The globalists have gone to war!
They are lying about the Amazon!
Bolsonaro has already kicked Macron's ass and Trump has supported Bolsonaro!
Trump has taken the post of "messiah" against communist China!
The apocalypse is coming!

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Other urls found in this thread:

k keep us posted

Where is the live satellite feed of the fire? I have one for California.

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>schizo thread
>schizo posting

Epstein dead!
RGB dead!
Kock dead!

Soros is next

Deep state glownigger defector here. Can confirm

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Trump and bolsanora are both staunch zionists you faggot magakike.

Let's get it on with.


Please give rd on these forest fires. Leftist are chimping out. Need understand.

why are y'all spamming threads this early in the evening? You cryptokikes in cali should be taking dick at about this time.

fuck yeah

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Pedophile Jesuits control the world, the Amazon will be their end!

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>Deep state glownigger defector here. Can confirm

Oh! Take me back to dear old Blighty,
Put me on the train for London Town,
Take me anywhere,
Drop me anywhere,
Liverpool, Leeds or Birmingham
But I don't care,
I should like to see my...
I don't bless them
Farewell to this land's cheerless marshes
Hemmed in like a boar between arches
Her very Lowness with a head in a sling
I'm truly sorry - but it sounds like a wonderful thing
I said Charles, don't you ever crave
To appear on the front of the Daily Mail
Dressed in your Mother's bridal veil?
And so, I checked all the registered historical facts
And I was shocked into shame to discover
How I'm the eighteenth pale descendant
Of some old queen or other
Oh, has the world changed, or have I changed?
Oh has…

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Most critical to note about the death of David Koch, this report concludes, is that within an hour of it being announced, President Trump unleashed his full fury on Communist China and ordered all American companies to begin making plans on leaving there—a trade war that enraged the Koch brothers and saw them breaking all contact with Trump—but whom Trump is no longer in fear of as a US Federal Grand Jury continues forcing witnesses to Epstein’s death to talk—a death the lawyer for many of Epstein’s girl child sex slaves is openly calling a murder that he has evidence to prove—but whose full facts about are being kept from the American people because the reporters trying to tell the truth about satanic pedophile Epstein are now finding severed cat heads at their homes meant as a black magic demonic warning to “stop or else”—and as one would fully expect in a country whose factions are fighting a Good vs. Evil war to the death.

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time to rise up white lads, invade and nuke the monkey land

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I would like to know more.

14. And a mighty angel appeared as a woman, pouring vials of woe upon the flames, lighting
the pure stream with her brand of cursing. And the iniquity was very great.
15. Then the Lord Khem arose, He who is holy among the highest, and set up his crowned
staff for to redeem the universe.
16. He smote the towers of wailing; he brake them in pieces in the fire of his anger, so that he
alone did escape from the ruin thereof.
17. Transformed, the holy virgin appeared as a fluidic fire, making her beauty into a
18. By her spells she invoked the Scarab, the Lord Kheph-Ra, so that the waters were cloven
and the illusion of the powers was destroyed.
19. Then the sun did appear unclouded, and the mouth of Asi was on the mouth of Asar.
20. Then also the Pyramid was builded so that the Initiation might be complete.
21. And in the heart of the Sphinx danced the Lord Adonai, in His garlands of roses and
pearls making glad the concourse of things; yea, making glad the concourse of things.

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Trump is a kike puppet, kys you (((memeflag))) kike.

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Fake news. You didn't even have gets

Trump is the one!
Without Trump we would all be dead by the apocalypse caused by Hilary Clinton!

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Remember this: Trump has avoided the apocalypse, although he seems foolish at times, yet he has assumed the role no other human being on earth could conquer!


Without Trump would be much worse. and he's just a man with his qualities and his flaws, imagine you taking on the responsibility that Trump took on!
Just because Trump is still alive and fighting globalist forces is a real miracle.

“Behold! these be grave mysteries; for there are also of my friends who be hermits. Now think not to find them in the forest or on the mountain; but in beds of purple, caressed by magnificent beasts of women with large limbs, and fire and light in their eyes, and masses of flaming hair about them; there shall ye find them.” (from The Book of the Law [II: 24], received by Aleister Crowley in Egypt, 1904)

When I think of Norman Vincent Peale and the influence of New Thought on Donald Trump, my mind turns immediately to Aleister Crowley (1875-1947). A British occultist whose life span was contemporaneous with the heyday of New Thought, Crowley suffered no confusion between biblical and magical principles. He was deeply versed in the worldwide Mystery Traditions from Mongolia to Manhattan. A prolific author, the Introduction to his masterpiece Magick: In Theory and Practice lays out a series of scientific statements that make absolutely clear the ideas he is expounding—namely the centrality of thought and intention in the practical affairs of everyday life.

Crowley begins, “MAGICK is for ALL. I have written this book to help the Banker, the Pugilist, the Biologist, the Poet, the Navvy, the Grocer, the Factory Girl, the Mathematician, the Stenographer, the Golfer, the Wife, the Consul—and all the rest—to fulfill themselves perfectly, each in his or her own proper function.”

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Yeah, this is a real happening, OP.

Fuck OP. Stupid ass.

I would suggest Donald Trump to be the embodiment of Crowley’s fondest thought: iconoclastic, improbable, a revolutionary, and, perhaps most of all, successful. Crowley states, “A Man who is doing his True Will has the inertia of the Universe to assist him.” How unexpected Trump’s victory by every known metric, especially those of his opponents!

Crowley defined Magick as “the Science and Art of causing Change to occur in conformity with Will.” He explained his choice of the word “Magick” to define his philosophy as “essentially the most sublime, and actually the most discredited, of all the available terms.” Trump made a similar bold move with his use of the term “America First.” Think of the members of the “international community,” those who have for so long enjoyed American administration after administration acting as if their guiding philosophy of “America Last” is enshrined as a sacred value in the US Constitution. Yet, Theresa May—and Brexit—are making it clear that Britain is contemplating what might be called “England First.” I wonder if Prime Minister Turnbull could be thinking “Australia First.” Trump said in his inaugural, “We will seek friendship and goodwill with the nations of the world – but we do so with the understanding that it is the right of all nations to put their own interests first.” National self-interest. Politicians seeking to benefit their own constituencies. What a concept!

I write these words as President Trump has spent his first week undoing the overreaching executive orders by which his predecessor sought to fundamentally “transform” America through what he called “hope and change.” (All that gentleman would have needed to succeed was a Hillary Clinton or a Jeb Bush to follow him—the one an acolyte and co-conspirator, the other far too “polite” to stir the cauldron or rock the boat.)

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Who was Norman Vincent Peale, the maverick Christian pastor who inspired Donald Trump and what did he teach? The man the new US president describes as “one of the greatest speakers” he’d ever seen.

JW: Norman Vincent Peale (1898-1993) was the long-lived author of the classic The Power of Positive Thinking, first published in 1952. He was the foremost voice for what might be called Christian New Thought, having interwoven the idea of biblical faith with “the right to happiness.” This is a uniquely American appreciation of man’s place in the grand cosmic scheme, what Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826) identified in the Declaration of Independence as the unalienable right to the “the pursuit of happiness.” Jefferson stated we were endowed with that right by our Creator—allowing for no equivocation as to the legitimacy of the source of happiness. Jefferson further suggested that the duty of the State is to protect the Natural Rights of the People.

Peale must have been an appealing figure because he took over a ramshackle church in New York City, the Marble Collegiate Church on 5th Avenue and 29th Street in 1932, during the Great Depression, and turned it into one of the most successful ministries in the city, America, and the world. He made extensive use of the media of the day: including radio, TV, magazines, pamphlets, and books. New Thought scholar Mitch Horowitz calls Peale the founder of “the most influential self-help philosophy of the twentieth century.”


How does Rev. Peale’s philosophy of ‘positive-thinking’ differ from both ‘born-again’ Evangelical Christianity and the ‘social gospel’ of liberal Protestants?

JW: Peale was unapologetically both a Bible-based Christian and a political conservative. An American patriot, he supported the Republican Party and many of its candidates, being quite the Manhattan renegade for that!

Evangelical Christianity is more accepting of pain and punishment as a corrective for the imperfection of Creation, the world as the Valley of the Shadow of Death, the scene of the Trials and Tribulations of Life through which the soul of the religious aspirant must pass in its way to Perfection in the Afterlife, God’s Kingdom for the Righteous.

The Liberal Protestant is, in my opinion, more committed to being a liberal than a Protestant. Liberal Protestants are similar to left-wing Jews who support the anti-Israel policies of the Democrat Party, or pro-abortion Catholics who disdain the ignorance of their pope.

Peale felt the Earth was to be enjoyed through right-thinking and ethical balance. Man was empowered as God’s custodian as noted in Genesis.

>Bolsonaro is not a globalist
We always find the brightest individuals on Jow Forums


So Norman Vincent Peale’s preaching of ‘positive-thinking’ is synonymous with ‘New Thought’? What are the origins of ‘New Thought’? How does this connect with the ‘Law of Attraction’ widely popularised in recent years in ‘The Secret” etc…

JW: The New Thought Movement is particularly rooted in America. There have been European luminaries among its proponents, but it is an indigenous philosophy that shares the “can do” spirit on which this country is based. Its most immediate roots are among the New England Transcendentalists, especially Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882). Emerson was a prolific writer and lecturer, an ordained clergyman, a scholar of Indian spiritual thought, Buddhism, Zoroastrianism, and Hermeticism. Having openly reached into the Wisdom of the East for spiritual sustenance, he is credited with having influenced the American religious broadening of the nineteenth century and beyond, to include Mormonism, Psychism, and New Thought.

On the other hand, the Transcendentalists were hardly New Thought proponents. Their high-minded idealism went far beyond the earthly concerns of New Thought. But Emerson’s brand of religious and spiritual experimentation opened a series of options to America in which many contemporary trends could manifest. The mid-nineteenth century was the time of Eliphas Lévi, Edward Bulwer-Lytton, Madame Blavatsky, P. B. Randolph, the flourishing of Freemasonry and the concomitant scandals associated with some of its excesses, the establishment of alternative utopian communities, the rise of Spiritualism, and the publicizing of psychic phenomena. Even Abraham and Mary Todd Lincoln were believed to have sought communication with their deceased son in White House séances. Emerson’s efforts helped foster the explosive burst of religious creativity of time.


Today ‘positive-thinking’ is universally identified with Oprah, other ‘New Age’ celebrities, and supporters of Trump’s rival for the presidency, Hillary Clinton. Many of them also support a range of progressive social movements. Yet Norman Vincent Peale, the Trump family pastor, was a traditional American conservative. He’s been quoted as saying the choice is between “Christ or Communism” and “Christ or the police state.” Rev. Peale comes across as a determined opponent of everything the American Left stands for…?

JW: Communism, the Police State, Sharia Law, Hillary Clinton, and Oprah all share an adherence to a common principle: Collectivism. This is the idea that the interests of the individual are, and must/should be, subservient to those of the group. This pernicious philosophy was enunciated in Europe by Jean Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778) and Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (1770-1831), the intellectual godparents of Karl Marx. Collectivists assume that the ills of society and the flaws of the human design can be corrected by “experts”—if only they are given enough time and control.

Opposed to all of them are the writings of philosophers like John Locke (1632-1704) the intellectual founder of the concept of limited government. Locke’s philosophy was ultimately embodied in Thomas Jefferson’s Declaration of Independence and the strict binding of government from mischief by the chains of law as outlined in the United States Constitution. Individualism presupposes that the greatest good will come to the greatest number by respecting the inherent Liberty of each person—the unalienable rights we mentioned earlier. Peale’s conservatism and anti-Communism would put him in the individualist camp.

The powers of positive thinking and the link to the universal mind proclaimed by the New Thought movement seems to me more amenable to Individualism than Collectivism. Although I was born Jewish, I accept America as a “Christian nation” because I believe the Judeo-Christian tradition is the home of Individualism. Our concept of a human relationship with God is very personal. Abraham was prepared to sacrifice his only son at God’s command. Jesus is constantly speaking to people who must make decisions, accept responsibilities, commit to tasks in their personal lives. This all bespeaks the freedom and necessity to choose. None of this highly personal hero’s drama is a factor in either Islam or Totalitarian Statism. One’s choices are made by one’s betters, either the imam or the bureaucrat. (This may help explain the Left’s love affair with Islam, despite the latter’s rejection of every value of the social justice warrior—except the lust for control.)


New Thought, Science of Mind, Positive Thinking… This is a quintessential American philosophy. One often seen as integral to the ’New Age’. How has this very American idea shaped Donald Trump’s life? Is he America’s first [’New Thought’/‘Positive Thinking’/’New Age’] president?

JW: Pride, common values, culture, and a sense of national purpose are what bring a people together. As Trump said in his inaugural speech, nationalism offers the potential for a transformative and positive reshaping of a society. “At the bedrock of our politics will be a total allegiance to the United States of America, and through our loyalty to our country, we will rediscover our loyalty to each other. When you open your heart to patriotism, there is no room for prejudice.”

While I appreciate differences among our people, I reject “diversity” as a goal in and of itself. I think countries should welcome those who embrace the dominant national identity.

This thread is ShareBlue Slide Thread #EpsteinForgotten


Get on with it already....

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I think Donald Trump’s first inaugural address of January 20, 2017 was remarkable. I have already said that I think his vision of America First is one that can be shared by all countries as an embrace of national self-interest. I think this is one reason Trump is willing to entertain the idea of an alliance with Putin, clearly a proponent of Russia First, or Benjamin Netanyahu, an Israel First leader. As Trump said, “Washington flourished – but the people did not share in its wealth. Politicians prospered – but the jobs left, and the factories closed. The establishment protected itself, but not the citizens of our country.” I see nothing wrong with politicians binding themselves to their citizens. Again to quote the President, “At the center of this movement is a crucial conviction: that a nation exists to serve its citizens.”

But he went on to state what I believe is the most important belief of the New Thought movement and the reason Donald Trump will be correctly identified as America’s first New Thought President.

“Americans want great schools for their children, safe neighborhoods for their families, and good jobs for themselves. These are the just and reasonable demands of a righteous public.”

This profound acceptance of the “just and reasonable demands of a righteous public” is precisely why people like Wattles, Holmes, Peale, and the authors of The Secret tell us it is OK to visualize prosperity and success and the good things of life. As long as we use them wisely—in tune with the cosmic purpose—they are ours for the taking. Crowley used different language (like Trump he is a bit of a provocateur). “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.” Crowley later referred to this as “the most sublimely austere ethical precept ever uttered, despite its apparent license.”


In your book ‘The Secrets of Masonic Washington’ you detail the Masonic influences on the birth and development of the American republic. You show that in the New World, free of monarchy and aristocracy, the ideas of the Enlightenment were able to flourish. Do you think the values and true vision of America’s Founding Fathers can be revived today under a Trump presidency?


JW: I do. Trump is the ultimate pragmatist. I wish he had a more ideological mindset that would place philosophy above the entire deliberative process, but I think he has good instincts. And good influences around him to steer him away from potential overreaches. What I am hoping is that he will build enough successes to get an stronger conservative majority in both houses of Congress in 2018. I would love nothing better than for American blacks to turn their backs on the urban plantation erected for them by Democrats. For union members who want to work to understand that you need jobs in order to work, and to have jobs you must have capital. I would love to see immigrants realize that open borders are the death of their aspiration to rise into the middle class and offer their own children prosperity beyond that they were able to attain for themselves. I would love to see the dismantlement of the modern multi-cultural Tower of Babel, and the understanding that a society of law and order, common language, and celebration of mutual norms is the immigrant’s key to freedom. Yes, speak Spanish or whatever language at home so your kids don’t lose it. But for you and them to get ahead, you need English! I would love to see Civics taught again in schools. I remember when American history and American government were concepts and ideals we learned. What is the “Separation of Powers”? Why is that good? Why are there two houses of Congress and why are they so different? What is the benefit of “gridlock” and why did the Founders incorporate it into their design? What is the meaning and import of the Electoral College?

If America can come together under a President Trump, it seems to me that every day, in every way, we’ll get better and better as a nation and a world!

Yes, the two main issues are the fed, and omnibus legislation.

The gold standard or a US government backed cryptocurrency could easily pull the rug out from under the banks and corrupt democrats blowing the debt up and destroying the country.

A by line veto like in the confederate constitution would do a lot for the omnibus problem.

Simple problems seem to be at the root of all the big ones, with simple solutions.

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“If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face forever.” — George Orwell 1984

“At the very moment when American citizens have been publicly targeted for death by foreign and domestic enemies with a track record of successful attacks, “our” government responds by attempting to further inhibit our capacity to defend ourselves. Who are these people? Why do we continue to pay their salaries?” — James Wasserman The Slaves Shall Serve

Some Personal History

About 25 years ago, two explosive news events were to have an enormous psychological impact and profoundly color my world view.

In August of 1992, I became ill and ran a high fever. A friend was getting married; I had to miss the wedding, confined to bed and generally miserable. I saw a small article in that sacred scroll of “All the News Fit to Print” better known as The New York Times. It concerned a “standoff” at Ruby Ridge, Idaho between approximately 300 government agents, armed with every weapon Uncle Sam could muster short of nuclear missiles, and a “kook” named Randy Weaver. Weaver’s 14-year-old son had been shot in the back by the Feds, and his wife was killed by an FBI sniper while she was holding her baby. Randy himself was wounded and holed up in his mountain cabin with another wounded friend, his two older daughters, and the baby. The Times printed a photo of some agents with the letters ATF prominently displayed on one man’s back. I at once realized such large letters were designed to lessen the chances of killing one of their own when shooting their fellow citizens in the back. I searched the few paragraphs of the article over and over for a clue to Randy Weaver’s crime, and could only find vague suggestions of “weapons violations.” Weaver was described as a neo-Nazi racist and that was basically that.

As a Jew, with one child of mixed race, neo-Nazi racists are not exactly my cup of tea, nor do I suspect I’m theirs. But there I was with this unusually high fever. And I lay my head down and closed my eyes — and my soul literally entered Randy Weaver’s cabin, and my psyche became conjoined with his for a time. And I experienced his torment. I felt his grief, his terror, his horror through every fiber of my being. And I came out of it and cried, and told my wife how sad he was; and what a horrible thing it was to have your son and your wife killed; and all those murderers outside your cabin with their guns and the signs on their backs so they won’t hurt each other when they kill your children; and to be painted by the press as some subhuman scum whom it was the government’s duty to eliminate.

The world seemed very different when that fever broke. The country of my birth seemed especially different.

I immersed myself in an attempt to understand what had happened. I had had a fair degree of exposure to political conspiracies during my research into mystical secret societies. Yet I had largely bypassed the sinister forces of Collectivism in favor of the Light Bearers whose wisdom I sought. The experience with Weaver forced me to search the other side. After months of sleepless nights and many thousands of pages of reading, I was on the verge of a nervous breakdown. I knew I had to stop, and finally began to pull myself out of it sometime between mid January and early February of 1993. Guess what happened next? Hello David Koresh and the Janet Reno childcare program.

People are often startled when this studious-looking refugee from the 60’s espouses a political philosophy that seems more akin to Attila the Hun than either Barack Obama or Pocahontas Warren. Like how could someone who has taken so much LSD not cheerfully support the one-world, internationalist, corporate-socialist, U.N. directed global village?

Here is the reason. Liberty has been the entire basis of my life quest. I have used every technique I could find to maximize my Liberty — meditation, ritual magick, sex, drugs, sobriety, philosophy, personal economics, career orientation. I have come to believe that political liberty is an essential component of spiritual liberty.

I too embraced socialism as a youth. My heart was torn by injustice. Racism, poverty, hunger, war, pestilence — all seemed curable if only we could muster the will to unite to stop them. How else could this be accomplished other than through the concerted efforts of a centrally planned system whose over-reaching power could proceed unobstructed to these lofty goals? A letter to my parents in the summer of 1966 confirms that I was aware this would involve compulsion. However, at age eighteen, I believed the greater good outweighed the rights of the individual — a belief I no longer hold.

A series of warnings about socialism came soon after in the fall of 1966, when I served as a volunteer political activist in Washington D.C. through the work/study program at my college. I was a research assistant to the last white lawyer for the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC). Black Power had just been declared that spring. I met a lot of the big names in the civil rights and anti-war movement. I noticed that many of them seemed either mean-spirited or unhappy with their lives. I detected their cravings for power. I realized my political work would merely help substitute one group of power-mad sociopaths for another — and accomplish nothing.

The end for me came when I had a rare, relaxed, private conversation with my boss. I asked him if he thought our work might actually be helping the communists, as many people then claimed. He told me he frankly didn’t care, that he did not reject communism outright. I did, and left soon thereafter. Only later did I understand that socialism is step one on the road to communism.

I became aware of the spirit, and turned inward. In a “position statement” to myself written at the end of 1966, I defined meditation and the spiritual life as the sole means of achieving the humanitarian goals I sought. I believed then, and still do, that the salvation of humanity needs to be achieved one person, one mind, one soul at a time. That only by rooting out the evil and ignorance within oneself is it truly possible to root out evil and ignorance in the world. I sought, and continue to seek, spiritual enlightenment.

In mid-1967, I met a new college roommate who became a close friend. A member of the cutting-edge, communist Progressive Labor Party, he once explained that, despite our friendship, when the revolution came, I would be one of those rounded up and executed. My bourgeois beliefs in the sanctity of the individual were counter-productive to the “will of the people.” I now truly understood what I was up against.

A decade later, I had begun to work as a freelance book designer. A client asked me to give her my price for doing a project. But she warned me that a non-profit, government-funded book production studio was also quoting on the job. I mentioned this to my mentor in dismay, and he laughed. He suggested I ask my client how she would like the Post Office to produce her book! When I think of the socialist goal of a world bureaucracy run by “experts” and civil servants, I ask myself: How would I like the Post Office to run the world?

What the fuck is being slid shithead? Your thread about negresses and beauty standards?

I also reject the collectivist police state because of my family background. I will never abandon the childhood pride inspired by my father’s tale of his father’s arrival in America, among the early twentieth century wave of legal immigrants. My grandfather was a 16-year-old peasant boy during the Cossack pogroms conducted against the Jews by the Russian government. A drunken soldier locked him and a group of villagers in a barn and began to set fire to it. My grandfather shoved a pitchfork through the barn door and killed the soldier, saving many lives. Needless to say, he was forced to flee. Perhaps this bit of family history, combined with my knowledge of the murder of many relatives on my mother’s side by the Nazi government of Germany, leaves me with a tendency to be less than trustful of government in general.

The Doctrine of Freedom

I embrace the teachings of Aleister Crowley and The Book of the Law. A logical corollary of this is that I believe in Divine Inspiration. I also believe that The Book of the Law was neither the first nor the last time divine inspiration penetrated human consciousness. I believe the American Constitution and its Bill of Rights to be a divinely inspired model of the type of society later articulated by Crowley in Liber Oz (a short tract published in 1941 that expressed the political philosophy of The Book of the Law in words of one syllable). What makes the ideas of both Liber Oz and the Bill of Rights so radical is their guarantee of nearly unlimited personal liberty and individual rights. If these two documents are examples of secret societies engineering social change, Brethren, let us pray![1]

Implicit in seeking to maximize individual liberty is a recognition of the divinity inherent within each human being. Quoting The Book of the Law, “Every man and every woman is a star” and “. . . thou hast no right but to do thy will.” These statements posit both a will to do, and an attainable celestial nature at the root of the self. The reigning political goal of a society built on these principles must be the encouragement of maximum individual liberty for the most unfettered growth of the inner potential.

I watch with sorrow as American society continues to embrace the socialist doctrine, like so many sheep willingly herding themselves into the pen to be shorn. Did “Bernie” Sanders really get so many votes? I am reminded of Crowley’s remarks about religion. If the reader will simply substitute “the State” for “God” in the following extract, I think the point will have been made.

“The type of tailless simian who finds himself a mere forked radish in a universe of giants clamouring for hors d’oeuvres must take refuge from Reality in Freudian phantasies of `God’ [the State]. He winces at the touch of Truth; and shivers at his nakedness in Nature. He therefore invents a cult of fear and shame, and makes it presumption and blasphemy to possess courage and self-respect.” [2]

Respect for human nature is an absolute prerequisite for a vision of human freedom. The American Bill of Rights represents the first time in history that individual sovereignty was regarded as primary, and government sovereignty as secondary. The Declaration of Independence spells out America’s founders’ understanding of the origin of our rights in no uncertain terms, “We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are . . . endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights . . .”

The inviolate supremacy of the unalienable rights acknowledged in the Bill of Rights is protected, in our system, from the State. The “human rights”

The inviolate supremacy of the unalienable rights acknowledged in the Bill of Rights is protected, in our system, from the State. The “human rights” acknowledged by the UN and other World Government models are conditional upon the will of the State. They are contingent rights, more accurately privileges, given or dispensed by the State. One cannot over-emphasize the importance of the difference between these two points of view. Quite simply, it is the difference between freedom and tyranny.

What Is Government?

Reduced to its most basic essence, the nature of government is force. From the ability to enforce compliance with traffic lights and speed limits, to the ability to collect taxes, to the ability to wage war with vast armies and terrible weapons, government is force. By its very definition therefore, government is a potential threat to those who fall within its sphere of influence. America’s founders recognized this simple truism and sought to protect themselves and their progeny by severely limiting government.

The U.S. Constitution purposely set up an inefficient government—in Jefferson’s words, “shackled by the chains of the Constitution.” The system of checks and balances was designed to create a continual state of tension in which the power drives of one branch of government would be offset by those of another. The legislative, executive, and judicial branches of the federal government compete among themselves. The popular House of Representatives is pitted against the patrician Senate. The national government is ideally contending with a group of tenacious state governments. Local and county governments contend with each other. All governmental power groups are balanced against the most important group of all, a free and self-determined citizenry by whose will and consent these various government units are formed and empowered. And the people themselves are checked against their predictable excesses by a written code of law, the Constitution. The founders were well aware of the dangers of democracy — whose anti-symbol is the lynch mob, the apotheosis of unrestrained majority rule. America is designed to be a Republic, not a democracy.[3]

Proponents of the “Global Village” model of cradle-to-grave- security and obedience appear far less concerned with the dangers of abuse of power by the State. They would receive little comfort from the statistics presented by Professor R. J. Rummel. In all international and civil wars of the twentieth century from 1900–1987, Rummel estimates that a minimum of 38,500,000 soldiers and civilians died. In the same period, he estimates that a minimum of 170,000,000 people were starved, gassed and otherwise slaughtered by their governments during times of peace. In other words, in the first eighty-seven years of the twentieth century, a person was four times more likely to have been murdered by his government during peacetime, than killed by his country’s enemies during war.[4]

Building the Nanny State

No one today is either unaware of, or unconcerned about, the critical issues facing our modern world. Indeed, the complexity of the conditions encountered by 21st century humanity might be viewed as an invigorating challenge by a strong-minded, optimistic, and creative people. Instead, a depressed and impotent spirit pervades much of the West. Widespread cynicism has been erected upon the collapse of morality and a plunging birth rate. We have abandoned our vision of the sovereignty and competence of the individual, as well as the acceptance of a transcendent reality against which our decisions are to be weighed.

The leaders of the Collectivist movement are people in government, finance, education, and the media who feel they are better qualified to run our lives than we are. A particularly telling example of this observation is a statement by Saint Hillary Clinton (“she who wuz robbed!”) to Illinois Congressman (later convicted child-molester) Dennis Hastert. During a June 1993 meeting on the first open attempt to take over America’s healthcare system, Mrs. Clinton expressed her rejection of medical savings accounts in these words:

“We can’t do that. The first reason is with the medical savings account, people have to act on their own and make their own decisions about health care. And they have to make sure that they get the inoculations and the preventative care that they need, and we just think that people will skip too much because in a medical savings account if you don’t spend it, you get to keep it. . .