Where can I move in the world where my kids won't have to deal with their own replacement?

Where can I move in the world where my kids won't have to deal with their own replacement?

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Your own private compound in the middle of the boreal forest.

Come home, OP. Puerto Rico is where you belong.

>run away from the problem
>pass it on to the next generation

Millenials are just neoboomers.

No thanks, My stock is European and I want to leave this horrible country. I want to go back but everywhere seems just as cucked to hell.

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Stop running, you fucking coward. It will find us no matter where we go. Arm yourself and get ready, and that's not a joke or over-dramatization. It is slow going, but it is heating up, undoubtedly.

SEA obviously....Hapa futurism


Since you're arab saudi Arabia would probably work

I might have fought if there was a cause but all I can do for now is regroup with like-minded people and grow a new generation if our time does not come to stand up.

the boomers are still in power

Are you a stable human being that can provide for others? If so, then no where.

in your case China

>Where can I move in the world where my kids won't have to deal with their own replacement?
By replacement, do you mean automation or the third world stopgap?

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the grave


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Have fun being replaced and fighting back in 50 years maybe when you're sub 20% of the population, half are women and half of the men are obese. You could have regrouped with others but you chose to do nothing but talk until your people found themselves in a hopeless situation.

Ideal maybe if Americans take over and grow it.

Anywhere where Christians don’t have a significant influence. Meaning you probably have to become a muslim or a jew.

What do you think?

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user, you know the blackpill is the only right one, but you haven't accepted it yet.
The only way white genocide will be stopped is if a worldwide calamity breaks out within one or two decades.

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Stay where you are and drive out the invaders.

Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Iceland, perhaps Balkan states.

He meant more white immigrants shillblue

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Greenland is the chance. Otherwise whites should move to Liberland and creat a mega white city, then start expanding. With time more restricting external policies could be promoted.

Or... You know, make your own micro-nation and start from there.

>make your own micro-nation
I think this is the future.

There is no more white flight. its all gone. even iceland. Greenland is just a big fucking meme and pipe-dream, even if we did somehow all move to greenland and declared it independent, the jews and elites will somehow attempt to boat over thousands of refugees from canada to it or Rhodesia us to death

We have to make a stand unironically, and the only non-glow post advice i can give is network with other like minded white people, group together, pool in resources and money, buy land, form rural communities, and when the collapse happens, form a small militia and rebuild.
its the only advice i can give.

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>network with other like minded white people, group together, pool in resources and money, buy land, form rural communities, and when the collapse happens, form a small militia and rebuild

It's a small town of like 1-1.5k people and it's already getting shit on. A big white enclave is not something that's going to be allowed to exist or formed peacefully.

>afraid of replacement
>wants to become a replacement elsewhere

russia,bleach their mongoloid genes .

They are on a shitty continent for one, not to sound rude. They have every right to defend themselves if they really want to push it agaisnt them. White people on a global scare are the minority. Why do we have to embrace diversity when niggers, muslims, and jews don't. Its a obvious genocide agenda, we have to let people know, i'm sure there is a silent majority, but they fear public shaming and arrest. we gotta voice ourselves and normalize this topic on media. we need to quit the comprise and pissy-pants politics

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we have to form our own nation. probably not possible right now but it will be soon. ww3 = hard reset, all this degeneracy will fall away

you can't fight what's coming. your best chance is to survive and then be part of the new beginning

You could move back to china

I dont think you understand. This collapse is orchestrated. There is nowhere to run. They will either kill or enslave you. The eternal canaanite will give you no quarter. Trying to form a larp community in the woods will only make you an easier target.