My fellow Americans

Separating the United States from Israel and ending Zionist influence in America politics is the most important issue of our time.

What can we do to make this happen?

I suggest that each of us take an hour everyday, go online and call bullshit on Zionist bullshit.

Please post arguments to use, and places to post them.

Attached: ZOG.jpg (349x370, 27K)

civil war of horrible proportions, and the current status quo can not be allowed to survive

Ending Feminism is the most important issue of our yime.
From that. all soviety's problems fliw, including the Progressivism that makes us hold on to Holocaustianism

Attached: 015.png (509x476, 349K)

Well, that sounds pretty extreme.

Its too deeply rooted, too far entrenched to be removed through peaceful means

We must
>>Await ZOG death by Russia and China as the Bible foretold "the Great River Euphrates was dried (new souls born) in order to prepare the way (Fall of the Beast) by the Kings of the East."

Answer Jewish Question with death for ((())).

Move into national parks and reserves, survive.

The most commonly heard phrase is 'Israel is America's greatest ally." This is utter bullshit and people should laugh when they hear it.

Whenever I hear this,, I ask themL "Why wasn't Israel part of the coalition of 35 countries that supported the United States in the Gulf War?'

Then I use their responses as evidence that Israel is a diplomatic liability and utterly useless in the Middle East.

We should just pull up our stakes and leave them to their fate

Exactly.. I want the United States to just walk away from the entire Middle East, nearly everything we have done there has just made things worse.

The other thing I see all the time is the "God Bless Israel" concept. Nearly any post about Israel will have tons of responses that just say this over and over again.

I respond with Bible verses about how that covenant was broken, or Bible verses about how Christ's new covenant nullifies the old covenant.. There's a bible verse where Saint Paul says all are entitled to the inheritance of abraham through Christ.

Maybe we should make those fundies aware of just how ungodly Israel is as well.

Tel Aviv is a homosexual vacation hot spot.

Israel is mostly agnostic.

Israel has free and legal abortion.

Attached: Zionist challenge01.jpg (957x670, 275K)


That is not really a productive slogan,, it falls right into the Zionist propaganda that being a critic of Israel makes you a nazi bigot.

We need better arguments than that.

let them bomb each other

These are peoples that have hated each other for much longer than most western civilizations have existed

Them them sort it out

>audit and shut down federal reserve
>pass constitutional amending authorizing congress the power to print currency
be prepared to get nuked by china, russia, and EU as the kikes will sic them all on us when we throw the kike system into the shitter

Vote red or you’re all dead.

Oh sure.. giving Trump a second term is really going to help the problem of Zionist influence in American government. WTF is wrong with you?

Attached: Trump-Israel.jpg (605x418, 59K)

First step would be making Freedom of Speech absolute, and removing the law that you can't talk about organized Jewry

Then we could make some progress by dropping holohoax red pills

We were born into a cult. Everything in our world is based on the "elites" secret sun. It creates all these shapes and symbols in the sky.

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Attached: Logo-Pepsi.jpg (1191x670, 36K)

Bumping for ideas and places to implement them. We all know Israel has paid trolls, we cannot allow them to dominate the internet.

we're all already sitting in front of our computers.. let's go do something.

Trips of truth, end zionism

Don't worry we are already fucking jewing ourselves to Oblivion 30-40 tops Israel will disappear.

Witnessed digits
Expose them through their lies. They have made more than enough mistakes to a point out, and they hardly try to cover their tracks. You can't fight an enemy when you have no idea where they are or how they operate. Expose them through collected and sourced information, I think that's the first step. Collect names of companies and organizations that are known to have questionable ties with Israel, compile lists with accurate sources and continue to expose them. Is very important to gather intelligence on the kikes. Again, you can't hit an enemy most people think is imaginary. The first thing these people will do when you bring up the Israel, is ask for proof.
Secondly is to learn how to argue against them. JIDF does the same thing. They formulate ways to argue against those who are considered "antisemitic." They will change the subject, and talk about the deception of other countries in order to justify their own usury.
One can expose the deep hand they have in government, and their ability to appeal to both democrats and republicans with money. I think most normal Americans hate lobbyists, so that's always a good argument to start from in some cases.