more polish immigration

Agreed. See
First thing I said. Just a light tweaking is enough to lure people in, and trap them in the logic that there HAS to be a "lower society", while never acknowledging the idea itself.
Exactly. If you're looking for maximum salt, I'd suggest giving this angle a shot.
>in favor of mass migration and open borders for cheap labor
>against any sort of national identity and okay using sweatshop labor to line pockets
>have hardcore conservative views on same sex marriage and abortion
The perfect storm

Attached: 1566349312668m.jpg (847x1024, 97K)

That's kind of upsetting, but at the same time acts as a fucking meatball to slam out of the park with labor and wage statistics directly linking those issues with outsourcing business overseas and open borders.

Yes, it is quite demoralizing to see some of these tweets. It's all about the peanut gallery though. People read on Twitter more than tweeting. So, it's like this person is basically helping me do my job with on the fence normies.

You'd be taken very seriously by WTO/Bilderberger types. Get some suits, move forward!

Some people do take me seriously and agree. kek