African Americans DESERVE reparations!

This is NOT a racist thread! This is a serious discussion about reservations! Please provide sources/materials to validate your claims.

I challenge you to deny my claims?

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They got reparations in the form of welfare and they're still worthless niggers, so you can go fuck off now.

As a proud Swedish male, I endorse this post. [I am not the Somali]

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>ancestors get used as slaves
>you are now forced to live in a country way better than if they never were slaves
>want money because they got born in america instead of a shithole
Gibsmedat gene will never be satisfied

Kek. We've been paying reparations since 1964

/thread and sage retard


True. And reparations come with taking the nationality and shipping them back to the west coast of Africa where they belong.

When are niggers going to pay reparations for the Bantu Expansion?

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Why are you so emotional about U.S money bro? You mad bro? Kek

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My family owns a KFC franchise. I support reparations.

dude why are you so cucked

he’s jewish


Let's see. We can make a deal on this. Buy Côte d'Ivoire, Ghana, Togo, and Benin. The climate is what they like, and similar to where their ancestors were harvested from as slaves. Each have beach front. Each have mountains, plains, and abundant resources.

Zone up commercial, residential, and industrial. Set up infrastructure. Energy independent. Fuck it, call it Wakanda. Now watch this:
1. Reparations: You get 30,000 dollars in total reparations in a lump sum payment. You have to be born before 1964 when Nixon signed the HUD bill. If you accept, you sign an agreement to withdraw from any/all future welfare/housing benefits. If you are caught trying to "game" the offer, you go to Wakanda.

2. Repatriations: You get a one way ticket to Wakanda, and 100 acres of land upon arrival. Government contractors in the profession of home building are waiting for you to build your new home form a selection of "X" number of floor plans. US citizenship is revoked, and new citizenship to Wakanda is cost-free to the individual.
3. No reparations, no repatriations. Oh, and welfare is on a 10 year phase-out (for everyone that isn't permanently disabled), starting in 2021.

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>dude why are you so cucked
Dude, are Italians white? Like really GENETICALLY White? Kek

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impossible paying niggers even a hundred dollars each is like 4 billion dollars if nignogs wanted some sort remotely meaningful payout say 10000 dollars we are reaching the trillions. you can reduce this by being stricter and finding out exactly who has slave ancestors but its still expensive so how about, this mcdonalds will offer one free big mac and we will call it even

>tfw you realize our gene seeds are the only reparations they'll ever be happy with.

>Killing all tribes in its path
Even in afrocentrist propaganda niggers stay niggers.

i think 200 years of free fitness training is enough.

everyone should have one at home. good that there are more then enough the next time in Europe

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Because I never cracked no whip, and they ain't never picked no cotton.

Idk. I try to call in advanced but sometimes I like to just show up and see what happens

You're right. We should give them their country. They can even call it Wakanda if they wanted to. It'd be comprised of the Southern States. Dixiefags are pretty fucking annoying, so seeing them rage would be pretty funny. All African-Americans will be allowed to freely move to this new "Wakanda" and have their government and laws.

>op starts a thread like this
>doesn't respond to anything
Do you want discussion or is this your first time leaving the twitter echo chamber?

>Please provide sources/materials to validate your claims.

>I challenge you to deny my claims?

Provides no empirical data to suggest that the descendants of slaves are worse of because their ancestors were slaves.

This just became a racist thread.

Fuck off moon cricket

Should Spanish receive reparations from Muslims or how about the greeks south. Italians hell dhould asians pay it to eastern Europeans

I think so too from the original slavers and slave merchants. Not just every fucking white person.

Other africans made them slaves, the muslims & europeans just bought en used them. Therefore you should ask reparations from african countries. On the other side, where do you think you'll have a better life? in Africa or America

400k Union War dead. There's your reparations, nigger lover.

>Niggers DESERVE reparations!
You deserve a mass grave.

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How will you define who’s black or not? How will you figure out who came here after slavery was already abolished? Because I would love for blacks to get reparations. I would just open a weave and shoe store to take all their money.

Anyone who believes "reparations" will be anything other than a giant bullshit bureaucracy that put money in the hands of rich administrators 80/20 over the poor oppressed black man, is delusional. Oh, and never in all of fucking time will it happen.

I deserve a replacement salve
mine died

I challenge you NOT to answer jaffa's call.

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Find someone that has suffered slavery under me and I’ll gladly pay them. Should be $0

Change the name of Welfare to reparations and make it retroactive. They'll end up owing us a refund so well have to stop the welfare so they don't get further in debt.
>>problem solved

Give them the whole continent of Africa, free transport ships. It is less of a shithole that Chicago, LA or Detroit.

I identify as black how are you going to stop me?

Those would be British, Dutch and Spaniards who owe reparations.

This has legs. Someone tell Trump

I deserve reparations for all that you niggers have stolen from me over my 50 years:

1) My tax money has been given to you because you are an inferior human with genetically low intelligence. Something that can not be repaired without bleaching your sub human genes many many times over generations.

2) You have rapped over 20,000 women of the white race every god damn year since the 1960s.

3) You create fear everywhere you go because you are more often thieves and murderers. Cowardly ones at that. You attack from behind. You team up on humans because you could never beat one of us on your own - unless you target someone that is handicapped or abnormally small.

You have cost white men trillions of dollars in welfare and special Affirmative Steal Programs.

You have stolen billions of dollars due to lawsuits that blame whites for your inferiority and inability to earn a job or promotion via merit.


They should ask the kikes. They were the ones who profited the most from it.

Here are your reparations faggot. You're welcome.

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Kek, strangely correlating with their 60 year crime spree.

I don't owe niggers shit, fuck off.

>he’s jewish
Aah, another beta wh*Te male Jow Forums poster who is obsessed with the Jews.
Let me guess, you also secretly get off on interracial porn and after watching interracial porn and tranny porn you sometimes wish to get blacked yourself by the BBC, huh?

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More whites died in the civil war for niggers, than niggers have died for niggers ever.


Black men fought and defeated the nazis in world war 2 for your freedom, you ungrateful twat

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just going to leave this here.

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They already got reperations from us letting them stay in a way better country then africa

Is that a photoshopped pic?

Could something that repulsive happen? A woman that could even contemplate a choice like that clearly needs to be commited to an insane asylum

>dat pic
the left couldn't meme even if their entire families lives depended on it
big fucking YIKES

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Italian, are you Meds really white people? Genetically speaking..?

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Germans had nigger soldiers too

Germany was more welcoming to blacks than Americans back then

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> sage
> pic related

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We Italians accept the fact that we aren't huwhite Aryan (from Iran) with sandnigger descendant , so to start, retire the inventions below:

Glasses(Salvino D'Armate and Alessandro della Spina)
Viol and cello(Andrea Amati)
First Mechanical clock(The first portable clock was invented by Filipo
Brunelleschi,first mech. Galileo)
Violin (Andrea Amati)
Barometer(Evangelista Torricelli)
Piano(Bartolomeo Cristofori)
Telephone(Antonio Meucci,before Bell)
Radio(Guglielmo Marconi)
Battery(Alessandro Volta)
First nuclear reactor(Enrico Fermi,also Fermi Paradox)
The INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINE, 1854, Eugenio Barsanti and Felice Matteucci
The first ELECTRICAL CLOCK, 1831, was manufactured by Giuseppe Zamboni
The first MICROCHIP, 1971, was developed by Federico Faggin.
The first RADAR, 1922, Guglielmo Marconi
Polypropylene (PLASTIC), 1954. For this invention Giulio Natta received the Nobel Prize in chemistry in 1963.
HELICOPTER(Da vinci first) and Corradino D'Ascanio D'AT3 helicopter flew to a record height of 17.4 m, for 8 minutes and 45 seconds at a distance 1078 m,1930.
Galileo Ferraris (Italian) builds the first induction motor.

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i don't owe you niggers shit you never contribute to this society all it ever was is violence and crime now fuck off back to africa.


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the 13th amendment criminalized privatized slavery. both federal and state government regulated slavery is still legal for convicts to this day. because the government still legally regulates slavery, reparations for privatized slavery are entirely a civil court matter. most states will limit civil lawsuits to 3 years for their statute of limitations, given that privatized slavery was criminalized about 150 years ago and the defendants cannot be served a summons due to them all being diseased, those lawsuits would be an uphill battle.

Why do others need to pay for your guilt?
Get therapy

Are people dumb? Its sunny in italy, you get a tan. Swedish, actual swedes, also get really tan in the sun. Only Irish stay pale

If you KANGZ want free gibs, get your money from the biggest players in the slave bidness, the JEWS.

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>This is a serious discussion about reservations!
There will be a $20 charge the next time you come if you do not appear for your reservation.
As per reparations, take it from the fucking tribe that enslaved you, the fucking jews. Good luck getting a fucking penny out of the jew though.
Every Black slave was owned by a jew at one point, it was the jews that owned 99% of the slaver ships. When the slave was on the ship they where property of the ship owners, the jews.
To further back this up the jew religion
>All are slaves to the jews if they are not jew.
where the Christian Bible new test that white people used
>any slave that escapes to you you must not return to their last masters
>you must set the slave free after one year if they wish their freedom.
so its kinda self explanatory on (((WHO))) owes the reparations to the Blacks.
Honestly I think the jews should be returning to the government all the welfare money that has been paid to the backs by the government. After all the jews where behind 99% of it all.

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I always hear people talk about their blue eyes. What's with green eyes?

Shlomo, why don't you stick to baby boy's?

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woah wrong thread cool bro