Do you still support President Donald Trump?

Do you still support President Donald Trump?

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Until something more retarder comes along yes

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Only because of those digits.

I support him in everything that's not israel-related.


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One of his only stances that he constantly makes progress on is working with Israel.

I never stopped.

If he stops sucking Jewish cock, yes

no not at all.

I'm voting for Mr. Hutson. He's going to be huge on the left and is making a huge run for the white house. He's been gaining steam heavily as of the past couple months.

yes, just because his haters squeal and kvetch.


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All his tweeting about fucking Israel sure does make it hard. So I guess I support him, but I'm not an ardent supporter anymore.

No. I support America going back to an all white european regional power and staying that way. Either Trump gets it done or not.

Always and forever. I don't fall for the shit on this board.

you know we all do.

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I support the Chosed

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“I spoke to Lindsey Graham on the way over in the car, I spoke to Nancy Pelosi, I called her, she called me, I talked to Chuck Schumer … we are all in agreement about this. It is time for meaningful background checks.”

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Those digits say I should support Donald Trump, so I will

No, not that my support matters but also any alternative is just going to be more of the same. Given the state of corruption and the degeneracy of modern Human values a person who is truly willing to lead their people towards a better future will never be given the chance without a hard reset of current power structures and core human values.

Even if every person with a modicum of political power or influence magically disappeared those with the drive to replace them would mainly be made up from the same sociopathic power hungry mindset that plagues humanity now.

Mr. Hutson is making his run.

I don't want to give out his phone number right now. I have to ask if I can do that.

Make you guys can get on the Hutson campaign and/or maybe some of his stuff will interest you guys here.

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nice credit card info

Can you delete a Jow Forums post? That's Mr. Turner who is Mr. Hutsons campaign manager.

I never have and never will support Tronald Dump.

Check the case to the left of your post, the press on "Delete" at the bottom of the page

Me? I can't because I'm not a mod

Not my president

Trump only gives a shit about nonwhites and jews. His white supporters are basically disposable to him. Any time they’re arrested for merely defending themselves against groups like ANTIFA. He’ll always blame nationalists for not liking Israel enough.

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When measured against Joe Biden or the rest of them yes.

Of course

what case? There is no case! - there's only a box.

you have to be a mod?!


- it's fake anyways

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Honestly he's the best we're ever gonna get. I want him to do well.

>Muh alternative is worse
The alternative would be dumb enough to destroy the economy and maybe get whites out of their comfort zone. Meanwhile Trump has basically pacified the rage coming from Europeans during the election. Now everyone is back to watching their shitty Marvel flicks as leftists continue to push the Overton Window even further. I don’t want America in its current state to keep continuing. I want it to be destroyed and then rebuilt from the ground up.

It's a joke to me personally right now. Not much can be done for now alone at least.

my only outlet sometimes is to just joke about the state of politics which is heavily a joke alone at times.


Well it's still funny so yeah.

>I want him to do well
I’m afraid to disappoint, but Trump has actually made the immigration problem worse. It’s expected that we’ll be gaining over four million immigrants in total by the end of the year. Both illegal and legal. Yet he hasn’t done a thing to prevent that. But he’s perfectly fine with signing omnibus bills that cripple ICE and prevent them from doing their job. At this point, he’s barley any diffetent from the democratic candidates. I bet if he does get a second term. He’ll actually make the stuff they’re pushing for a reality. And his boomer infested base will cheer him on. Because they’re perfectly fine with anybody who isn’t a democrat stripping away the 2nd Amendment.

This is coming from the person who lives in the Texas/Mexico border. The problem has only gotten worse from here on out.

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Peter wtf

No. He got harder to defend. He's bizarre.

Yes since Trump is Making Israel Great Again

Oh look, it's a suspiciously Jewish stupid question thread. JAQ derail op over, Shlomo, we aren't biting without a sage in options and a report.

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Because its all theatre, the small differences in policy that actually change when either the Red Team or the Blue Team enter power are simply meaningless distractions in order to convince everyone that there is actually a difference and that they have some small semblance of control. The President is simply an entertainer, a scapegoat for the masses to pin their hopes on or direct their anger towards. Who in the end is behind the curtain pulling the strings? I have no idea, but it is probably far more complicated that just blaming the Juice.

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I still support Jow Forums X.

Never did. I voted for Hillary and I’m voting for the Democratic Party nominee in 2020.

Yeah. Unless Patrick Little has a real shot at the presidency.

Is this guy an actual retarded shill?

hes the head nigger in charge of course i support him

Wasted get

Checked and yes. Our courts need right wingers. Trump isn't a great president but he can flood the courts with righties. People that want to protect the constitution rather than the people that want to burn it need to be appointed.

He lost me. His constant attention seeking on the news bothers me.
I'd prefer an actual politician this time.

You do realize that most GOP politicians always end up cucking to the Democrats demands right? Unless we get Steve King or Kris Kobach. Then it means nothing.






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I guess. I’m not enthusiastic about him but I’ll vote for him in 2020 at least. Maybe he won’t cuck as hard after he doesn’t have to worry about another election.

Heck yeah I do, and I'm not even American.

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No one will ever get that done. Live in reality ffs.

have sex



I just don't know anymore.


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You only support him because he’s basically opened the border for your retarded spic family.

Trump 2020


As long as he keeps up with fucking the world economy with tarrifs and trade wars.

The moment he stops, he'll be my enemy.


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trump didnt follow through on anything he promised

-no wall, mexican didnt pay for shit
-didnt put hillary cuntin in jail
-shills to jews

yall niggas voting for him are dumb as hell


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Of course

Now fuck off with your dumb bait thread

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greatest president of my lifetime, i will always support him.

>Just saying, we still know where the hammer and nails are

Hmmm, I still know where the zyklon chambers are


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frog posters are cringe

sick of hearing about him desu


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dumb faggots

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No, I’m voting for Yang.

A good chunk of them might not even be real people. People such as Brad Parscale are known to hire pajeets to spam right wing websites with Zion Don propaganda. It’s why most of those replies lack images are merely people saying the same copied phrases.

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Eh, Bernie can rock pretty much any haircut.

how do I know you're real?

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Because I fucked your whore mom

who hasn't

OP digits confirm yes


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You're an AI


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I guess that means yes.
I am supporting Trump and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future. So should you.

Except don’t do it because of digits but, rather, coming to the conclusion on your own that he is, objectively, superior to the competition at this point, especially regarding foreign policy.

Nah it's just the /ptg/ boomers shilling in Trump related threads. They literally go from thread to thread posting NPC tier support posts.

This became extremely obvious

and they recycle the same 2016 memes over and over.
So far the only pro-Trump meme I've seen this year is
>Trump 2020 because fuck you
and that's literally it. At least Zion Don memes ring true with his policies.

>foreign policy
Lmaooooo the literal King of Israel is amazing at foreign policy

Do you support MIGA nigga?

Judges make a big difference. We've been overrun by liberalism in law for 70 years or so. Cuckservatives make little difference in legislation, I agree.

Well, I thought generals were cancer from the beginning, but I still support Trump.
Prove he’s the “King” of Israel. Furthermore, your strawman is even more retarded than the moniker, nonce.

sure beats that hillary skank or obama nigger.





>only true answer
Nigger, there is always more than one way to skin a cat.