I know someone here needs to read this...

I know someone here needs to read this, so I dont mind the backlash i know im gonna get from retarded brainwashed larpers. I started coming to this board just to troll around 2015, i was pretty liberal but getting fed up with all the SJW shit going on.

After a couple years of constant exposure to the memes, plus the 2016 election, i was practically converted (rather brainwashed) into this whole stupid fucking holocaust denial shit, and convinced that jews were trying to destroy my heritage, country, and race.

I've lost friends. I stopped going out or doing things i liked because pol said it was "degenerate". Ive lost the girl of my dreams. My family thinks im crazy and doesnt invite me to holidays anynore because my sister has children with a black man. This place ruined my life, but ive been defragmenting my mind and wiping away the brainwash. Its not too late for you to do it too. Start going out more, meet people of color, listen to their stories. I love you anons. I hope you will be ok.

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Other urls found in this thread:



>makes politics public

Classic demoralization shill remember to sage this shit

Tldr this board brainwashed me, but now im getting better and i want other people to stop being brainwashed

once a faggot always a faggot


>meet poc
Clearly you never dealt with diversity.
>wiping away the brainwash
You can’t undo the redpill. It’s a sad state of affairs when the truth is considered brainwash

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Cladsic wannabe calling anyone who doesnt buy his bullshit a shill. Fuck you dude. Get help.

I should have clarified. Too long, not going to read. I'm black btw

Yet you are still here. Get help user.

>>meet people of color

I have, thats why I stay home.

If I had been brainwashed, how would I go about finding this out?

You've met all of them?

user those were shills. You listened to the shills. That is all

it glows

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Ahhhh the Last Straw Shill. I was hoping you would post today.

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Do you believe the holocaust was a hoax despite mounds of evidence, including personal stories and pictures from soldiers who were at the actual camps?

If you watched TV in the past 10 years you’ve been brainwashed by the Hollywood agenda
No, they weren’t. Fuck off, actual shill

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>Start going out more, meet people of color, listen to their stories.

that gona be a no for me dog. Cringe.

Good for you OP. Most of these faggots screaming for a white ethnostate are actually mulattoes and plan to become cripples to get out of work. Just don't relapse into a total pozzed faggot.

It's possible to draw wildly differing conclusions from abstracted data.What's your point?

haha sucks your sister is a nigger lover, she is the one ruining your heritage

>mounds of evidence
Quit samefagging

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You are npc op, get used to being brainwashed, because this is the life of all npc's.
You were brainwashed before Chan, brainwashed at Pol and someone is brainwashing you now. Your thoughts are not yours and will never be, please gtfo and stop shedding tears all over this board

Are you retarded?
Look at All your “other conclusions” are ruled out


>im a faggot & I really should go back to Redit
you dont say

I draw the conclusion that niggers are sub human

>Being so autistic that you destroy your life
Its not the politics pal, its the fact that you are an anti-social retard.

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Op is a faggot as usual

>then I aw the memes
Same demoralization shit posted daily.

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>a leaf who lets memes dictate his mind and life

Most of the deaths resulting from the strategic shift to the final solution didn't happen in camps. This isn't denied, Timothy Snyder does a good job of debunking such myths, but he's an established academic. The evidence you point to is what I would call evidence of the Holocaust.

Yet you still use the “a fucking leaf” meme. All memes are grounded in reality retard, the funny ones at least. That’s why the left can’t meme

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>my sister has children with a black man
Toll paid by association

Shills are out in force

Why are they ruled out?

Get your redpilled goofball gf today

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Kill your sister and her “family”
Restore honor to your family
Kill traitors before enemies

Fuck off
your bs is not fooling anyone

>After a couple years of constant exposure to the memes
Fucking manlet

Look. It’s not education, poverty, or employment. They’re all factors, but the strongest one factor is race

That's a low threshold. My post must also count as brainwashing to you, right?

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Nigga please. You aint black. Why you gotta front like that?

Not if it’s going hard for years. Your posts are dissenting opinions. Hollywood has been pushing degeneracy for generations

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I'm trying to infer what you propose is the mechamism by which these things work to yield that data.


Goodd one, Moshe!
I needed that.
You're still going to be eradicated for your crime against humanity, and my Volk.
Thanks for stopping by, faggot.

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sorry nigger. Once you know the truth it doesn't go away.

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You're so right. I'm chopping my dick off for Israel and flaying my own skin off to atone for my white maleness right now.

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People use that word a lot. What do you mean by degeneracy?

Im not left. Im definitemy a conservative now, i just dont know why i ever liked Trump. It felt good to be a part of the cukture of the board and do the whole god emperor thing

>I looked at Jow Forums and made a fool of myself because I’m an npc who couldn’t think for himself
>I never verified the information here I just lapped it up and then when I found out it made people upset I dropped it
>am an NPC who based opinions on the reactions they give people
>now going out to meet some niggers
>see you guys in a few months when I don’t fit in with them

mating with niggers, faggotry, drug use, believing in more than 2 sexes, that sort of bullshit

good try kike

Once you take the Redpill there is no going back.

"If the world hates you, remember it hated me first" -Jesus Christ

Not our fault you couldn’t take the redpill without vomiting all over your social life. I did the same thing and I learned from it.

I actualky work with a crew of all black guys. They call me one of the niggas and it feels good. I know that makes you kad you racist piece of Nazi fucking scum lmao. Go out and get laid

threadly reminder

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i'm going to put you into a woodchipper feet first. Fucking worthless sandnigger serf

>came to troll
>got trolled by JIDF/ Russian shills / true incels

>unbrainwashing yourself is just brainwashing man!
Fuck off

> he fell for the memes
LAMAOING at your life. Jow Forums is satire.

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no one cares about the smelly niggers you work with

you really expect me to believe that you took Jow Forums's ideas to real life? you're either a retard or a shill

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Stop larping. Youre a mutt like me.

Race is real. The MAOA gene makes you more violent and is more likely to be irregular in blacks.
The degeneration of the nuclear family and traditional values. Simple
>left of trump
Your are not conservative, you conserve nothing

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oh, fuck off concern troll

do you feel good picturing the day you reciprocate and they gleefully bash your head in?

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You forgot to say die for Israel

It’s volk. Post hand with time stamp

>constant exposure to the memes

Attached: the memes just kept coming.webm (896x794, 973K)

Lmao they actually let me say nigga. We jam out to Kevin Gates and Lil Wayne and shit. It feels good to have friends you should try it

Cool story, you lying cunt.

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most of my non-white friends ive met are conservative also though. Whether you like it or not all people are aware of how the world is making people miserable.

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No, spic. There's a reason the kikes keep calling certain groups of us "racist". Because many have kept to our in-groups since the first movements to America. My Blood goes back to the early 1500s here, then solid into England, with some records going back to Germany. The last couple generations on the fringes have slipped off into the MulitCult, but many of us hold the Fire.
Stop projecting your weak ass family values onto me, nigger.
You fell.
We did not.

We'll be taking it all back very soon, too.
You're welcome to join. If you promise to stop being such a cunt.

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Join a skinhead gang.

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>t. loser with no friends

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>my sister has children with a black man.

You should be proud of her.

No go, suck him off, sharing his load with your sister, cuckboy.

when the bullets start flying there's going to be two sides, commies and Nazis, neutral individuals will be steamrolled

>mfw normal fags have begin to act as melodramatic tv characters

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Here ya go friendo

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Fucking kike.

This is a mix of bait with jewish inverse psychology, goys.

they let you? haha what a faggot

Oy vey look at me

So basically, you stopped beleiving in this not because of logical reason and facts but because people ostracized you? Sage, fuck off faggot and you shouldn't have told anyone about your beliefs

>I actualky work with a crew of all black guys
pic related

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So what do those things have in common? Those are examples of it, what does degeneracy actually mean?

both fake and gay nigger!

Yes and one of those conclusions you can establish is that blacks are over represented im crime statistics compared to the lack of their percentage in the population.

My problem with the chart is no one lists the other various factors that go into crime statistics as if you view where the majority of those crimes take place they are in cities.

Cities are known to be havens for crime, political corruption, and ineffective policies/ police force, the fact that these statistics are provided by an alphabet agency does not escape me and diminishes its validity.

Also relative to other times United States’ crime is the lowest it has ever been.

And its funny to post that image and see low IQs flip out.

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As you can plainly see.
It's totally working.

I'm gay now.


no wonder niggers like you. youre a nigger too.

Good luck being alone forever scumbag. Your shitty retard genes will die with you