What has Trump done for America so far?

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>GRIMPF has done NOTHING!!!!

Are we back in Winter 2017 or something?

Made gay porn public in his oral fixation on kike cock. He's right now just told FOX the Chosed remark was not serious.

>>It WAS serious.

>What has Trump done for America so far?
He's kept us out of wars:
No Russia.
No Syria.
No N. Korea.
No Venezuela.
and, so far,
No Iran.

Kept a lifetime appointment femcunt off of the SCOTUS is enough for me.

hes been the most honest president/politician in recent political history

Defeated Kuru Killary

Cancelling TPP basically saved the entire world from a corporate takeover, but everyone seems to have forgotten about that

And no guns

>No Iran

Coming Soon

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What good has that done?
>>Globalism will emerge stronger as a result of forcing the international crises he has fagfucked into the poop chute of the nation.

What have you done for your country user?

Slowed down the inevitable decline.

Building the wall

Attached: border-wall-construction-santa-teresa-2.jpg (789x460, 119K)

Protecced Israel

Discord meme flags on a roll lately

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He's actually done a lot more than our past 4 presidents combined

Whats your point are you expecting random guy to have same capabilities as president of the USA?

More countries are trending toward nationalism actually. Only a few countries, mostly in Europe are still cucked by globalism. Murica is doing great as a nationalist countries. Booming economy, less reliant on China, better diplomacy. The fuck you on about?

>built wall
Tip top COPE
"Since January 2017, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and [CBP] have received funding to support construction of up to 201-205 miles of new border barriers," CBP said in a "border wall status" update dated on June 14.

Of those 201-205 miles the Trump administration has received funding for through a combination of appropriations and the Treasury Forfeiture Fund (TFF), however, only 46.7 miles have been built two-and-a-half years into Trump's presidency. Much of the border wall that has been built has been put up in places where construction is replacing "dilapidated designs."

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Record low levels of unemployment for BASED AFRICAN AMERICANS.

You're mistaken. EU? Nope. Russia? Before and after Trump shall remain that way. China? Nope.

Name one?

This is known as the Texas Sharpshooter Fallacy. It is an illogical argument supported by drawing the target around random holes preshot into the side of a barn, as in the old comic.
>>I will build a border wall
>>Mexico shall pay for it.
>>Jow Forums is not Reddit.

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>Illegal immigration at highest levels since Dubya
>Gen Z 49% white
>Made Jeruesalem the capital of Israel.
>Trump couldn't stop the caravan
>Trump couldn't end DACA
>Trump couldn't pass the RAISE act
>Trump couldn't end Birthright Citizenship
>Trump couldn't defund Planned Parenthood
>Trump couldn't invest $1 trillion to improve national infrastucture
>Trump couldn't pass the travel ban
>Trump couldn't close the Wall Street special interest loopholes
>Trump couldn't put price controls on prescription drugs
>Trump couldn't stop foreign lobbyists from raising money for American election
>Trump couldn't resist bombing Syria
>Trump couldn't pull the U.S out of NATO
>Anti bds laws
>Gave israel 38 billion
>Increased the National debt by $2trillion
>Gave the 1% a tax cut
>Farmers bill
>Omnibus bill
>Amnesty bill
>Crime 'reform' bill
>No unclassified FISA
>No Awan indictment
>No Uranium One investigation
>No voter fraud investigation
>No Feinstein Chinese spy investigation
>Pedogate has vanished
>55k sealed indictments went nowhere
>Hired a bunch of neocons
>Continued middle eastern wars
>Ramping up for even more wars
>Global LGBT crusade

>Full amnesty omnibus Bill

>Summary of bill:

>Combating European Anti-Semitism Act

>Assembles a cabinet of bankers, generals and chickenhawks who precum to the thought of war with Iran.
>'Gives' Israel Jerusalem.
>'Declares' all jewish settlements to be Israeli land.
>pulled out of missile treaties with Russia
>fired McMaster and replaced him with Bolton because McMaster dared to criticize Israel
>the Trump Dept of Education makes it illegal to criticize Israel at public universities as it constitutes 'antisemitism

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Yeah. You know who put up more wall than Trump? Obama.
They will say:
>trump wall better
Which is literally wrong. It’s the same wall. Some of Clinton and Bush’s wall is being replaced - which Obama also did.

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Philippines, Poland, Ukraine, UK to name a few
All shifting toward most nationalistic governments. DJT is definitely reinvigorating nationalism and sovereignty in govts. EU is in shambles, NAFTA is dedd. Wake up lad, and smell the decomposing corpse of globalism

Not logical. He said he'd build a wall. All you and he do anymore, is build EXCUSES

>not nationalist

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Banned bump stocks
Made Israel safer

That's all I can think of.

Phillipines Dueterte in B4 Trump
Ukraine does not have a nationalist govt.
Nice try Maga. Really....
I wish your belief were real. But you follow a manic loser.

He works to restore Israel, and we will be blessed through our service to them, praise God.

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hehe it was just a joke bro
4d chess bro

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It was prior to Trump. Historically China has rejected the West, which to some may be misinterpreted nationalism. But he made the case that this is an effect of Trump. That's

Why do I never get those memos?

Maybe you need a class in reading comprehension user.

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But there is Bolsonaro that is literally called brazilian Trump, that guy in Italy too

Gave 34 billion to Israel among other ass-kissing policies. You know, I really had hope that candidate Trump wouldn't be a jew slave when he became President.
Boy was I wrong.

Nice copy/paste but I’ll just pick out one

>No unclassified FISA
It’s literally been declassified for Barr/Durham to investigate, retard.

Lots of laughs

>Gave 34 billion to Israel among other ass-kissing policies.
No, no he didn’t.

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This is what a pussy north monkey would say

Trump has secured God's blessings for America by sucking Netanyahu's dick.

Numbers 24:9 Whoever blesses Israel will be blessed,
And whoever curses Israel will be cursed.”

Dumb Estonian

>This is what a pussy north monkey would say
Yet he isn't wrong, so what the fuck is your point you lousy faggot?

Tel Aviv is the faggot playground for the entire mediterranean.

Israel has free abortions .

Most Israels are not religious.

The Zionist movement was started by an atheist named Theodor Herzl.

How the fuck do you make yourself believe this pile of decadence is God's will?

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