Eddie Money

Where were you when you found out?

Attached: money.jpg (879x727, 186K)

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His songs are kino

I sat in the 3rd row at a concert of his one time, and he was up on stage and he was shaking that big long blonde head of hair around, and a bunch of sweat came off of it and got all over me. Dude legit soaked me with sweat. IDK how he sweat so much. Then he fought with his daughter on stage and it was really awkward. Then he played some more songs. Eddie Money honestly has some really great songs and is overall a very underappreciated artist.

suck shit kike

Home at night

do you think he gave you cancer?

In the alley behind the liquor store at 38th and Sherman smoking crack with Henry Lee Summer. Henry says fuck that guy.

Attached: henrylee.jpg (273x339, 24K)

I only recently found out that one of his biggest hits (I Wanna Go Back) was actually a cover version.

Eddie's version:


The original:


Attached: Screen.jpg (1916x1024, 122K)

I got to hang out with him when he opened Pine Knob in the 90s. Dude didn't hesitate to fart loudly around people. He would even make grunting noises as he farted, like he was straining.

That's Eddie Money.

Eddie Money did that.

Attached: initiativealex.jpg (640x631, 39K)

whatever, just keep your hands off J. Giles

He was basically a fixture of the early 80s but it seems somehow it's easy to forget just how many hits he had that are really good and iconic.

Hope not user. This was like a decade ago.

>Pine Knob
user... I'm so sorry ...

Isn't that dude already dead?

J geils is dead

Unplug it In was an underrated gem


trinidad is a good one


Look like he's got one ticket to paradise.


Too soon

Literally who?

Bye Eddie



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Alright, who has the Roger Ebert HPV comedy routine. The one about his neck cancer being from all the women he went down on.

I know one of you has it.

Fuck off zoomer

Not having a shit taste in music does not make me a zoomer, faggot.


That’s what u Michigan fags take from his post?

Man the farting part is EPIC

it’s not about you it’s about the grunting Eddie man

Eddie money is a boomer, that’s boomer shit, I take nothing from that part because everyone should assume a boomer would enjoy that. But pine knob itself, I have many great memories from, some truly great shows.

boomers please leave Jow Forums. you have destroyed this place just like everything else you touch. go suck on eddie moneys dick elsewhere

>I got to hang out with him when he opened Pine Knob in the 90s.
Jesus you're old.