56 percent of US males are circumcised. How does it feel to belong to the JEW...

56 percent of US males are circumcised. How does it feel to belong to the JEW? Funny enough most of those who are not circumcised are Mexicans and Blacks. Say hello to your rapists, white male.

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Other urls found in this thread:


desu my only cope is that its an eternal beacon that motivates me to ultimately end as many kikes as possible. every time i look down at my mutilated dick i remember the mission

The only time another human hand touched my dick. Later, virgins.

this got me thinking, do americans have better connection to 5G without foreskin?

Poor Amerifats

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>56% amerimutts Claims to be white
>they Have no foreskin
Hahahaha USA btfo

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56 per cent!?
holy shit!!
imagine if that was 56% of females

Female circumcision and neutering.

I imagined it was a higher percentage.

more blacks and spics than before.

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too low it was 80% or so only 5 years ago

Americans are jew slaves

The meme is real I guess...

Source, faggot

Yeah it's really sad to be treated like a piece of dog shit just when you are born. He needs his mother more than anything, and what does he get? A psychopath that doesn't care if he hurts babies, as long as he profits from it... And sometimes they even enjoy it which makes it even more disturbing...

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I might be circumcised, but my son won't be. Sage.

This is how they look at female circumcision... Where are the people advocating for equal rights? Oh yeah, doesn't matter when males get to suffer... Doesn't even matter the fact that it's a baby?!

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The Jews do it to themselves, and they are often more insane when they do it... Even though the whole practice is extremely insane!

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Maybe what needs to be done is a little Seinfeld shit show in order to make it stop.


>Seinfeld theme plays


Here's a broad picture and a rough estimate on how much mutilations happens world wide...

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Someone actually thinks that this is funny in real life, even when it's their own kids...

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Yeah, and they can't question the torturous practice, so much for freedom of choice...

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They are pushing for diapers with 5G so there's that...


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It’s why USA, the Jews, and Arabs are the most powerful nations on earth today. Circumcision makes you unnaturally ambitious and aggressive with lowered empathy. Enjoy your destruction.

I’d take world domination over my foreskin any day. Sex is only for procreation and anything other than that is degeneracy :)

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I think this Abrahamic plague has gone far enough in ruining peoples lives for profit. And you people blame the Europeans for being war mongers... Americans just like to take advantage of the racket!

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Just that you know...


>Say hello to your rapists, white male.

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Yes let's exalt the absolute savagery the Jews, the US, and the Muslim spread over the world like a plague by torturing their own newborn citizens because we're part of the "group". Nigger the average circumcised man is a golem with less value than a pawn. Have you seen how the elites throw our soldiers away like used toilet paper? What about the workers? They don't even give them proper medical assistance after they've been traumatized to hell and back. They often poison us with sub optimal "treatment" so they can make more money giving us more treatments because, as the famous American phrase goes, there's no money in a cure.

Ambitiousness means nothing if you're never satisfied. The spiritual people of the world would call a never ending unquenchable hunger a sickness, and they're right.

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tfw your 100% white, uncircumcised, and over 6 feet tall.

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Circumcision is usually performed to fix up detective FTM genitals.

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OP is conflating the prevalence of circumcision with circumcision rate.

prevalence: The percentage of males currently living in the US with a circumcised penis
rate: The percentage of boys currently being cut in the US

The prevalence in the US is at around 80%, maybe a little less, and slowly falling.
The rate is at about 50% and falling.

At least I'm not European, my family was smart enough to know what a sinking ship looked like.

As a jew, I can tell you it's very good. I have shekels, power and a close knit community. Also, free of degenerates.

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both my sons... I fought my wifes entire family verbally at thanksgiving when they all found out I wasn't mutilating my first sons dick.

>foo fighters - my hero playing in the background

Checked. Thank you for protecting your sons.

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damn only 56??


I might be circumcised, but my son won't be. Bump.

Based. Thank for protecting your boy. He will thank you one day.

If you'll go along with circumcision you'll go along with anything even if you signal your righteousness otherwise. Mark of the beast territory.

it isn't worth much and probably the same thing the do on the other side

but stay strong
protect your boys

What a delusional post. This has to be bait.

And stupid, apparently. Enjoy your smegma, anteater dick.

Cease your coping. Having smegma is a part of being human. Women produce way more smegma than any men ever could and you would still readily dig your face in pussy, you hippocrite.
A man would have to seriously neglect his hygiene for an extended period for it to build up.
You have no idea what having a foreskin is like, so just shut your mouth.

And, people's opinion on circumcision reveals their hidden satanic tendencies.

How do I convince you? What compelling evidence do you need to change your mind?

Doesn't justify sticking a knife on a newborn baby or a child for that matter...

you sure? how about all the children that there is no record of because they are members of communities like Amish or Quakers? they don't circ


>find perfect guy
>want to marry him
>he's cut
>just looking at his mutilated dick makes me sad
how can any woman look at her perfect newborn son and say, yeah, let's chop his genitals up?

It feels awful. Even before understanding the JQ I disliked jews for what was done to my penis. Really mad at my parents too. I had to find a way to cope, so now I pretend it was done by my wife to tame my cock and train me to be a good boy. She'll say " aww, look at that poor dried out little mushroom. I bet you can't feel much anymore, can you? It's going to be tough jerking your little weiner with no skin to move, but that's exactly why I asked the doctor to cut you nice and tight. Now that your manhood is tamed you can focus more on me. What a good boy."

>Funny enough most of those who are not circumcised are Mexicans and Blacks.

Mexicans aren't because they're swarthy catholics. Blacks are totally circumcised retard.

I kind of want to know the connection between cuckoldry and cutfaggotry now.

Why are uncut fags the only ones who ever talk about circumcision? Is it projection? Are you angry that your prom night was ruined by your fimosis and Stacy gagging at the smell of your rancid anteater cheese dick?
Just wondering.

Because they recognize a human rights violation when they seen one.
The general US public has been brainwashed into accepting this jewish blood ritual.
You trying to silence them with your shaming tactics will not get them to stop.

I start circumcision threads and my dick foreskin is shredded.

Fuck satanic medical practices.

Lmfao btfo

circumcision is dropping like crazy. I didn't do it to my son and none of my friends are doing it.

Maybe there is. Having your dick mutilated and ruined on day one by your kiked parents and kiked doctor and having to live with the pain and shame and never know what it feels like to have a whole cock is very emasculating. It's even worse when mutilated men speak out and (((society))) at large ridicules them for daring to care. American society basically tells them "tough shit, a man's penis isn't his, and we'll keep cutting parts off if we want and you are a loser for even thinking that that will ever change" then laughs and spits in their face.

Empathy for mutilated children

Daily reminder

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feels bad. i have the mark of the slave for the rest of my life.

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They really are Satan spawn.

>"whiter than you ahmed"
>literally lives in a third world country
nice cope jose

Yup. They didn't start the greatest global trauma of human history, but they worshipped it and made it even more damaging. Original circumcision wasn't even supposed to remove the whole foreskin. Just the tip.

Please Europe, and every other country that doesn't circumcize. Save us.

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Having no forskin and, as a result, an insensitive, numb tip messes with your brain. Also explains, why Jews, Arabs and Burgers are so obsessed with soft, virgin teen pussies.

>bf has a mutilated penis
>want to tell him it looks horrible but dont know how
>its not even pleasurable, thinking about calling up jamal to satisfy me

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Make Aliyah, hooknose.

guys don't laugh at the poor dumb amerimutts, they got cucked pretty hard as it is, show compassion

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If Jamal got that intact dick, it's true

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>How does it feel to belong to the JEW?
As one of the few intact white males, it feels pretty good not being a slave.
Do you think this is why American urinals usually don't have dividers - so the Jews can identify enemies?

Even South Koreans cut bennis? I thought they were civilized...

>implying the import of muslims wont have your future children snipped

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They got pozzed by muttland.

They got occupied by the US. That's why.

In the great war you have to show your dick, if it is curcumcised you will get the bullet.

Uncircumcised penises are just awful

Uncutfags? I'm cut to hell and I spam these threads everytime I see em. I'm not gonna sit back and let my brothers be JEWED as I was.

If you want it to stop, you just have to start meme'ing female circumcision.

Make sure your daughters and wives are circumcised. Then you might have the woman vote and more.

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lol what a gay war

That flag. Of course the brainless Amerimutt doesn't know what a normal body looks like. Keep being cattle, goy.

OP is genius, now we know why american girls prefer non-whites. They just want INTACT dick. Case closed.

The end of you curcumcised fat kike manlet.

I don't believe that americans are that dumb. That number must be wrong. There is no way the kikes convinced them to cut their dicks. Only latent homosexuals cut their dicks.

>56% are circumsized

I remember my American friends talking shit about foreskin and they would say thy it looks wrong a gross, well I feel bad for them they’ll never know what they’re missing out on