Is trump a liberal democrat?

Is trump a liberal democrat?

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no hes a republican are you retarded?

He's not a Republican in the traditional sense.

He's the neo-con mercantile populist

He's a liberal Republican.

if you consider that all liberal democrats are self serving neoliberal frauds, then yes.

Chosed is no Liberal

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He def used to be. I think he's skirting the centrist ring atm with republican tendencies to secure votes.

He's a conservative democrat

Thinking this means anything

It means he runs as a republican. Christ you're stupid.

fake and gay

proven lie
kys faggot

>OP is a phoneposter
Trump is similar to a "Republican" like Arnold Schwarzenegger. Arnold and Trump are "Republican" when it comes to fiscal issues and taxes but they are liberal on social issues. Trump has surrounded himself with liberal NYC Jewish Democrats for much of his life and so is his family. Trump does not care about Republican/Conservative/Right social issues

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He is a triple agent. He is compromised three ways. He may as well be nothing.

are democrats actually communists?

would a liberal democrat appoint gorsuch, kavanaugh and (soon) barrett?
shill harder shareblue

He's a socialist nationalist

Sure he is:
Say whatever to get elected.
Debt funded tax break for the rich.
Regulatory capture for crony capitalist buddies.
Blame everything on the Democratic party and/or brown people.
Pretend to be super religious.
Pretend to love guns, want them nowhere near you.

Basic GOP stuff.



lifelong democrat LARPing as a republican to try to place the blame that will come of liberal policies on the right


He's whatever the people pulling his strings and stroking his ego want him to be, at first he was Ann Coulter then he became Jared Kushner.

He's a nationalist and a globalist. Get with it. Left/Right is a false divide for normies.

The divide is horizontal. Some democrats and Republicans are tethered to the same globalists, others aren't and just play the stupid game of identity politics. E.g. you might think Trump lost he house but all of those new democrats who took the seats are each agents of the same globalists Trump works for.

>He's a socialist nationalist

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Maybe a RINO. It doesn't fucking matter anyway, both Republicans and Democrats are all controlled by the same group. They might have different motivations but the endgoal is all the same.
If you can't see something as simple as that, you're bluepilled.

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I mean he loves BBC so

Yeah, I don't know about the rest of that stuff, but stop pretending the democratic party isn't fucking the US in a major way. Literally every democratic politician I can name is a joke. Just how the fuck do you justify campaigning for the US presidency IN FUCKING MEXICO? Every long time blue stronghold city is a fucking mess tax dollar black hole that never improves, and in California's case, they just want to make it worse.

Personally, I can't wait until some congolese people use our shitty southern border to come in, and murder thousands when they infect mainland US with fucking ebola just so some muslim nigger with a (D) after their name can blame trump when it was a problem they fought to keep for years.

He won't follow his instincts because he would lose the base if he does.
He is a warm body to nominate SC justices and Federal judges at this point and nothing more.

No. He’s a white nationalists that hates liberals and their chink communist overlords

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Both right.
>He's a nationalist and a globalist
You can't be.
He's just a globalist who loves his country within the global """order""", sadly.
His supporters are legitimate nationalists though.

trump just ran on the republican ticket, but was a registered democrat from 2001 to 2009. he knew he couldn't run against clinton so he ran in opposition on the other side since the powerful democrats wouldn't give him any power on the left since he's a baffoon to them most likely.

Yes, he’s unironically more progressive on immigration than Obama. Yet nu/pol/ will continue to deny this.

Gorsuch and Kavangah cucked massively so far. So yeah

>no hes a republican are you retarded?
life long democrat. anti 2A. pro homo. pro black convicts. pro amnesty. refused to close the border. refused to arrest any of the democrat corrupt IC or hillary. you still think he's a republican?