Would you die for your country?

Would you die for your country?

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In what context, potato?

>fight for it
>die for it
Hell no


The point of war is to not die for your country, it's to make some poor bastard die for his.

Not if I had to use that piece of shit G36

Yes. But not for Israel.

Yes, depends on against what enemy tho. Wouldnt kill swedes or norwegians.
Or danes.

tiocfaidh ar lá


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In this state? nah

Would you die for Israel?


>I'm ok with genocide as long as it's by other whites

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so you'll go to the front line and run way?

I would fight for my country.

No. I would fight for my family and neighbors in the event I needed to defend my neighborhood against a military aggression, foreign or domestic, but not much beyond that and certainly not under the guise of the American Flag.

Dying for Jews, backstabbing politicians, and large corporate CEO's is not something I do.

Your pointing your guns in the wrong direction. The should be pointed west while your army engineers demolish the bridge in Tornio.

For my country?
For my people?

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Your = you're. I'm hungover.

yea, no, not skin color. The country of origin and culture.

If youre black and speak finnish, you are ok. If you utter any words of nignog-somalia, BOOM HEADSHOT

Well, I would fight for my country, but not for Israel.

To bring it back to what it was? Yes.
To fight for Schlomo's oil stocks? No.

>dying for Israel

No thank you

Fuck no, fuck this gay country, fuck its gay laws, and fuck its gay population

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Fuck no. And i would dodge the daft as well. And if they really plan on arresting me, i'm gonna go full minecraft


I would die for my nation, not for my country

>Would you die for your country?
Does anhero count?

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>Would you die for your country?
Nope. My country won't give me the reparations it owe me.

For our country in the state that is now, absolutely not. For the Ireland that Pearse dreamed of, absolutely.

I would do my best without getting hit by a bullet

Only in a defensive war.


I would die to protect my country, but since I am an American the type of military actions I would be asked to die in have nothing to do with defending the nation.

Does anyone here actually believe the Taliban in the remote mountains of central asia are a threat to the United States?


I agree. I would def fight to overthrow the Irish government or remove invaders.

There is a reason recruitment is so low and why the US is working on terminators to replace infantry with.

No. My country is a gigantic corrporation and many of our founding father would be enraged if they saw it today,

My county is dieing right before my eyes.

No lol. In fact I'd probably join the Americans when they inevitably invade.

for my people I would fight and risk life, but for those who lead us I wouldn't even lift a finger

fuck no, my prime minister told me we weren't a nation anymore anyway, there's nothing to die for

Not at all

Canada? No. Quebec? Yes.

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Where were these kinds of chicks when I served in the Bundeswehr?

FFS man.


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Nobody wants anything to do with Quebec.

Yes, sir

Good. We want to be left alone.

Hell no


Only subhuman cucks and golems like this muslim would.

They were assigned to the Propaganda and Promotions Division of Bundeswehr.

dude i'll die just because its tuesday and the traffic is too heavy, don't really need much of a reason

Yes. For my family and my country.

The threat are the ones letting them come in ... Die for MUH County we are getting killed by our own country (((men))) so ... Who gives a shit Let it burn

Expectations vs. Reality.

For my country, yeah, in a heartbeat.
For my government, depends.
For my current government, hahahahahaha, not in a million years.

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>dying for a legal institution used as a collar to enslave your nation

I'll live, fight, and die for my family and people, not any government.

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>yea, no, not skin color. The country of origin and culture.
>If youre black and speak finnish, you are ok.
Blacks have been in North America for 400 years and still act like savages. Country of ethnic origin and culture/behavior of the people are linked together. Save a few exceptions, blacks will not act like Finns any more than they will act like Englishmen, Italians, Poles, and so on.

How sad it is that every single white nation has to follow America's example of being a dumping ground for whatever trash can stumble over the border. The jewish capitalists have had great success in convincing every white nation that their essence and being are so base that even the lowest IQ alien straight out of some equitorial jungle can adopt it over night. They've really made you believe you're just an interchangeable, easily replaced piece.

Not racist? That's refreshing on Jow Forums. You fins aren't so bad

nop, argentina is trash
maybe in case of chinese invasion only

fuck no

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>>To bring it back to what it was? Yes.
To fight for Schlomo's oil stocks? No.

This. Britbong btw.

not anymore

>would you die for jews

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It's Finns, you retard. Fins are found on sharks, Finns are found in Estonian liquor stores.

yes goyim fight for your tax cattle farm

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As it stands no. I would however die to restore it.

nah, for a reich though

Spaniards and meds aren’t white desu

No, I am a social outcast.

I served in the Canadian Forces back in the late 90s. It was turning into a shit show of women in the combat arms right around then. I cant imagine how pozzed and fucked it is now. Turbans and lesbians run the whole organization. Its no place for a White man anymore. Why would anyone want to fight for that?

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why does this dumb slit close her left eye

no but i will make russian fagots die for theirs

I want you to remember that no bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making the other poor, dumb bastard die for his country.

Greatest film quote of all time


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That sure is an ugly wife tho.

>Die for the country
>Die for your nation
>Die for your family

Fight for it? yes.
For my people, sure.
For my country, yes.
For the collection of traitors and prostitutes that have betrayed my nation and sold my future to the invader? Fuck no.

If there is some kind of war, I will shoot the traitor before the enemy.

Not at this moment

Based and gringopilled

Not with its current bullshit.

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Thanks dad

no i will die for my religion only

Yeah it's more so that Family was embraced and encouraged. Imagine seeing something like that in todays media.

Based froggie

lol no

What method of suicide? Nice digits btw mohammed.

Aw, I remember BOOM HS meme. Shit was awesome. I concur with you my man.

check your irish privilige bigot

Hell no

Under the age of 8, Germany is 42% non-white migrants.... so fuck no I wouldn't fight for Germany. I will never fight anyone, because the chance of death is too great. Fuck the world.

based and redpilled my brother


Whites were killing each other since their inception. Just wait til your own brethren throws you in a gulag. Maybe you’ll learn. I already did. Caring about your “race” is so pointless now. We evolved and changed.

for my country or for the ruling elite? because that's two things.

if putin invaded to murder merkel and all the politicians I wouldn't move a finger. hell, I would cheer.

Depends on who we are fighting against