Hey POL why are you all so homophobic were all just humans who want to love right? Anyways come join our discord to talk were all in VC as of posting this besides it would be nice to have some people to discuss these issues with any way. So come talk! ;) (link in the replies)
Why are you all so homophobic?
Other urls found in this thread:
heres the link :) (sorry this is the only way it wouldnt think it was spam)
I'm not phobic of anyone on the left. I just want them all put in gas chambers
Im sorry you feel that way Join our discord if you want to elaborate.
We don't care about normal-fags. It's the warped fucks we have a problem with. Look at what you see at pride parades. It is unacceptable. Homophobia is on the rise because of those degenerates. Even other gays hate them.
Go drown in nigger cum
I dont see anything wrong with those parades.
Like on what gas to use?
Honestly, I actually don't give a shit if people are faggots or not as long as it fucking stays in their house/bedroom or on a sensible fucking level. Anyone who corrupts children with this shit and/or parades around with HIV dildos tapped to their naked bodies deserves to be thrown in a gas chamber.
They are being pushed by communists to deconstruct western society by the destruction of the family unit.
You don't see anything wrong with naked men and children in fetish gear? You're the problem.
Join my discord im wintercannon im in VC right now
I think pride shouldn't showcase sex
It can show sexuality but not naked men with dildos.
Why are you all pedophiles?
because fag behavior is contagible
assuming that lgtbxxxpedotrany are humans.... Low bait... That discord is a trap don't go..
I kinda made this so you guys could join my discord :/ and not call us names over Jow Forums.
>Naked men hanging around with children at pride parades
>This isn't a problem (according to you)
Kill yourself right fucking now, nonce. Do the world a favour.
fags are gross
>Popularised traps
K fren.
More like
>don't like degenerates
>don't think being gay is a shield from criticism for being a degenerate.
>Nothing wrong
You are 100% Canadian, only leafs say shit like that.
Effiminate men are a scourge and should be shunned; homosexuality adds nothing to society
media owned by jews, check it
You are Ok With Men Ramming their Cock up each others assholes?
Whether or not they do sodomy in public or in private, Gays Should be gulaged.
Oh golly gee? Really?
I don't know how it's a trap, but I wasn't going to waste my time walking into without setting up a fake discord.
And that means logging out of my primary Troll Discord, and fuck that. I don't remember it's password.
I'm not, I'm gay.
But I'm also a geneticist, so I have to also be a nationalist if I'm honest. Which makes me kind of an outlier.
No, Its the Jewish Marxists Not The Stalinist Strasserittes
Fucked checked. I'll consider shit posting your Discord.
>Why you a homophob?
I don't fear gays
You are genetic waste. We Stalinists and Strasserites will gulag Jewish cultural Marxists like you after the revolution.
You're sexual deviant that are no different from pedophiles and animal fuckers
Homosexuality is an abomination and a sin. Homosexuals will not enter the kingdom of heaven. Homosexuals spread disease. Homosexuals have mental disorders. Homosexuals go against nature. Homosexuals are pedophiles. Homosexuals degrade society into degeneracy. Homosexuals hate Christ. Repent and turn away from your sin.
>A name fag
Neck yourself. But first, look at this meme dump.
I Hate kikes though. I Hate Faggots aswel incase that's your misunderstanding
You deserve far worse
This should be in all caps, and have exclamation points at the end of every sentence. It just looks all wrong, otherwise.
See from my eye, normality is bi-sexuality.
Irrational aversion for the opposite sex is pathologic. Exclusive homosexuality can be a symptom of that. Just go to see a confrere. This is generally quite easy to manage.
Irrational aversion for homosexuals (mostly, same sex than you homosexuals) is cultural. Debunk yourself. We can provide indirect help by minddigging and cartography.
Fully developed adult are suppose to be bisexual.
This is why we are force to lie to you low-rankers.
Stop funking warn the enemy about our intentions!
I looove this visual.
But i cannot understand "qyeers" mean...
Dont join discords, they are honeypots ran by glowies
>join our trannycord
Phobia means fear.
I'm not afraid of gay people i'm disgusted by them.
I also pity them.
because of shit like this
also this
Fuck off you STD spreading, child molesting, drug abusing faggot.
This thread doesn’t help. It’s a fucking clickbait advertisement. Kys
I'm not a homophobic woman, I just don't agree with your actions of openly trying to indoctrinate our children. If it was just homosexuality being kept in the privacy of the bedroom where it belongs, then cool. But when shit like Desmond Is Amazing happens, and Drag Queen Story Time, I'm going to put a stop to that shit.
Yes, thank you! That's exactly what I'm saying!!
You don't see anything wrong with those parades?? How about exposing yourselfs sexually to kids that have to come walking by, and then the event creators just give interviews saying that it's okay, it's a good physical learning experience for kids!?? Sicko!
It's most definitely a trap.
Perhaps you should just go back to the LGBT board?
why dont you hop on your bicycle and ride off a cliff faggot
>why are you all so homophobic
Got news for you, Cupcake. You don't scare anyone. Your behavior is disgusting, repugnant and vile. Fuck off.
I’m not afraid of faggots, just don’t think they’re valuable to society. It’a a degenerate unnatural selfish lifestyle based on sex and pleasure.
Honestly because I've had multiple gay men attempt to rape me.
Fucking leave me alone, buttpirates.
Ignoring all the awful stuff that goes on there, there is no need for pride parades. I fancy other men, and I gotta say, there's nobody lynching me. Most young people my age have no problem with it because it's not something I ever mention, unless they ask, and it's just one part of my identity. Congrats, gays can get married, now stop the leftist nonsense. It's very clear you people don't know when to stop and it will only lead to bad things in the future. Finish while you're ahead and stuff the pedophiles in a blender while you're at it.
Why should we care about their opinion? We are better than those impulsive, violent, primitive breeders. They are fucking up the world with overpopulation. Get rid of them, that’s what we should do
That's the main problem, that you don't even see the shit you are doing to society (pic related)
Homophobia is a misnomer. Most people hate you but I legit have a strong fear of having fags around children considering most paedophiles are fags and molestations leads to faggotry.
I won’t go out of my way to kill a fag, but I had a neighbour that was a major H-Bomb addict and when I saw him ODing in the Walgreens parking lot near me I didn’t call the cops.
Don’t get me started about this “pride month” shit either. That’s just downright absurd and hopefully it creates more resentment for queers.
that meme, kek
Ummmm sweaty did you just assume my prejudice?
When sex can only be censored if it's straight otherwise it's discrimination
They fear me
Adults trying to make kids gay
I would feel bad if I didn't hate kids
Based homosexual
Still can't understand why y'all so fearful of the big gay
More reasons why you should be put down like dog but you don't have the balls to read them because you know i am right
I have no problems whatsoever with homosexuals.
The gay ones weird me out, though.
because i fingered my ass when i was younger and i need to hate the gay away
We're not homophobic. We just don't want faggots faggoting in our streets and forcing children to faggot with them in the name of (((progress)))
fuck off poofter nobody wants to hear about your disgusting life of chugging jizz and scat you filthy fucking animal