What did I ever do to deserve such hatred? The amount of people who don't support my rights is totally incomprehensible, it's not like I ever hurt anyone. I just want respect.
I'm transgender
You have the right to be whatever gender you need to be.
Why do you think you deserve respect? What should people respect you for?
you hate yourself more than any of us ever could
Okay we all respect you. Will you shut the fuck up now?
Respect is earned. You arent off to a good start though. You have fallen pray to a mental disorder, and are whining on a forum. What have you accomplished that would make me respect you?
What you did was fail to realize that even if your lifestyle wasn't a result of a mental illness, it's not for everyone. If transgender people started protesting schools forcing LGBT "education" on other people's kids, I'd be more for them.
At the very least,I hope you do realize you're being used as a wedge issue by the democrats. They no longer have gay marriage,so now they have transgenderism and fucking with the minds of children. But if you oppose this,you're an evil bigot.
The world should not have to capitulate to your mental illness, you insufferable little shit. You require medication, perhaps institutionalization, not hormones and the collective browbeating of society into pretending you freaks are something you're not. tldr eat shit you attention seeking faggot.
Respect is usually earned
Go see a doctor and get on fucking meds for that shit. Don't try to prove your not insane by cutting your dick off. It may be trendy right now but in a few years you will be confined to a mental institution for doing that. That is, if you don't an hero yourself before then.
Nah, not as much as I hate trannies. It's impossible. I want them all to hang.