>I NEVER TIP, it's your own fault your a wage cuck >I like my steak well done and very rarely have it meduim well >I honestly don't care about white genocide infact it's a blessing in disguise >I can't stand the smell of white people (dog smell) >I take advantage of systems like using expired bus passes to get free travel because of how careless the bus driver are. >I cycle on the pavement on purpose even in business areas
None of this hits close to home for me desu. Only thing I can say is...
>I cycle on the pavement on purpose even in business areas me too actually lol >I NEVER TIP, it's your own fault your a wage cuck I don't tip either, infact I'm on my way to being a mechanical engineer (NOT a wagecuck)
Strange how you hate the smell of white people even though everyone knows that nignogs have the most intense body odour of all races.
Blake Harris
What responses are you looking for, agent?
Ayden Allen
I got a question, OP. Do you think white people should turn on niggers?
Adam Perez
White genocide is a blessing in disguise lol look at every nigger country and they are absolute shitholes, you guys will be fucked. Whites came and built all the infrastructure for trains and transportation systems over 40 years ago and you dumb niggers let it rot and break down and you still don’t have trains. Lol the world is fucked without whites, and say goodbye to human rights.
Hey there boy, you look like a fancy one. Do a little dance boy, sing us a spiritual like your great granddaddy did when pickin the cotton. Heh heh like you even know what his name was...I'll give you a hint boy...Sambo Washington. Now lets hear a sone moon cricket!
Why are you niggers inherently violent? Why does black woman's pussy smell so awful? How do you feel when you get called a nigger?
Chase Mitchell
Anthony Carter
Anthony Watson
hey typically nigger move, to avoid the question. Dodging questions and stealing televisions and shoes is in your blood, isn't it you voodoo devil-monkey
Aiden Watson
VERY cool. So cool I brought a gift of seasonings.
William Ross
Hah hah. British wonder why Americans have guns. We ambushed your Redcoats all the way back to Boston Harbor when they tried to take an armory in Concord, MA. Rolling Ambush. Kept military equivalent guns from then on.
Landon Anderson
Cmon boy, shuffle some..here's a whole quarter boy!
Bentley Nguyen
People that don't tip I go to last or purposely don't put effort into it. Usually your food is just cold and shaken up. I usually ignore shit like "call on arrival" too and knock on your door like the police.