I am done

I am so fucking tired of this girlpower shit culture. I am tired of Quotas, affirmative action and feminisme. I work my ass off, but will never get a decent job with this bullshit. What should I do? Kill myself or suffer?

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Suffer now, but so others will not have to in the future

>What should I do?

Start doing heroin


keep posting.
until the fire rises.

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Why is it so hard for you to be lead by a woman?

Go shoot up a womens spa or some shit lol

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Fuck off healthpack

Totally not glowing and prying for domestic terrorism..

You just started winning SJW's are losing faith in their cause. Old SJW's are pointing out the error of their ways
A Middle-Aged Career Woman on the Lies of Feminism She Learned Too Late

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you can check out. a man doesnt need that much money to live if he's just living modestly and quite frankly us guys can literally live in a cardboard box for as long as we dont freeze to death and we dont starve to death. but if you check out now, 40 - 80 is a helluva long time so you better prepare for it and find something interesting to do

say you stay in the rat race. eventually you will come out on top... ish... you probably wont be as successful as you could have become had it not been quotas and feminism ruining everyone's lives. but a man will gradually succeed if he stays in the "career rat race" long enough because men dont have any other choices. women will eventually either become incredibly miserable at their job, or fail at their job big time, or have children and leave the job. so eventually you just have to outlast those bitches who got hired cuz of pussypower.

but yeah the second option is like slow death. you watch your life waste away in front of you for something that may or may not happen. i too have thought about just completely checking out and go find real meanings with my life. but i want to be there in the next 5 - 10 years to laugh at all the roasties who bought into the girlpower no child shit at work

it's not a binary choice, user

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>fucking tired of this girlpower shit culture.

Feminism is evil, and those who cause violence in its name are criminals wife supremacists and other hate groups that are repugnant to everything we hold dear as fat slob burgers. During the DNC debate, wife supremacists intellionally toned down their language in order to appeal to mainstream voters. It’s helpful first to parse the various phrases that have been thrown around. “Wife supremacy” refers to a “full-fledged ideology” that asserts wives should have dominance over people of other family roles, according to an anti-defamation league. “Wife separatists” promote physical separation of all other family roles and take from them their associated rights. “I am very frustrated by the normalization of these ideas and the notion that they are finding acceptability in mainstream discourse,” said one man.
The Trump campaign denied allegations that ex-White House chief strategist Steve Bannon is a wife supremacist.

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it would appear that spanking kids and feminism go hand in hand

compare all the countries that allow spanking or ban it, versus countries that have strong or weak feminism and allow gay pride parades

Start you own.

You folks have minorities to the extent you need quotas and affirmative action?

Jesus fucking Christ. This shit is in NORWAY of all place. I thought you people were fucking White?


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your meme country doesnt matter.

Make the parties responsible suffer greatly.

White guys here hire each other, because we have a culture of hard work that nig nogs cannot fit into. Even the natives, lazy as they are, work harder than any people we import when they are inclined. They hire each other and sometimes white people too. Companies with a large number of nig nogs working for them in Canada are pretty much all government subsidized, especially tech companies hiring poojabs. Canadians don't go outside so much, so we are kind of naturally compounding ourselves like in SA already, it's just almost invisible because we are Canadian.

Anyway, just go look for hard work, not necessarily manual labor, just challenging stuff. Firefighting is nig and female free for the most part, because they are cowards by nature. Tech companies that do more complex development projects are almost all white, data centers here have very few non white male employees etc.

There are tons of jobs that they are just mentally incapable of doing. It is hard to live in Canada and we have a long history of high tech heavy duty industry, so despite Chretien's best efforts to destroy it all at the same time Bill Clinton was exporting every job he could down south, Canadians are mostly able to work and live without being bothered by the nig scum.

Things are getting bad though, the last five years it has gotten so bad that we can't go out in public as safely as we could before and people are noticing quickly. Surrey has been reduced to a disgusting poo pit. Van and Toronto are just giant drains on the country, filled with racist non-whites that are almost entirely government subsidized, if you look at the amount of money going into those areas vs. the number of non-white dependents on welfare, educational funding on anti-white institutions, companies that subsist on rent seeking and government handouts etc. it becomes really obvious Canadians would be several times wealthier and better off if we just got rid of all these people who came here to take advantage of us.

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Fight back

Stop posting in these shill threads. This thread belongs in r9k
JIDF trying to make Jow Forums into /b/

anytime I am alone with nobody around on higher floor, I will shitpost walk like that down the stairs. It is oddly satisfying, try it.