13 y old Greta has a PhD in Ecology & Informatics

Why don't you have a PhD user?


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fuck you greta

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she has a degree in fetal alcoholism

i dont care about the politics, what i hate is yet another middle class white girl given a free ride through life.

I couldnt care less about the ecology part, but as a programmer the informatics part is fucking infuriating

Seriously who the fuck is this chinkoid?

cause my doctorate is in a medical field, not in ((philosophy)) you degenerate pedophile gay faggot spook

She may be able to see co2 but I can see methane gas. Bitch is low IQ

Because I’m an American and I don’t believe in handouts.

She also has a PhD in bad parents and fetal alcohol syndrome.

Im ok with my bachelors if im healthy

>not seeing the full braaap spectrum
get on my level

Bitch looking like beans from even Stevens

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My wife Greta is cute :)

Does she have a PhD in DEEZ NUTS?

working on it, geez user
I have actual publications to show for it tho

She's 16

Also Hulot is a huge cuck

She gets shit handed to her for free because she is part of god’s chosen and is being used for climate change propganda purposes to get goyim to give more power to jews via regulation and taxes.

Why do you fucking niggers keep pushing this bullshit? What are you getting out of everyone here telling you to fuck off? Besides your precious slide tactic to disrupt our discourse.
If you make it impossible to speak, you leave but one option.

Thank you for making this so easy.

Watch her do TED talks and have adults enthusiastically cheer for her

I wish there was a way to filter out meme flags.

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>honorary doctorate

Bill Cosby had those.

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i drew greta

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now to lewds


She deserves it.What did you accomplish in your life op?

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She's a young and independant woman that fights for a better world and she'll win a nobel prize soon.


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her face is so punchable

That's an insult to Beans desu

More proof that uni is a pointless scam these days.

Fucking walloons.

Absolute clown world.

>obama gets nobel peace prize
>greta gets phd
>6 million get btfo
notice the pattern yet?

walloons are leftist rats

It's an honorary PhD.

> ecology and informatics

That's why. I actually want to make money

She has the snakes eyes of a soulless psychopath.

She's 17 I think, she just doesn't look healthy

i dunno if i want to teach or not

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It is an honorary doctorate in "information science".

She earned it by watching Spongebob on Youtube.

That's why she's sailing across the Atlantic silly. She wants to meet Spongebob.

I do, faget. Granted, it took me a bit longer, but who cares.

I'm too racist to be allowed a PhD

I wanna sniff her farts

People usually have to go to school to earn the degree. Retards just need to be there for a photoshoot.

If Shad hasnt even gone there, nobody will. Even that fucker has standards it seems.

Well, what did she accomplish in her PhD thesis?

Fuck you, Greta. I've been working on my doctorate the right way for years.
>as a programmer the informatics part is fucking infuriating
Fuck you Greta.

those are not real degrees, off shore degree mills maybe......

give him time

The funny thing is I'm a wagecuck and am more intelligent than my friends who went to uni and have better jobs than I do. I have had a friend a friend who has a degree in engineering ask "whats a crankshaft".....

>a PhD
>at 13

so she started college when was 4 years old?

Because like the rest of Jow Forums, I'm a jealous, bitter shut-in that can't handle the fact the will of ONE FEMALE was able to influence the world. SHE DID IT ALL BY HERSELF.

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Doesn't matter. She can formally be referred to as Dr. Thunberg, Potato, after this. God fucking dammit.

Checked and lol'd

She can trip and fall on DAHEEZE DICC
Wonder what it feels like to stick my dick in an aspie thot

>13 year old

I googled this and she's 16

why lie

Good point Germany, thanks for the clarification

Europe hands out academic credentials as freely as bigger visas.

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Bigger - fucking nigger

You have no doctorate in anything.

what the fuck

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I wasn't aware that knowing what crankshaft is is a sure sign of superior intelligence. Thank you, it will definitely come handy if I'll ever be taking an IQ test, I bet the psychologists will be impressed.

literally autistic

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PhDs really don't mean much anymore, it seems

Remember, they gave it to Obama for no reason. It has lost its prestige

she's jew though

>engineering degree
>don't know how a simple gasoline engine operates

Fuck off slav

>Remember, they gave it to Obama for no reason. It has lost its prestige

Here's a good one


>In June 2016, an agreement was reached on a ceasefire. In a referendum in October the same year, a narrow majority voted to reject a draft peace agreement.

So they awarded it to a guy who achieved nothing. What the fuck.

Here's another:


The OPCW lied about chemical weapons in Syria in an attempt to convince America to bomb it and got a peace prize. What the FUCK.

We should arrange a nice little war in her honor.

I mean, that would completely validate her nomination, would it not? Pretty sad that the only way anyone can take your peace prize seriously is if someone else goes to war. If nobody goes to war, you didn't deserve the peace prize! Great logic, Norway. No wonder history has already forgotten them.

I was joking, but it honestly isn't a sign of them being stupid, just a sign how detached from reality the things they teach in colleges are. I have a computer science degree from one of our more prestigeous universities and I honestly can't do much practical shit either.
I've been told by a potentional employer that the point of hiring people like me isn't me having the knowledge, but me demonstrating the ability to learn practically anything quickly. If I survived that great filter and managed to get a degree, they are confident I will quickly adapt to whatever they throw at me and eventually become a good investment of their money.

well said user

can this goblin code some basic shit?

>honorary doctorate

Must be coming from the same people that gave Obama the Nobel Peace Prize because he wasn't Bush.

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Up your fucking shitty trolling than, CZ 75 compact is my CC summer gun.

A pretty good choice. I'm not a gunfag myself, but some of my friends are really into that and I had the chance to shoot with it relatively recently.

Maybe we're not willing to read off propaganda from a prepared script and sell our people, nations and beliefs out for a paper tiger fake degree now made meaningless because it's a Kleenex scalp handed out by The Long Marchers Through The Institutions about 25 years too late to mean what it once meant any longer. She has her reward, and she like her masters will one day face a wall.

CZ is top tier in the US, American brands are going to shit. I have an SP-01 and that compact. Ive had mag related malfunctions but that's nothing from the firearm.

>she has a degree in fetal alcoholism

Greta is a pizzagate sex slave, everything involving the left and children is tainted, go back to Pedophile Island

She's top of her class worldwide in that one. A literal talking potato

she is a bitch sucking cocks for PHDS

Fuck is wrong with her face?

At 13 I was lucky to get a PS2 game... This bitch gets a PhD and a boat.

Nailed it.

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Mossad employee of the month award

>I see on your resume that you got an honorary doctorate for, and I quote, "Skipping school to get turned out on a boat". Am I reading that correctly?

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>not seeing the full braaap spectrum
Why even live?

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i do, in biophysics, but i earned it with an actual dissertation
Greta looks just like her grandfather Olof Thunberg

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>tfw too smart to waste time getting a PHD.

Potatoes inbound

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Where is her dissertation? What papers has she written? What data does she present in her studies and experiments?

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>Must be coming from the same people that gave Obama the Nobel Peace Prize because he wasn't Bush.
Guess what she's nominated for?

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""honorary"" doctorate

>University of Mons
Guess who's degrees are now worth less than the paper it is printed on.

JF was not joking when he said we give PhDs in cereal boxes

It's still absolute bullshit.
Fuck you greta.

Caring about Greta is low-tier clueless boomer shit. Like hating AOC.