What do we name this era?

when it all collapses and decays into nothingness, historians will look back and talk about how absolutely dengerate this time period was.

TGD - the great decay
PWC - post western civilization

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Other urls found in this thread:


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>overwhelmingly pozzed by Jews
They're going to praise it you absolute mutt

right wind germaphobe squads

The Anthropocene era

The silicone age.

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That makes sense. Right-wingers have a more healthy sense of disgust than leftists.

Basic hygiene is racist, checkmate Nazi scum

The American Weimer period.

Shit's really gonna hit the fan next economic crash.

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Depends who wins, it'll be another enlightenment age or the age of treason/traitors.

Maybe there will be no historians to give this era an appropriate evaluation or a name because we are heading into oblivion. There are two scenarios I can see:
1. The history will be obliterated after some devastating conflict and the chronology will start from year 0
2. There will be no concept of history as we as a humanity will be degraded to prehistoric tribes who will have only myths and stories to preserve our history


Kali yuga

You guys know it isn't exclusive to burgerlandia right?

>are you not a pathetic weakling?
>you might be a neo nazi
>does unwashed human filth disgust you?
>check your privilege fascist shit

Attached: bill cosby.jpg (500x500, 32K)

>authoritarian attitudes may be partly rooted in biological urge to avoid catching diseases from unfamiliar people

So fascism is literally an evolutionary strategy?

Yes, but none of the rest of you matter very much


i only hate niggers smell lmao

>you hate the nigger thick smell of shit stench
>you can't stand that all shitskins reek like a animal barn
>what are you, a fucking racist?
clown world

>dislike having to smell stinky dirty unhygienic people?
>well you might be a literal nazi bigot homophobic racist

The Global Weimar Occupation.

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migrants smell and if you don't like that you're a racist

reeeeee I have ocd goddamnit can't believe I'm gonna be discriminated for not being dirty and smelling like shit

The narcissistic era. Begins with boomers up to present.

Pride comes before the fall. I hope there will be glorious heroes who could guide you out of the mess you yourselves created when shit hits the fan

Australia, where do you think the decadence and degeneracy came from?

We started the decadent period trend. So its only natural to title it "American Weimar period".

I mean think about it, because of us, you guys ended the White Australia policy.

Oy vey where do you get such conspiracy theories? Why do you persecute us so?

Walking past an indian girl yesterday.
Despite the deoderant / perfume she wore, there was the unmistakable stench of curry powder.
How could anyone want to wake up next to that smell? How could anyone find that attractive?
Its not a smell that can be washed out just by having a shower, that is a stench they exhume.

>where do you think the decadence and degeneracy came from?
The point is an age isn't about a country, regardless of where the trend came from..


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Shitholes don't matter.

But it is how countries tear it out. Whether by root or stem. The root, is America.

No one else is going ro save you, best start working with your fellow countrymen.

>that pic
imagine the smell

This, this isn't a real headline, r-right?!

Don't wanna, I have rightwing views.

Contemporaries don't get to name their own era.

Damn, Coppercab has balls like THAT???

Attached: Gavin Mcinnes vs Coppercab 2.webm (1280x720, 2.94M)

Wait, your telling me that avoiding people that stink is a naturally developed trait to keep me from disease? Why is this a bad thing? Because niggers and hippie filth smell like shit and that's a warning sign for disease? Makes sense they are a disease to humanity. Always trust your instincts I guess.

It’s not about hating body odor it’s about hating body odor that is different from yours. Niggers smell different from whites, chinks, kikes and poos all have their distinctive odors as well and that’s our in built racism in action. We were meant to be separate.


clown world

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poo in loo first

>beung so obsessed with bein NUMBAH ONE you willingly take credit for all of this shit alone

Only the next time

Although I recall a Portuguese hippie in my class with dreadlocks and on tofu diet. She was hitting on me but that smell of hers repulsed me. I’m used to fuck top-tier chicks.

Based and poopilled.

>right wing = authoritarian
.. what? do they even know what the big words mean

>not liking bad body odor means your a racist Nazi!

It's amazing to me Americans just sit back and let these people control their media

how does the UK compare to home pajeet? Did you find your own designated street?

o fugg because i don't like smelly niggers on hot subway trains i'm hitler now

so, in other words, ebil nazis bathe everyday and commies practice poor personal hygiene. ok.

>right wing
what the hell are these people smoking?

>ruins the world twice
>on the verge of doing it again
Youre saying that like germans arent pests aswell

Friendly reminder to attend sauna at least once a week. Clears lymphatic system and has a bunch of other overall health benefits. Just remember to do it right.

>Fascism rooted in common sense.
They need to proofread more.

The smell of bleach.

This is the age of decadence, it immediately precedes the fall of an empire.

the era of intuited justice

>If you don't love the smell of piss and shit you must be a nazi

The Age of Oblivion

i like my own bo. But I dislike others. Am I homo? I mean leftard?

The Clown Age

Historians? Just some mulatto nogs in the future wearing suits right?

The age where the evil alt-righters did holocaust II: electric boogaloo on all LGBT, blacks, and women!

In all seriousness I think We're still gonna call it culture war.

It is currently 5 CY or 5 current years. We had BC, AD, and now have moved into CY. It is terribly incorrect and inaccurate to state that it is 2019.

>not wanting to catch diseases is bad
The hell?

Based greekbro

they will say
>wow, we inherited such great opportunity from those dark times
and in short order they will again ruin their beautiful inheritance

Era of mental illness, so EMI?

Degenerates pride themselves on disabilities and illnesses of all kids
Why do you think California made it legal to poz people?

Isn't that kid like 16? He's definitely below 18 right? This is literally child porn. Why isn't Good Goy Gavin in prison right now. Looks like it took place on Rebel Media. The owner of Rebel Media should also be put in prison labeled as a sex offender.

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>implying future people will have time to study history between hunting and gathering food and escaping predators
user, please.

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>mfw im roaming the afterscape and I come across a lefty scavenger

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ngl, their boxing match was fucking hilarious

I´m way past right wing.

Deus Vult!

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Ahh.. saturday evening on pol..

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>tfw hate body odor but also hate smelling like whatever a computer thought "clean" smells like
If somebody walks by and I can smell their soap/perfume/cologne I don't think "you smell good" I think "you're trying too hard".

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Kali Yuga

2. is what will happen. Look at all the myths and stories we have now.

This is true! I hate germs
> Black people
>Brown people

Dark Ages 2.0

same i hate it actually
smells like cheap trick

The left and cultural marxism is responsible for the degredation of the west.

But pheromones are a real thing,

So what are they actually trying to say here?

The Kardashian Era

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Use baking soda as deodorant then, user.

I had forgotten about that.

The Age of Betrayal

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The age of Mental madness took over

The Hippy Meltdown

I hate other peoples body odor but i like my own

Hey man you were on a break ?

The Great Betrayal

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"That time we thought it was a good idea to let Jews have all the power"

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