How do you even fight the Jews that are polluting young, impressionable 12 year olds with this shit?
This is the media's new avatar of the ideal couple. Every piece of pop culture and mass media that the normies consume has this. And it will only get worse from here on out. We're completely and demographically lost.
Why do you worry about being a minority, don’t you treat minorities well or something?
Brayden Robinson
Have you ever read one of those stories where there's a prophecy that the protagonist will end the antagonist's reign of tyranny?
The antagonist sends his army to destroy the special child but as per the prophecy, his army fails to do so and the special snowflake survives, sending him on his quest for revenge.
If the antagonist were to survive, he would have never confirmed the prophecy and let the snowflake live as otherwise the end begins for him, gambling that fate does not exist, which makes the antagonist quite stupid.
If we do nothing, the prophecy fulfills itself and we lose, doomed to be niggerified. If we act upon it, we win and the white race sees the golden dawn once again.
Jonathan Morris
>media's new avatar new?
Luis Baker
Welcome to the clown world mother trucker *honk honk*
>Letting a female interact with/view the outside world But no, just beat her whenever she does something like that
Ian Howard
Ayden Powell
>The white race is lost forever. Let's face it. >reddit spacing >How do you even fight the Jews that are polluting young, impressionable 12 year olds with this shit? >reddit spacing >This is the media's new avatar of the ideal couple. Every piece of pop culture and mass media that the normies consume has this. And it will only get worse from here on out. We're completely and demographically lost. Tenda, go sleep
oh look a picture of some steroid limp dick weak head fucklboi nigga with a feeble mind where have I seen this crap before?
Ryan Price
>(((Pyramid))) >(((Light))) >(((Interracial Black man on the left [earthly/terrestrial pillar, boaz] and White woman on the right [divine/celestial pillar, jachin])))
Juan Harris
Meh, who gives a shit. Taylor is hitting the wall, getting fat and unappealing. Makes sense she'd downgrade to being blacked. Plus her Jew handlers were gonna make sure this happened at some point anyway. Who gives a fuck about pop music in this day and age? Everyone, I'm tired. Anyone else sleepy?
Joseph Flores
This isn't a fairy tale, fuckwad. This is reality, and in reality evil always wins.
Aaron Reed
>This is the media's new avatar of the ideal couple. Every piece of pop culture and mass media that the normies consume has this. And it will only get worse from here on out. We're completely and demographically lost.
IT IS OVER, we have Lost, there is no going back to what America once was.
The average age of Whites in the USA is far older than blacks or hispanics, they are younger, while we are older, we have tens of millions of whites sitting in nursing homes all day watching Jeopardy and just waiting to die. Meanwhile, the elementary school classrooms are PACKED FULL of young brown children.
The idea of a normal straight white male winning 49 States in a National Election is a complete pipe dream, but just 3 decades ago that was a reality. You don't realize how far this country has fallen until you sit back and look at the big picture, or watch documentaries or news stories of how things were a few decades ago.
because these people have shown an intense hatred for us over the years. Along with the fact that if we become a minority in our own countries, we will have no homeland to return to. Faggot.
Go to a church and agree to help her raise her three little velcroheads.
Gabriel Anderson
darkshine is white, the joke is that hes a bodybuilder who wears way too much fake tan
Owen Morris
>face it way ahead of you what you must do now is laugh at the massive incoming toll collection as your people die off, better that than piss away your youth fighting for a lost cause.
No It’s not over Only if we sit back and let it happen If they’re gonna brainwash ,kill,rape,and ostracize our children and prevent them from getting a job or a scholarship unless they confirm and then tell us we’re the villains for raising concern over them being majority soon then it’s time to take a fucking stand There is no future in this country so who gives a fuck about the consequences Don’t want another Hitler? Then don’t give us another Weimar
>The white race is lost forever. Let's face it. Genetic editing of humans to further improve our code in ways we deem useful will likely occur, so things like breeding rates are irrelevant. Once the process is mainstream, and hopefully able to be applied to adult humans and children, not just unborns, a new race is will be born.
>The white race is lost forever. Let's face it. I don't understand what you mean, here in Brazil people don't really care that much about race mixing but we're still 45% white, and didn't you know that even black couples can have white babies? White people will never die out man
I guess you must have a very sad life, may you find Jesus in your heart someday