How and why did Hitler reach an agreement with Stalin on Poland?

I mean, Hitler was against Communism, how did he reach this agreement and be so cool with the commie? And why did he do it?

Redpill me on this, please Jow Forums

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Other urls found in this thread:–Ribbentrop_Pact–Soviet_Axis_talks

Over the mutual occupation of Poland, and basing his assessment of Hitler on the belief that he wasn't an idiot (wrong), Stalin accepted Hitler's offer to divide Poland, and this presented him the Eastern Bloc which his 30 year plan was, in its greatest effort, never going to be able to accomplish, otherwise.

>>Hitler, idiot: Sun T'zu's "Art of War": never divide your forces.
To Stalin, Hitler would be eliminated as a potential enemy, either way, due to the existence of the Western Front. If he betrayed this pact, he would be doomed. This is why Stalin doubted a German defector who warned him of Hitler's intentions.
>>The American Communist Party vanished, overnight
This is because Communism is Judaism, and ((())) were infuriated by Stalin's betrayal, both as World Socialists, and as Kikes.
>>Hitler threw Finland's Winter War fate in at the last minute to sweeten the pot, promising German neutrality in the defense of Finland.

Prior to this, the two fought to the end in Spain, where the "socialist" in National Socialist is best exemplified as HAVING ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO WITH LEFTISM.

In Spain, Stalin learned how determined the Germans were, and took this opportunity.

It wasn't just an agreement over Poland.
The agreement provided germany with much needed natural resources from the USSR to fuel their early expansion (which the allies didn't expect and thought they could just blockade german ports once again). It also allowed for training space within USSR giving them ample blanket security from allied espionage, as espionage within USSR was near impossible.

Hitler was playing the last card in a desperate attempt to secure peace. He was wrong.
A better option would have been to concentrate all his forces on printing money. Bombing his neighbors with money might have had a hilarious outcome.

This, Hitler never feared the Communists, he thought that one swift kick on the door and the whole house of cards would collapse.

there are entire books written on the subject. Stalin was OK with the deal because he was getting his money worth in trade (oil, grain, ores in exchage for manufactured goods, machines, expertise and naval assets). Poland was just the cherry on top, plus Hitler's conquests gave him am excuse to gobble up Baltic states and Besarabia.

Meanwhile for Hitler, the supply of raw resources from Soviet Union was crucial and he needed to appease Stalin with great trade deal to prevent him from joining up with Allies. For a while entire eastern border of the Reich had but 6 division guarding it, insufficient to man all the border posts, much less put up a fight.

A few weeks before Barbarossa, Hitler offered to Stalin's foreign minister, Molotov, to join a 4-way pact of German, Italy, SU and Japan, offering Southern Asia in general and Persia in particular. Molotov more or less turned it down wanting Romanian, Greek and Bulgarian neutrality, as well as bases in Turkey to safeguard the Bosphorous and Dardanele straights.

Who knows how the world woul turn out if they actually teamed up and we had a peak US, Japan, USSR and German dominated world instead of the Cold War

hitler only wanted to reconnect Germany with Prussia which Poland was blockading.
he gave Poland the option but they denied so he felt he had to invade Poland. I don't suppose he needed the rest of it or was willing to expend that much resources.

He wasn't wrong. He encircled them again and again and kicked their asses all the way to Moscow. If the USA hadn't intervened, he would have easily won.

To answer OP's question, Hitler gave USSR back all the breakaway states from the Russian Empire. Stalin quickly re-annexed them and then tried to pull a surprise attack on Hitler but Hitler made a pre-emptive strike and got the advantage.

>How and why did Hitler shit andd piss on the agreement he signed Stalin on Poland?

"Yo Stalin it's me Hitler."
"Hi Hitler wassup, wanna stop killing my comrades or what?"
"I have a better idea, how about we rape Poland?"
"Yeah Poland. I'm sick af for that corridor that is spliting my country in 2 and I can't do it alone since britain and gay might attack me, you in?"
"Yeah sure let's do it."

It was very naive but an understandable assertion. Same naive assertion that Napoleon made.

Stalin broke the agreement by invading Bukovina, which was under German protection and Hitler explicitly told Molotov he wouldn't allow them to take it.

why are the losers of the war allow to rewrite the truth...if you dont believe hitler was looking to kill stalin something is very wrong with your understanding...hilter never respected the ussr they were niggers to him and the other germans

Yes. Until Stalin received an influx of cash from ((investors)) and push back so hard in the winter Hitler's forces BTFO, his initial pincer move was amazing tho does anyone e have that generals name? I forget.

People so ignorant should have their mouth sewn shut.

>Stalin's invasion of Bukovina in 1940 violated the pact, as it went beyond the Soviet sphere of influence agreed with the Axis–Ribbentrop_Pact

Hitler and Stalin had already agreed on a sphere of influence but Stalin was now ignoring the agreement and aggressing against German allies such as Romania and massing troops on the German border.

If Hitler thought the Soviets were niggers then that was a well justified assessment.

Also Hitler invited Stalin to join the Axis in 1940, but Stalin made a counter-offer thar would expand his influence further west into Europe into Germany's allies.–Soviet_Axis_talks

Uncle Adi did nothing wrong.

Stop posting bait you fucking imbecile.

He wasn’t wrong, that may have happened under a different soviet leader, but he severely underestimated just how brutal Stalin actually was, and just what he was willing to do to keep people in line. Ethnic conflict brought the Soviet Union down in the end, but that was only after heavily relaxing their totalitarian laws.

Hitler was secretly a jew.


Hitler wanted to avoid war on 2 fronts, which is why he changed his mind and instead of attacking France first, he went after Poland. This is why the Soviet Union was needed as a temporary ally.



Really wonder what this means

It was a marriage of convenience and was never meant to last. Uncle Adolf was hedging his bets in case Britain and France declared war if he invaded Poland; he certainly didn't want a two-front war with the red beasts as well. Sadly, this screwed over Finland with the Winter War, and they'd later join up for the eastern front in 1941. It also screwed over the Baltic states, who were illegally occupied and annexed by the red beasts.

Obviously it worked out in that he took Poland and France, but as he couldn't defeat Britain and it was only a matter of time before the US joined the war, he shouldn't have done Barbarossa when he did. Although the reds were planning to attack soon anyway, given that they were on offensive positions when Barbarossa occurred, helping the Germans make great advances in the opening weeks. He knew that the reds were going to take Bessarabia from the Romanians and were getting closer to the oil fields that Germany depended on. Sadly, by June 1944 the eastern front was collapsing and the Western Allies were breaking out of northern France and also taking southern France to bring about the two-front war that Uncle Adolf was looking to avoid.

I'd love to know if delaying the Polish question would have avoided the war and then perhaps Germany would get powerful enough to retake West Prussia without firing a shot. A Polish rump state would have been a useful buffer state against the red beasts.

Bolshevik revolution was backed by the krauts.

I agree if it was 1 vs 1, Axis vs USSR only

If America stayed neutral and didn't fund the Soviets, Then what?

The USSR was in talks with Britain and France to take out Germany and maybe swallow up some of their bordering states. The western allies gave them a bad deal so Stalin went to Hitler. Germany was in desperate need of the Soviets and their supplies. They were able to subvert treaties limiting the German army by testing vehicles and other equipment in the USSR. Germany had offered Poland to join them in a war against the bolsheviks and was willing to give them plenty of land in the east in the event of an anti-comintern victory. The Polish government refused this and after some of their posturing the Germans turned their propaganda machine against them. This was what prompted him to join the USSR in a cooperative division of their border states.

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Stalin believed in Communism which means that he had less than 10 IQ.
Hitler manipulated him so much that even when German tanks were on the Russian Border Stalin refused to believe that Hitler would betray him.

That is buying into Soviet propaganda. The USSR was already boldly contesting areas under the German claim of influence and even making demands on their allies. Their entire ideology was based off world revolution. They were building weapons that could've only been used offensively in urban European environments such as German cities. The Red Army increased their numbers to 5.7 million and began preparing to set up 18 million reservists. They had an absolutely infeasible amount of people on the ready for a major conflict. The Soviet Union was absolutely going to invade if the Germans didn't get the first shot and they would've gone out all the way to Paris and beyond if that were the case.

>redpill me on this Jow Forums
>Jow Forums

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It was German butthurt over Poland reinstating itself as a state. And in the case of the Soviets, Stalin especially the butthurt was mutual.
So they decided to invade Poland...
None of the Axis supported or liked this. Japan, Italy, Hungary, nobody supported this.

Bruder, do you forget our 58.000 Volkesdeutsche murdered by polish falangists and police from April to September 1939?