Israel BOMBS American Contractors

>The last base to be hit, on August 20, was Balad airbase, which actually hosts US forces and contractors, according to Reuters. The installation also hosts US-supplied Iraqi F-16 fighter jets.

Why am I just now hearing of this?

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>Why am I just now hearing of this?
It starts with Donald and it ends with J Trump. (the J stands for Jew)

>Why am I just now hearing of this?

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Was there "big news" on the 20th that wouldv'e bumped this? The Fed thing was on the 21st wasn't it?

Put a lid on the anti-semitism, goy. Israel is your best ally. Remember muh 6 million.

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>Americans working with Iranians in Iraq
Those weren't true Americans. They deserved it.


Because we're ruled by the King of Israel

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danke dane.

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Also in July, an Israeli air strike killed two Iranian military commanders. People we just trained.

The bombing from the 20th was the ammo depo of a pro Iranian militia. Apparently Americans are known for being there. So we are training militias now?

When can we glass Israel?

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You can't convince me that Jews are homo sapiens.

Ooooh, pastry!

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>So we are training militias now?


Oh vey, shut it down, forget the USS Liberty.

>master kills slaves for not obeying

You think this is the first time this has happened?

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Can we start treating them like an enemy now?

True. They're Jewmo Subvertiens.

I know we've been training their military for a very long time but the use of the word "militia" made me do a double take. So now US contractors are training sandnigget militias and getting bombed by the Jews? What is really going on over there?

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Wasn't that on the news though?

I am suprised we are hearing about it all, the precious kikes who can do no wrong.

Nope. It sure wasn't. It was buried and the US public never knew about it.
The US navy wanted to put fighters in the air to stop the attack, but LBJ called them off because he didn't want to "look bad"
Israel has never apologized once for it, and yes several US sailors died.
Never trust a kike.

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They didn't bomb our people. Though they were in the area and it's shady as fuck. The Iranians were using a place near westerners as a transfer point to move weapons into Syria. The Israelis give zero fucks about them or about us.

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Pssst, Don baby, those US servicemen were really helping Iran. They deserved their bombing.

All bibi has to do is find some kike to call trump the second coming and it'll be forgiven.

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Bases have multiple functions especially if they are big and have nice airfields. The loyalties and conflicting objectives in that region make everything a mess. Really it's proof Sadam did literally nothing wrong.

total clusterfuck is whats going on. destabilization is good for the Princes of Saud and the Chosen people. The latest foray on Syria proved this fact for me.

wow, there is so much information out on it, including interviews with the sailors. I guess I didn't realize it was hush hushed at the time.

friendly fire is a thing. it happens in every branch: secure smoking during an unrep with a frigate and 5 seconds later some genius has started a fire on the engineering decks that spreads through the vents to nearly the entire carrier. people are stupid and during wars they get tired AND stupid.

Stay asshurt, larper

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doesn't CENTCOM (?) approve these sorts of strikes? I thought that's why they got so mad at Russia when they killed our patsies and their advisors last year. If so, that makes this a unilateral action on foreign soil and an act of war.

Israel bombed these guys because they shot down a US drone

No. Israel is going to war without US support soon.

when you get rid of Trump

I'm actually coming around to this idea as well. Whacky positioning coming from that country

Netanyahu is going to take his country to war to avoid jail and end up collapsing all of Israel. He's also one of the biggest elements of spygate.

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that motive actually makes sense.
pic related>projection

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Oh look! It's your greatest allies again!! Just like always, standing by your side for your best interest...

- Lavon Affair
- Stealing enriched Uranium from US
- USS liberity
-1983 beirut bombings (Israel knew about the attack and failed to share it with US)
- Jonathan Pollard espionage scandal
- Lawrence Franklin espionage scandal
- Sep 11, 5 dancing Israelis . Israel knew about the attacks before it happened, failed to warn US and they tried to bomb George Washington Bridge

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If you kill Americans while I'm #POTUS46, I'll return the favor 1000x.
The future is bright for Americans #Lambright2002. Vote

Vote Lambright 2020.

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-08-24 at 8.43.01 AM.png (508x1062, 353K) Dear
might be your bitch, I'm not.

If you kill Americans while I'm #POTUS46, I'll return the favor 1000x.
might be your bitch, I'm not.

If you kill Americans while I'm #POTUS46, I'll return the favor 1000x.

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dangerous game..

Trump is known for extreme revenge.

media is crickets.



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Who gives a fuck?
These mercenaries are cannon fodder, nothing more.

You want to know something about the media...

See, shit like that? I see no issue what so ever with shit like that. They are not water boarding them, they are not skinning them alive.
I remember when this happened and sooo many people were so upset over this & pearl clutched about how inhumane it was.
FUCK THAT. THEY ARE IN JAIL for doing something illegal, right? So FUCK THEM
It also is pissing me off because it made me stick up for the jews. I'm not a fan. But that shit is funny as fuck

Reading about the USS Liberty a few years ago is what opened my eyes to all of this.
It makes me very angry when I think about it.
I dislike Palestine too for birthing out cunts that is the worst ugly crier I've EVER seen & because mulims are assholes.

If I had a wish, it would be that both get glassed. turn the area into a dessert.
Dig up the whole area, I sure there is some really cool Archeologist finds that need to be found.

For me it was the dancing israelis, there a clip on youtube of them filmed by a woman.

>FUCK THAT. THEY ARE IN JAIL for doing something illegal, right? So FUCK THEM

you need to learn more about the situation there and what has happened since 1945, before posting

Fuck you kike
That whole area should be destroyed.
Turn it into a theme park

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Interesting number on the F-35

>Why am I just now hearing of this?
Just ask your "free" press and democratically "American" puppet government lol

So let me get this straight

Iran blows up a stupid drone that we flew in their airspace, and we almost level the region

Israel, a foreign power, literally bombs a u.s airbase and we dont even hear about it

>Jews attack American assets
>p-please stop t-this will undermine our relationship with Iraq


Great memes today. I am building a website at the moment which will cover things they don't want you to know. Not some derpy conspiracy site. Will include all the raw documents and proof for those who can still read. I am farming the best memes which will have there own section. I'm not opening it up until the election campaigns happen. Its a Knotevil site. Watch for it

>"free" press and democratically "American" puppet government lol
We are all in the same sinking boat. Fuck off with the divide and conquor shit.

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>A former Navy attorney who helped lead the military investigation of the 1967 Israeli attack on the USS Liberty that killed 34 American servicemen says former President Lyndon Johnson and his defense secretary, Robert McNamara, ordered that the inquiry conclude the incident was an accident.

I tell you to ask yours too, but I'm sure you can't talk with all that enriched refugee dick in your mouth

>israel bombs our base with weapons that we provided them

U sure it was Iran that blew up that drone? It's called a false flag homie

Based Wayne

Holy shit, given the meticulous detail these photo ops are planned in there's no way that was an accident

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Your nose shows more on the Sabbath, who knew!

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D-Don't tease me user.

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lel, nice